Funding for researchers and professors


With the aim of boasting excellence in research and attracting qualified researchers from Italy and abroad, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice has recently published a call for applications addressed to Researchers as well as Associate and Full professors appointed during the year 2017.

Funding, which amounts to a total of 120.000 EUR, will be granted to individuals who will submit a project proposals to be implemented during the first phase of their appointment. Each proposal submitted in the ERC area Social Sciences and Humanities may receive up to a co-funding amount of 10.000 EUR, while those concerning Life Sciences and Physical Sciences and Engineering may be granted up to 20.000 EUR in case specific equipment is purchased.The initiative is part of the annual programming of the Fund Ca’ Foscari University of Venice reserves to the support of research activities and the internationalization strategy. The call for applications intends to secure a concrete support to Researchers recently appointed by taking into consideration the novelty of their proposal and the ability to intertwine different disciplines as well as promote external collaborations.

Applications should be sent to the Research Area at the email address   ricerca.nazionale@unive not later than 120 days from the official appointment using the form available at