Senses, Science and Cultural Expression 
Minors a.y. 2024/2025

Enrolment period

From 05/05/2025 to 09/06/2025

What is a Minor

A Minor is a complementary programme to a Bachelor’s Degree which allows you to broaden your main study field by developing cross-cutting skills that are useful both for your further education and for your career.

A Minor is composed of three modules of 6 ECTS each. By passing the three Minor exams you will get a certification and an Open BadgeFurthermore, Minor can be recognised in the elective course section of your Bachelor’s Degree.

Contacts, FAQs

Objectives and contents

The objective of the Minor is to provide the basics and demonstrate how the development of scientific knowledge on human perception based on sight, hearing, smell and taste is reflected in different fields, ranging from art to technology.

In particular, new knowledge will be taught in the field of physics and chemistry in the reproduction and manipulation of sounds, images, smells and tastes both for creative /aesthetic purposes and to improve the quality of everyday life and/ of the overcoming of sensory and perceptual disabilities.

Recipients and credits recognition

The Minor is offered free of charge to Ca’ Foscari undergraduate and postgraduate students. It is possible to enrol also as an external user.

  • If you are an undergraduate student at Ca’ Foscari, this Minor can be recognised in the elective course section of your Bachelor’s Degree with the exception of students enrolled to all the undergraduate programmes of the scientific area (Informatics, Environmental Sciences, Science and Technologies for Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Chemistry, Technologies, Engineering Physics and Environmental Engineering for the Ecological Transition). Final marks will not affect the average of your degree.
  • If you are a postgraduate student at Ca’ Foscari, the Minor cannot be recognised.


This Minor is taught in Italian.


Professor Federico Polo

Modules of the Minor

Academic year 2024/2025


Enrolment procedure will be available from 05/05/2025 to 09/06/2025 through the registration link that will be published on this page. For further information on the procedure, please consult the enrolment guide.

Applicants will be notified via email if the Minor is not activated. At the end of the enrolment period, students who have applied will receive confirmation of enrolment.

Number of participants

Lessons will be carried out with at least ten participants.
There is no maximum number of participants.

Type of recipients and rates

The Minor is offered free of charge to Ca’ Foscari undergraduate students. Before enrolling you must have finalised your enrolment in your Degree Programme, otherwise you will be charged a 496 euros fee (480 euros + 16 euros duty stamp).

External users, not enrolled to Ca’ Foscari undergraduate nor postgraduate programmes, can enrol in the Minor with a charge of 496 euros (480 euros + 16 euros duty stamp).

If you are a student at another university, the fee is reduced to 336 euros (320 euros + 16 euros duty stamp). At the end of the enrolment process, stop before you make the payment and click on Request for assistance in order to get in touch with the Enrolment unit. Ca’ Foscari staff will contact you to explain how to get the reduction on the enrolment fee.

Attendance and exams

Enrolment lasts one year. It is mandatory to attend the three modules in the same year and take the exams in the four exam sessions available. 

Attendance is not mandatory. 

You will not be allowed to complete the Minor programme the following year: the last session available to take exams is January. Final marks will not affect the average of your Bachelor’s degree career.

By passing the three Minor exams you will get a certification from your personal area and an Open Badge.
If you fail one or more exams in your Minor, you will still be entitled to receive the certification for the exams you passed, but the credits of the Minor will not be recognized in the elective course section of your Bachelor’s Degree programme.


In order to allow students to attend Minors during the summer period, Ca' Foscari plans to reserve some rooms in the university residences, depending on the availability. If you are interested, please fill out this form. We will register your interest and put you in touch with the facility management between April and May.


Withdrawing from Minor is possible: filling the withdrawal form, you must attach the receipt of the online payment of the duty stamp (16 euros). You can find the withdrawal form within the FAQs. Please, be aware that enroling again after the withdrawal will be at your expense.