Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Linguistic and Cultural Mediation

Linguistic and Cultural Mediation [LT5-21-21]
Enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022


Professoressa Ordinaria
Coordinatrice del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Economics, Finance and Sustainability
Delegata di Dipartimento ai Rapporti con il Campus Treviso
Rappresentante del personale docente nel Senato Accademico
041 234 9170 / 041 234 6676
Econometria [ECON-05/A]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Economia
Sito web struttura:
Sede: San Giobbe
Centro Europeo Interuniversitario di Ricerca - European Center for Living Technology
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Ca' Bottacin
Centro Interdipartimentale "Scuola Interdipartimentale in Economia, Lingue e Imprenditorialità per gli Scambi Internazionali"
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Treviso - Palazzo San Paolo
Research Institute
Research Institute for Complexity


November 2006 - : Professor of Econometrics, Department of Economics, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.

May 2014 – September 2020: Head Department of Economics, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.

October 2011 – September 2014: Head Campus Treviso, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.

November 2000 – October 2006: Associate Professor of Econometrics, Department of Economics, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.

January 1996 – October 2000: Assistant Professor of Econometrics, Department of Economics, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.

January 1996 - : Consultant at GRETA Associati.

October 1994 - December 1995: Researcher at CREST (INSEE Paris): Thesis preparation.

December 1994 - December 1995 : Junior Consultant at the Caisse Autonome de Refinancement (Groupe Caisse des Depôts et des Consignations), Paris.

April 1993 - September 1993: Research assistant at GRETA Associati, Venice.



Dynamic latent factor models; Simulation based inference techniques; Bayesian methods; Networks; Volatility and risk modelling; Switching regime models; Volatility transmission and contagion; Systemic Risk; Hedge funds; Mutual fund performance; Business cycle analysis; Sustainable Finance.



October 1994 – January 1999

Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, University Paris IX Dauphine, France; Summa cum laude.

Subject:           Simulation based methods for inference in non linear state-space models

Supervisor:     Alain Monfort

Committee:     Proff. C. Gouriéroux, E. Renault, S. Richardson, G. Calzolari, H. van Dijk.

1993-1994      DEA M.A.S.E. (Mathématiques Appliquées aux Sciences Economiques), University Paris IX Dauphine, France.

1987-1993      Laurea in Economics, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Italy. Summa cum laude.



University of Reading, Henley Business School, Visiting Professor 2022-2024.

Most influential article published in leading journals of the Elsevier’s Finance portfolio in recent years (2010-2015): Billio M., M. Getmansky, A.W. Lo and L. Pelizzon (2012), Econometric Measures of Connectedness and Systemic Risk in the Finance and Insurance Sectors, Journal of Financial Economics, 104, 535-559.

Advanced Research Award, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, 2015.

University of Orléans, France: Visiting Scholar Program, 2012.

University Paris 1 Sorbonne, France: Visiting Scholar Program, 2011.

University Paris IX Dauphine, France: Visiting Scholar Program, 2010.

Banque of France: Visiting Scholar Program, 2008-2009.

Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, Paris: Visiting Scholar Program, 2007.

Ente Luigi Einaudi, Rome, Italy: Scholarship, 1994-1995 and 1995-1996.

University Paris IX Dauphine, France: Research Grant, 1994-1996.

University of Venice, Italy: Scholarship, 1993-1994.

Nice Etoile and Bologna Lyons Clubs: Fellowship, 1991.



European Commission – DG Reform TSI-2023-ESGRM-IBA, “ESG Uptake - ESG risk management framework for the financial sector”, 2023-2026; Coordinator.

MIUR Project “Challenges in ESG Investing and Sustainable Finance”, 2023-2025; Local coordinator.

MIUR – NextGenerationEU – GRINS Growing Resilient INclusive and Sustainable, Coordinator of the Sustainable Finance Spoke.

European Commission LIFE-2021-CET-MAINSTREAM, “ENGAGE – Engage for ESG activation investments”, 2022-2025; Local coordinator.

MIUR Project “Fin4Green Finance for a Sustainable, Green and Resilient Society”, 2022-2025; National coordinator.

European Commission H2020-LC-Green Deal-2020-3, “WaterLANDS - Water-based solutions for carbon storage, people and wilderness”, 2021-2026; joint local coordination with Carlo Giupponi.

European Commission H2020-LC-SC3-EE-2020-2, “TranspArEEnS – Mainsteaming Transparent Assessment of Energy Efficiency in ESG Ratings”, 2021-2023; Coordinator.

Europlace Finance Institute grant, Project on “Climate Risk, ESG Factors and Financial Stability" with Michele Costola, Serge Darolles, Loriana Pelizzon, 2020-2021.

