
Fabio Pranovi
Biology and Ecology

Let’s talk about you: what is your background, what do you teach, and what are your research interests?
Born in Venice, I graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Padua, and since 1997 I have been a researcher at Ca' Foscari, where I teach Ecology; my research activity is focused on marine environments, with emphasis on renewable resources management. Recently, I have also been interested in the impact of climate change on ecosystem structure and operation and in possible mitigation measures.

Which is the area you have always wanted to be involved in but have not yet had the opportunity to explore?
I am very interested in the shift in farming towards more sustainable systems, especially conservation agriculture. In short, a different environmental situation from the one I have been working on so far, but still linked to the primary production sector.

What is the aspect of your research you are most passionate about?
Contributing to the implementation of management solutions aimed at reducing the unsustainability of human exploitation of renewable resources in different environments/ecosystems.

Have you always known that this was going to be your path?
Honestly, no. I liked applied research, but I thought I would do it in a totally different setting from academia.

What do teaching and researching mean to you?
Bringing the results of your own research into teaching is not always easy and immediate, but it is certainly intense and rewarding. Interacting with young people to imagine and start building a different future with them is very stimulating.

Can you offer any advice to researchers in the early stages of their career?
I believe that one of the keywords is 'contamination'; ranging between very different disciplines is not only culturally enriching, but is now a necessary condition to understand the complexity that surrounds us and to be able to imagine solutions that will help us get out of the current unsustainable situation.


Last update: 28/08/2024