
02 May 2024 14:00

PRAGMATIST ANTHROPOLOGY. Techniques, Interests, Ignorance and Habits

Aula Biral, 4° piano, Malcanton Marcorà

The workshop “Pragmatist anthropology: techniques, interests, ignorance and habits” will be an opportunity to address the proposed themes, with presentations essentially serving as points of reflection. It will be attended by Mathias Girel (Ecole normale supérieure de Paris), David Hildebrand (University of Chicago), Pierre Steiner (Université de Technologie de Compiègne), Matteo Santarelli (Università di Bologna) e Roberta Dreon (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia).

Participation is by invitation, so if you are interested in participating, please contact Dr. Alice Morelli via email.

This seminar was carried out within the project “Habits in (Time of) Crisis (HiToC). Conceptual Tools for Dealing with Disruptive Events" and received funding from the European Union NextGenerationEU - National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) – MISSION 4 COMPONENT 2, INVESTIMENT 1.1 Fondo per il Programma Nazionale di Ricerca e Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) – CUP N. H53D23006610006.


The event will be held in Italian

Organized by

Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali, Centro CLAVeS, Progetto HITOC, PHIL HABITS Inter University Center


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