Full Professor
Rector's delegate for the Management of cultural heritage
041 234 9861
Scientific sector (SSD)
Storia dell'arte medievale [ARTE-01/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Where: Malcanton Marcorà



phone n. +39 041 234 9861
Gender: M | 08/07/1971 | Nationality: Italian


Full Professor of Medieval and Byzantine Art History, Department of   Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Ca' Foscari University of Venice


 ▪ Iconographic and formal models exchange between Byzantium and medieval West (4th-13th century);

 ▪ Medieval wall decoration (painting and mosaics);

 ▪ Lost mosaics and frescoes of the medieval period (documentation and reconstructive proposals on a graphic basis).


Medieval art; Byzantine art; Iconography; Lost medieval heritage; Medieval and Byzantine Painting; Circulation of artistic models; Art of the Mediterranean Middle Ages.


French University Degree of HdR in medieval history of art (“Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches”), Université de Bourgogne (Dijon).
PhD in medieval history of art at the Paris 1-Sorbonne University and at the Tuscia University of Viterbo (with a dual thesis).
"Diplôme des Études Approfondies” (D.E.A.), in Archeology and History of Byzantine Art, Paris 1-Sorbonne University.
Master degree ("Tesi di Laurea") in Cultural Heritage Conservation at the Tuscia University of Viterbo (Italy).

Since 2021/12/23

Full Professor of Medieval and Byzantine Art History

Dep. of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Dorsoduro 3484/D, 30123 Venice

From 2018/05/30 to 2021/12/22

Associate Professor of Medieval and Byzantine Art History
Dep. of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Dorsoduro 3484/D, 30123 Venice

From 2006/09/06 to 2018/05/29

Maître de conférences en histoire de l'art médiéval (since 2015: with qualification of "Habilité à diriger des recherches")
Département Histoire de l'Art et Archéologie, Université Paul Valéry -Montpellier 3

Route de Mende 34199 Montpellieréologie

Since 2019/03/15

▪  Department's Delegate for the Research (DFBC, Ca' Foscari)

Since 2019/03/15

▪  President of the Research Committee (DFBC, Ca' Foscari)

Since 2019/03/15

▪  Member of the Department Board ("Giunta").

From 2020/01/16 to 2021/03/25

▪ Coordinator of the selection of the research products of the members of the DFBC, Ca' Foscari, for the "VQR 2015-2019" (ministerial campaign for the evaluation of scientific research).

Since 2020

▪ Coordinator of the Agreement between Ca 'Foscari and the Université de Tours for the Italian / French Double Degree (Master's Degree in History of Arts / Italian Philology and Literature and Études italiennes et Histoire de l'art).

Since 2018/08/18

▪ Coordinator of the interdepartmental project Erasmus + ICM for Armenia, between Ca 'Foscari and the University of Yerevan, for scientific exchange and mobility (students and professors).

From 2018/09/10 to 2019/03/30

▪ Department's Delegate for the Orientation and Open Day (DFBC, Ca' Foscari).

Since 2022/04/04 

▪ Member of the selection commission for a Professor position in "Iconography of Christian Art", Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology (PIAC), Vatican City.

Since 2021/01/05

▪ Member of the editorial board Editorial board of the Book Series "Sacro-Santo", (Viella), as the sole representative for the history of medieval art.

Since 2019/02/22

▪ Member of the editorial board of "Venezia arti" (scientific journal of the Department of Philosophy and Culture Heritage, Ca' Foscari University, ISSN: 0394-4298), as the sole representative for the history of medieval art.

Since 2019/04/02

▪ Member of the editorial board of "Eikon-Imago" (scientific journal of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, ISSN: 2254-8718).

From 2020/02/15 to 2020/05/06

▪ President of the Selection Committee for a RtdA place (A-level fixed-term researcher) in the History of Medieval Art, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca.

From 2016/05/19 to 2016/05/14

▪ Member of the University Delegation, led by Anne-Marie Motard (pro-rector for Internationalization), visiting Armenia to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Franco-Armenian cooperation agreement between Paul Valéry and the State University of Yerevan (as sole representative for the history of art).

From 2012/03/21 to 2012/05/10

▪ Member of the Selection Committee for the recruitment of a "Maître de conférences" in "Histoire de l'art médiéval", Université Paul Valéry- Montpellier 3.

From 2009/01/21 to 2009/03/03

▪ Member of the Commission of selection of the competition organized by the Institut National du Patrimoine (France), for the recruitment of ministerial officials responsible for the conservation of cultural heritage ("Conservateurs du Patrimoine").

Since 2018/05/30

As a Professor at the Ca' Foscari University:

▪ Tutoring activities as a Member of the Academic Board of the PhD in History of Arts (2021-2022).

▪ Teaching of "History of medieval art" of the Master's Degree Course in Economics and Management of Arts and Cultural Activities (2021; 2022).

▪ Teaching of "Early Christian Art History" of the Master's Degree Course in History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage (2018-2021).

▪ Teaching of "Iconography and iconology of medieval history of art" of the Master's Degree Course in History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage (2021).

▪ Teaching of "History of Byzantine art" of the Master's Degree Course in History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage (2018-2021).

▪ Teaching of "History of Byzantine art" of the course of the Bachelor's Degree in Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage and Activities (2019-2021).

▪ Teaching of "History of medieval art" of the Master's Degree Course in History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage (2018).

▪ Supervisor of 13 thesis (7 MA and 6 BA).

From 2006/09/06 to 2018/05/29

As a Maître de conférences at the University of Paul Valéry - Montpellier 3:

▪  Tutoring activities as a Member of the École Doctorale of the CEMM ("Center d'Études Médiévales de Montpellier").

