Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities

The Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH) is part of the Department of Humanities of Ca' Foscari University of Venice. It supports the development, accessibility and dissemination of research and teaching in the Digital (DH) and Public Humanities (PH) by facilitating exchange and coordination between existing experiences and by inspiring new projects.


  • collaborates in various research projects with local, national and international partner institutions 
  • coordinates the current master in DH and organizes summer school and the new degree
  • set up a series of events interesting for researchers, students and people
[ve]DPH - Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities


'I conti con la storia' - 'Confronting History'. Italian Racial Laws: Memory, Television, Historiography
'I conti con la storia' - 'Confronting History'. Italian Racial Laws: Memory, Television, Historiography

The research "I conti con la storia" explores how Italian public TV addressed Fascist racial laws against Jews from 1938, linking media portrayals with academic historiography. Led by Leonardo Campus, it produced a peer-reviewed article and an interactive WebDoc featuring rare TV extracts and public interviews. Accessible in Italian and English, it serves as a historical and educational tool, praised as "unmissable" by Il Corriere della Sera.
Read more at this link.

Indexing the Early Modern Printed Image: A Digital Catalogue on the Illustrated Book in Lyon (1480-1600)
Indexing the Early Modern Printed Image: A Digital Catalogue on the Illustrated Book in Lyon (1480-1600)

Barbara Tramelli's "Indexing the Early Modern Printed Image" explores Lyon's pivotal role in Renaissance printing (1480–1600). Supported by Equipex Biblissima (CNRS), the project indexed over 3,300 illustrations from Lyon’s sixteenth-century books, now hosted in the Warburg Institute Database. This work highlights innovative Digital Humanities methodologies, combining digital iconography and art history to analyze, search, and share early modern printed images. A collaboration with Oxford and Venice institutes further enriches the study. Open access and peer-reviewed.
Free download at this link.

magazén - International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities
magazén - International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities

We are pleased to announce the publication of magazén | International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities, vol. 5.2. All articles (3 engl., 3 ital.) as always are freely accessible online. Magazén is the interdisciplinary journal of the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH). It is indexed in Scopus, undergoes double-blind peer review, and is published twice per year in open access by Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. The journal aims at stimulating an interdisciplinary discourse on methods and practices serving a collaborative development of durable, reusable, shared resources for research and learning in the field of digital and public humanities.

Dungeon Iconography of an Archetype
Dungeon Iconography of an Archetype

The VeDPH is glad to welcome to the international conference “Dungeon: The Iconography of an Archetype from Antiquity to the Digital Age”. The event seeks to offer a fresh multidisciplinary perspective on the subterranean and labyrinthine space as an iconographic topos, tracing its development from ancient times to the intricate multilayered architectures of contemporary digital culture.