World Bank Group, “COVID-19 Pandemic, Financial Shock and Natural Disasters: Assessing compound risks in emerging countries”, 2020; joint supervision with Irene Monasterolo.

European Commission H2020-LC-SC3-EE-2019, “EeMMIP Energy efficient Mortgage Market Implementation Plan”, 2020-2022; Local coordinator.

EUROSTAT, Euro-indicators, “Monthly production of coincident indicators for growth cycle and business cycle”, 2020-2022; joint coordination with Roberto Casarin.

MIUR Project “Hi-Di NET Econometric Analysis of High Dimensional Models with Network Structures in Macroeconomics and Finance”, 2020-2023; National coordinator.

EIBURS Project “ - ESG Factors and Climate Change for Credit Analysis and Rating”, 2019-2022; Coordinator.

European Commission H2020-EE-2017-CSA-PPI, “EeDaPP Energy efficiency Data Protocol and Portal”, 2018-2020; Local coordinator.

European Commission H2020-EE-2016-CSA-PPI, “EeMAP Energy efficient Mortgages Action Plan”, 2017-2019; Local coordinator.

EUROSTAT, Euro-indicators, “Monthly production of coincident indicators for growth cycle and business cycle”, 2017-2019; joint coordination with Antonio Paradiso.

EUROSTAT, Methodological Support, “Financial cycles”, 2016-2017; joint coordination with Roberto Casarin.

Europlace Finance Institute grant, Project on "Impacts of the Quantitative Easing on the Insurance Industry” with Dominique Guégan and Loriana Pelizzon, 2015-2016.

EUROSTAT, Euro-indicators, “Monthly production of coincident indicators for growth cycle and business cycle”, 2014-2016; Coordinator.

European Commission FP7-SSH-2012-2, “SYRTO Systemic risk tomography: signals, measurement, transmission channels, and policy interventions”, 2013-2016; Local coordinator and Project Scientific Co-Coordinator. Final Technical Review Report Evaluation (European Commission): Excellent/Excellent and success/case story.

MIUR Project “Multivariate statistical models for risk assessment”, 2013-2016; Local coordinator.

Project on "Sovereign, Bank and Insurance Credit Spread: Connectedness and System Networks” with Andrew Lo, Mila Getmansky, Loriana Pelizzon, Robert Merton and Dale Gray, Europlace Finance Institute grant and Inquire Europe grant, 2012-2013.

EUROSTAT, Euro-indicators, “Monthly production of coincident indicators for acceleration cycle, growth cycle and business cycle”, 2010-2013; Coordination joint with Laurent Ferrara (Banque de France, Paris).

EUROSTAT, Euro-indicators, “Regular update and improvement of a euro area chronology for acceleration cycle, growth cycle and business cycle”, 2010-2013; joint coordination with Jacques Anas (COE-Rexecode, Paris).

NBER project on Market Institutions and Financial Market Risk, Coordinator M. Carey and R. Stulz, with Andrew Lo, Mila Getmansky and Loriana Pelizzon, 2009-2011.

Project on “Funding Liquidity, Crises and Systemic Risk” with Andrew Lo, Mila Getmansky and Loriana Pelizzon, Inquire Europe grant, 2009-2010.

CAREFIN Università Bocconi grant for project “Funding liquidity crisis and Hedge Fund Risks” with Andrew Lo, Mila Getmansky and Loriana Pelizzon, 2009-2010.

EIB - CREDIT Network: European Network on Credit Risk Management. Members: Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University, Tilburg; European Centre for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics, Bruxelles; GRETA, Venice; Groupe de Recherche en Economie et Statistique, Paris; Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen; London Business School, London; Universidad Carlos III, Madrid; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurig, 2008-: Participant.

EUROSTAT, Euro-indicators, “Relationship between economic and statistical approaches in the field of business cycle analysis”, 2008; joint coordination with Tommaso Proietti (Università di Roma Tor Vergata) and James Mitchel (NIESR, London).

MIUR project “Financial variables and business cycle: interdependence and real effects of financial fluctuations”, 2006-2008; Local coordinator.

EUROSTAT, Euro-indicators, “Monitoring and evaluation of existing turning points chronologies of the Euro-zone”, 2006-2009; joint coordination with Jacques Anas (COE, Paris).

EUROSTAT, Euro-indicators, “Methodological improvements for the construction of coincident turning point indicators for the Euro-zone”, 2006-2009; joint coordination with Jacques Anas (COE, Paris).

EUROSTAT Unit A6 “Turning point chronology for the Euro-zone”, 2003; joint coordination with Jacques Anas (COE, Paris).

