
07 Dec 2023 10:30

Joan Manuel Batista-Foguet | Smartphone use & Self-awareness

San Giobbe - Aula Saraceno

Joan M. Batista Foguet, Professor Emeritus - Esade Business School Ramon Llull University, will present his latest research project: "Smartphone use & Self-awareness", on December 7th, at 10.30 am in room Saraceno - San Giobbe Campus. 

Also online via Zoom (Passcode: 83vF8S)

Do we take advantage of the great utility of the smartphone, or on the contrary, the addiction induced by its content besides its easy portability and ubiquitous use already overcome the individual autonomy that it provides us?
Despite the enormous utility of the smartphone, there is increasing awareness about its dark sides. If everything is outsourced to the smartphone, we depend on it for everything, work, entertainment, and stimulation. Digital detox expert Holland Haiis assures that mobile addiction is the predominant addiction in this century. Studies have already shown that SP's misuse has undesirable neurological consequences such as techno-stress, cortisol release, reduction of our creativity, learning capacity, immune system, neurogenesis, etc.
The research project aims at establishing a set of observable indicators -items of a questionnaire- that allow us to evaluate ourselves first and, then, also ask our partner, colleagues, etc (360 assessment) to evaluate our real behavior regarding the use of the smartphone. The gap between both evaluations would be relevant per each individual. And, above all, it would contribute to providing self-awareness as a first step for any action that wants to be established in medicine, epidemiology, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, or politics.


The event will be held in English

Organized by

Dipartimento di Management/ Venice School of Management

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