▪ Teaching of "Medieval art history" and "Byzantine art history" (Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree).

▪ Teaching of "Promotion and mediation of heritage" (Masters courses).

▪ Supervisor or co-supervisor of 57 thesis of Master Degree.

From 2003/11/02 to 2006/05/23

As a Contract Professor at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Catania (Italy):

▪ Teaching of "History of Byzantine art" of the course of the Bachelor's Degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage.

▪ Supervisor of 3 Bachelor's degree theses.

From 2004/10/08 to 2006/06/22

As a Contract Professor at the Faculty of Conservation of Cultural Heritage, University of Tuscia (Viterbo, Italy):

▪ Teaching of "History of Byzantine Art" at the course of the Bachelor's Degree in Historical-Artistic Heritage.

From 2005/09/26 to 2006/06/16

As a Contract Professor at the Faculty of of Letters and Philosophy, University of Cassino (Italy):

▪ Teaching of "Medieval History of Art" at the course of the Bachelor's Degree in Historical-Artistic Heritage.


Since 2021/06/03

▪ Associate Researcher with the assignment of collaborator at the ISEM ("Institute of the History of Mediterranean Europe"), of the Italian National Council for Research (CNR), as an expert in the history of medieval and Byzantine art.
Since 2019/07/22
▪  Responsible, on behalf of DFBC (Ca' Foscari), of the operational agreement with the Institute of the History of Mediterranean Europe of the National Research Council (created within the "Accordo Quadro CNR-Ca' Foscari", signed on 22/07/2019), for an exchange of scientific collaborations aimed at the realization of the project: "The lost artistic heritage of the Euro-Mediterranean Middle Ages: physical traces, written memories, figurative evidences".
Since 2020/01/02
▪ Scientific partner of the international research project "Rome aux siècles obscurs. Les lumières de la communication visuelle, Ve-XIe siècles (2020-2023), directed by Chiara Croci (Université de Lausanne), in partnership with Sapienza University of Rome, and financed from the Swiss National Fund.
Since 2020/05/16
▪ Responsible, for the DFBC (Ca' Foscari), of an agreement signed with the Department of History, Anthropology, Religions, Performing Arts of Sapienza University of Rome, for an exchange of scientific collaborations in the context of the study of the documentation of the lost wall mosaics of the Middle Ages (Byzantium and the West, 4th-14th century).
Since 2021/11/01
▪ Principal Investigator of the research project ME.MO.R.I.A.: "MEdieval mural MOsaics in Italy: Rediscovering In Absentia (material, figurative and written traces)", within the SPIN ("Supporting Principal INvestigators") of Ca' Foscari University of Venice, budget: 34.700 €.
Since 2019/02/19
▪ Principal Investigator of the research project "Venice and the 'Byzantine' tradition of the wall mosaic (9th-19th century)", Funding of Ca' Foscari University of Venice ("Fondo di Primo Insediamento"), budget: 10.000 €.
Since 2019/06/13
▪ Participation, as expert in medieval beneventan painting, in the international research project "Beneventan Zone in the Middle Ages", coordinated by Richard Gyug (Fordham University of New York) and Andrew J. M. Irving (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen-Holland).

From 2017/01/02 to 2021/12/31

▪ Principal Investigator of the research project, winner of the competitive call with peer review organized by the École française de Rome (as part of the" Program Quinquennal de Recherche", 2017-2021): "Campania felix. Études croisées pour un atlas pluri-thématique et interactif de la peinture médiévale dans l'Aire bénéventano-cassinienne (VIIIe-XIIIe siècle): décors muraux, contextes rupestres, codex enluminés". Co-financed by CEMM (Center d'Études Médiévales de Montpellier) and by the Conseil Scientifique of the Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier 3. Budget: 35. 000€

From 2012/01/02 to 2012/12/31

▪ Participation, as expert researcher from a foreign university (Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier 3), in the international research group of the italian ministerial Research Projects of National Interest (PRIN 2010-2011) "Rock art and habitat in Cappadocia (Turkey) and in central-southern Italy. Rock, excavated architecture, painting: between knowledge, conservation, enhancement ", coordinator Maria Andaloro (University of Tuscia, Viterbo).

From 2008/03/10 to 2010/04/07

▪ Participation, as expert in Byzantine painting, in the three-year university mission "Dévotion et Société dans l'île de Chypre durant le Moyen Âge et la période Ottoman", coordinated by Françoise Robin (Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier 3), financed by the foundation “A. G. Leventis ", by the "Press Information Office" (PIO) of the Ministry of the Interior of Cyprus and by the "Center d'études médiévales de Montpellier" (CEMM). 

▪ Organisation, with Alessandro Taddei (Sapienza University of Rome), of the International Congress "Tracing missing tesserae: lost wall mosaics between Byzantium and the Latin West", Venice, Aula Magna Ca' Dolfin (initially scheduled for 14-16/10/2021, postponed due to the Covid-19 emergency).


since 2022: Member of the RIGG (Römisches Institut der Görres-Gesellschaft)

since 2020: Member of the AISCOM ("Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico").

since 2019: Member of the AISB (“Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini”).

since 2019: Member of the CUNSTA ("Consulta Universitaria Nazionale per la Storia dell'Arte").

since 2011: Member of the AISAME (“Associazione Italiana Storici dell'Arte Medievale”).

since 2007: Member of the CFEB (“Comité Français des Études Byzantines”).

2005: "Alfio Sgalambro" Award of the Rotary Club of Lentini, for research on Byzantine artistic testimonies of the Lentinese territory (12th-13th century).