EUROSTAT Unit A6 “Turning points detection: Multivariate Markov Switching Models”, 2003; joint coordination with Jacques Anas (COE, Paris).

EUROSTAT Unit A6 “Construction of realistic proxies for some indicators unavailable at the Eurozone level: New Orders, Building permits, Turnover Index of Services and Volume Index of Services, Export Price Index and Import Price Index, Labour Price, Labour Productivity and Unit Labour Cost Index, Household Disposable Income”, 2001-2002; Coordinator.


Bando Vinci 2021 Cap I: Student mobility grant for double degree Master program in Economics and Finance with Paris IX University.

Bando Vinci 2018 Cap I: Student mobility grant for double degree Master program in Economics and Finance with Paris IX University.

Bando Vinci 2014 Cap I: Student mobility grant for double degree Master program in Economics and Finance with Aix Marseille University.

Bando Vinci 2011 Cap I: Student mobility grant for double degree Master program in Economics and Finance with Aix Marseille University.


2023 -             Member of the Academic Senate, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

2022 -             Member of the Teaching Committee, PhD in The New Public Administration – data and human resources, Bicocca University Milan.

2022 -             Coordinator of the Teaching Committee, Master Degree in Economics, Finance and Sustainability, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

2014 - 2020    Head of the Department of Economics, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.

2014 - 2020    Member of the Academic Senate of University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.

2006 -             International Master in Economics and Finance, Department of Economics, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice: Member of the Teaching Committee.

2003 -             PhD in Quantitative Economics, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice: Member of the Teaching Committee.

2011 - 2014    Head of the School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship (Treviso branch of the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice).

2008 - 2014    Deputy Head of Department of Economics, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.

2007 - 2014    Coordinator of the Teaching Committee, Degree in Economics and Finance, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.

2005 - 2014    Department of Economics, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice: Member of the Executive Committee.


Member of the Board of Directors Fondazione GRINS, 2022-:

Member of the Board of Directors Ifis Npl Investing S.p.A., 2021-:

Member of the Board of Directors Banca Ifis, 2019-:

Member of the Board of Directors Farbanca S.p.A., 2020-2022.

Member of the Board of Directors Contarina S.p.A., 2016-2019.

Member of the Board of Directors Banco delle Tre Venezie, 2015-2019.

Partner Spin Off University of Brescia and Ca’ Foscari University Syrto srl (

Member Scientific Advisory Board Project PERISCOPE - Pan-European Response to the Impacts of COVID-19 and future Pandemics and Epidemics.

Member Scientific Committee StatisticAll ( 2015 - : 

Expert in Economics/Finance, Progetto 100 Esperte (

Member Consortium for Systemic Risk Analytics ( 2011 – :

Member Euro Area Business Cycle Network ( 2009 – :

Member CREDIT network, labelled by the European Investment Bank, 2008 - :

Panel member “Guido Cazzavillan” fellowships, 2015-2020.

Panel member AXA Postdoctoral fellowships, 2015- 2016

Panel member Bank of Italy “Mortara” fellowships, 2014-2018

Panel member “Best Paper Award”, Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2016-2019.

Member International Advisory Board Advances in Decision Sciences, 2019-:

Member of the Advisory Board Annals of Financial Economics, 2018-:

Louis Bachelier Fellow, Institut Louis Bachelier, 2021-:

Senior Fellow Rimini Center for Economic Analysis, 2023-:

Louis Bachelier Fellow, Institut Louis Bachelier, 2021-:

Research Fellow Leibniz Institute SAFE, 2020-:

Fellow International Engineering and Technology Institute (, 2018-:

President, SIdE Italian Econometric Society, 2022-2023.

Member of the Steering Committee, SIdE Italian Econometric Society (2013-2016).

Member Scientific Committee, Computational and Financial Econometrics Network, 2013-:.

Member of the Board of Directors, EFMA European Financial Management Association (2014-2021).

Member of the Scientific Committee, AIFIRM Italian Association Financial Industry Risk Managers (2013-:).

Member of the following societies: Econometric Society (from 1995), Italian Econometric Society (SIdE, from 2009).

Member of the Editorial Board Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2019 -:,

Associate Editor Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2023-:.

Associate Editor Econometrics and Statistics, 2015-:.                                                                                     

Associate Editor Annals Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2011-2015.

Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews.

External Reviewer for several National Research Councils: Canada, France, Australia.

Reviewer for Research Assessment VQR (Italy, 2010-2014- GEV 13).

Member of the Italian Commission for Professorship Habilitation, 2016-2018.



for a complete curriculum vitae click here