Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Sustainable Chemistry and Technologies


Final degree exam

University procedure

Annual deadlines for request to graduate

  • 1-10 April for the Summer session;
  • 1-10 September for the Autumn session;
  • 1-10 December for the extraordinary session;
  • 10-15 January for extraordinary session paying a surcharge of 100 euros.

Regulations of the Degree Programme

Regulations for internships and final degree exam

Class L-27 – Science and Chemical Technology 

The present regulations are approved by the Board for the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nano Systems from the meeting on 13/03/2018.
The present regulations are in effect for those students enrolled in the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Chemistry and Technology, order DM 270/04.

The request for an internship and final degree test, and the certificate for completing the internship, completed and signed, must be scanned and emailed to

Art. 1

To be able to graduate the student must have acquired the relative credits: 5 ECTS from an Internship, 1 ECTS from the course ‘Health and Safety in Teaching Activities and Research’ and 3 ECTS from the final exam.

Art. 2

Two types of placement are available:

  1. ‘Internal’ Internship - to take place in the laboratories at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
  2. ‘External’ Internship - to take place at an Institution, Research Laboratory or a firm external to the university (in which case it is necessary to pre-emptively come to an agreement with the university and employer).

The Teaching Committee for the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Chemistry (CTS) approves the internship project based on the application submitted by the student and formulated through a specific module, and assigns the student a supervisor, who must be a tenured professor, a contract professor, or a researcher at the university.

In the case of the experimental activity being undertaken outside Italy, see the University regulations for the necessary fulfillments.

Those who undertake a thesis outside Italy, through the exchange programmes with the university should periodically send a descriptive report of the activity carried out to their internal supervisor up until this moment.

To be admitted to their placement, the student must have achieved at least 140 ECTS.

Art. 3

It is the responsibility of the supervisor to guide and coordinate the work carried out by the candidate and to oversee all the requirements laid out by the present guidelines are fulfilled.

To be admitted onto the placement, the student must complete the appropriate form and submit it to the Scientific Campus Administrative Office. The official start of the thesis period is set from the first day of the experimental work, which must be indicated in the application.

Art. 4

The internship consists of the development of experimental activities through a specific field, agreed upon between the candidate and the supervisor and approved by the Teaching Committee.

To be able to acquire the 9 ECTS for the Internship and the preparation of the final exam, the period of experimental activity cannot be extended for more than 3 months.

To complete the internship the student must attend the ‘Training Activity for Bibliographic Research in the field of Chemistry’ offered by the Science Area Library.

Art. 5

For each student, the Teaching Committee designates a thesis supervisor chosen from professors or researchers.

The task of the thesis supervisor is to critically evaluate the work of the candidate and to agree upon a mark for the student with the supervisor.

Art. 6

To take the final degree exam, students must have obtained all the expected ECTS from their personal study plan (177 ECTS) exempting the ones obtained by the final degree exam (3 ECTS).

Art. 7

The final degree exam consists of a discussion of the thesis work that the candidate carried out during the internship period, presented in a written piece of work, elaborated on by the student under the guide of their supervisor.

Students enrolled in a five year degree programme who have already obtained ECTS equal to or higher than those necessary to obtain the Degree in Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies (180), the internship period may not be required. In this case, the final degree exam consists of the discussion of a with a supervisor and approved by the Teaching Committee.

Art. 8

The evaluation of the final degree exam will take into consideration the entire academic experience of the candidate.

The last exam must be held before the end of the established University session.

The thesis should be delivered to the thesis supervisor according to the established university timetable and deadlines.

Art. 9

The supervisor, taking into account the opinions of the thesis supervisor should award a mark between 0 and 6 points.

The supervisor can assign possible bonus marks according to the University’s current regulations.

The honours request should be presented, in written form, from the supervisor to the thesis supervisor. The necessary condition in order to be able to attribute the honours is that the grade, obtained by adding the weighted average of the votes obtained in the profit exams, the additional bonus points and the grade from the final exam is equal to or greater than 110.

Art. 10

The proclamation and delivery of the Degree Diploma will occur on Graduation Day, provided by each session with the university established procedure.


Scientific Campus

ADiSS - Scientific Campus
Via Torino 155 [ITA], Epsilon building (ground floor), 30170 Venezia Mestre (Italy)

Campus services:
External internships:
Information tutors: