
02 May 2024 15:45

Neural network models for climate and pollution applications in the Arctic

Auditorium Danilo Mainardi, Edificio ALFA - Campus Scientifico via Torino

Speaker: Antonello Pasini, CNR - Istituto sull'Inquinamento Atmosferico

Link Zoom:
Meeting ID: 868 6224 7416
Passcode: g62GA1

The climate system has always been studied by means of dynamic models that use our theoretical knowledge of the functioning of its subsystems. Recently, however, data-driven analysis methods have joined them in an alternative or complementary way. In this seminar we will introduce neural network modeling for climate applications and show some of its uses in this field, from attribution of recent global warming to downscaling and local future projections, to forecasting PM10 in the Arctic.     

Bio Sketch:
Antonello Pasini is a CNR climatologist physicist, first researcher at the Institute on Atmospheric Pollution and professor of Climate Physics at Roma Tre University.
He works on developing and applying mathematical models in the field of climate study, with the main purpose of identifying the causes of climate change at global and regional scales, and to study impacts at regional and local scales. He develops artificial intelligence (neural network) models in particular. It has successfully applied such models globally, but also in various regions of the world, e.g., Mediterranean, Arctic, and Africa. For the African continent, with a focus on the influence of climate change on agriculture and human migration phenomena.
He has authored numerous articles in international journals and edited a specialized book(Artificial intelligence methods in the environmental sciences). But he has also published several popular books, the latest of which are Greenhouse Effect, War Effect. Climate, Conflict, Migration: Italy on the Front Line (2nd ed. 2020), ed. Chiarelettere (written with G. Mastrojeni), which deals with the influences of climate change on migratory phenomena, and The Disaster Equation: climate change on fragile territories, ed. Codice (2020), on the impacts of weather-climate changes on extreme events in Italy.
He is the author of the first Italian climate blog, Il Kyoto fisso, published from 2007 to 2012 in Il Sole 24 ore and now (since 2012) published on the web pages of Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American). The blog won the National Science Popularization Award in 2016.


The event will be held in Italian

Organized by

prof. Carlo Barbante (Dottorato in Scienze Polari nazionale e quadriennale)

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