Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT010N (AF:225877 AR:121340)
Blended (on campus and online classes)
ECTS credits
Surnames M-Z
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course falls within the supplementary teachings of the third year in the economic curriculum of Japan area of the B.A. degree in "Languages, Cultures and Societies of Asia and of Mediterranean Africa" ​. A2+/B1 of the CEFR.
Formative objectives of the course fall within the area of ​​language skills learning.
Objectives of the course are:
- stimulating students to autonomous research of the instruments to develop appropriate skills to carry out activities related to Japanese commercial field and to deepening the knowledge of relational and honorific Japanese language in a working environment. Specifically the students will be able to:
- research online tools useful for autonomous study of grammatical structures at an intermediate level
- use the tools to practice and learn the structures of relational language in a workplace
- recognise their role in the workplace and use relational language in an appropriate way
- answer the phone at work (companies and institutions)
- carry out fair interpreting
- support a commercial negotiation
At the end of the course students should reach a B1 level of the CEFR / CEFR (between level N3 and N2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test).
Advanced A2 / B1- intermediate level
* B1: Is able to understand the essential points of clear messages in standard language on familiar topics that he normally faces at work, at school, in his free time, etc. He gets along in many situations that may arise while traveling in a region where the language in question is spoken. Can produce simple and coherent texts on topics that are familiar or are of interest to him. He is able to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes, ambitions, to briefly explain reasons and give explanations on opinions and projects.

1. Knowledge and understanding
Complete knowledge of the structures of Japanese honorific language
Start the knowledge of the vocabulary of the Japanese language for commerce
Know and understand the functioning of the grammatical structures of the intermediate level Japanese language
Know and understand the variations in the register and communication of the Japanese language at an intermediate level
Know and understand the concepts and terminology essential for a business negotiation

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
Knowing how to identify the different types of honorific / relational language
Demonstrate a general understanding of the grammatical structures of Japanese honorific / relational language
Knowing how to interact in the communicative situations foreseen by the advanced A2 / B1 level of the CEFR
Knowing how to understand and produce oral and written texts in agreement with the advanced A2 / B1 level of the CEFR related to the working environment
To be able to translate intermediate written texts related to commercial products from Japanese to Italian
Know how to use online tools for shared work
Improve the ability to use online tools for translation

3. Autonomy of judgment:
Being able to argue elementary concepts and produce examples to support or refutation in Japanese
Being able to independently produce oral texts and writings suitable to answer the telephone, guide a client in a fair, complete a commercial negotiation
Being able to critically test current myths and prejudices about the Japanese language (eg presumed untranslatability, opacity, etc.)

4. Communication skills:
Understanding and written and oral production and oral interaction skills required by the advanced A2 / B1 level of the CEFR
Be able, during the lessons, to interact with peers and with the teacher in a critical and respectful way, both in class and online.
Be able to communicate your ideas and opinions with future employers and / or professional guests who will speak during the course.

5. Learning skills
Know how to take notes and share them in a collaborative way on the online platform.
Being able to create collaborative shared spaces online
Being able to independently search for information to deepen the knowledge.
Being able to critically consult the materials found and / or proposed by the teacher
Be able to consult the texts and reference materials suggested in the course bibliography
Be able to develop the skills acquired to undertake further study on the topics covered during the course
The teaching is in continuity with the teachings of "Japanese Language 1", "Japanese Language 2.1" and "Japanese Language 2.2", and contributes to achieve integrative learning outcomes to the teachings of "Japanese Language 3.1" and "Japanese Language 3.2 "of the third year of the course.
This is a blended course: access to moodle.unive.it
Schedule follows.

Interpreting and translating activities will be held. Personal initiative is relevant to the course.
During the course useful tools will be presented, and students will be required to utilise them individually.

Students will be given 'real context' dialogues to (video) translate, and will be asked to compose a dialogue by themselves.
Participating in class is strongly requested.
It is necessary to have a recorder devise.

ATTENDING STUDENTS (FREQUENTANTI): students who participate in classroom activities, complete 90% of online assignments, and participate at least at 5 out of 6 online workshops.

week 1:
motivational survey
course and methodologies presentation
'how to' for blended course.
workshop (opening on Saturday morning, closing on Monday at 23:55 + evaluation on Tuesday 10AM to Wednesday 23:55)

week 2:
relational speech
Shukatsu: active learning
business cards
video tutorial of the course.
self-introduction video uploading.

week 3
quiz online about keigo
Text: Al Telefono

week 4 (ONLINE)
workshop Al telefono

week 5
text: In fiera

week 6 (ONLINE)
workshop in fiera

week 7
text: trattativa 1

week 8 (ONLINE)
workshop trattativa 1

text: trattativa 2

week 9
Trattativa rewind

week 10 (ONLINE)
workshop trattativa 2

week 11
job hunting

week 12 (ONLINE)
job interview

week 13 (ONLINE)
workshop about job interview

week 14
course rewind

settimana 15 (ONLINE)
workshop online: exam simulation
Mandatory (NON e-book):
1. Mariotti Marcella, La lingua giapponese, Carocci 2014.
2. Yagi Hiromi, Comunicare Giapponese, Cafoscarina 2011, (1998) [verrà proposta in classe una versione alternativa cafoscarina in fase di sperimentazione: si consiglia quindi caldamente di procurarsi ugualmente il "testo Yagi"]

Okumura M., Kamabuchi Yuuko, 2008, _Shigoto no nihongo: Me-ru no kakikata_, Tokyo, Aruku. (ISBN-13: 978-4757413689)

Oral examination: Japanese/Italian business interpreting

Exam contents:
ALL online materials (non attending students: except workshops)
Business Card of Ca' Foscari (Yagi pag. 254 & google images)
Numbers (Yagi pag. 238-9)
Yagi Hiromi, Comunicare Giapponese, Cafoscarina 2011, (1998):
unità "Al telefono", "In fiera", "Trattativa commerciale 1", "Trattativa commerciale 2"
Terminologia delle pagine: Pagamento-Spedizione-Trasporto (369-370+382), Organizzazione (371+385), Posizioni/Qualifiche (372+385)
Teaching is organized in:
a) apprendimento attivo tramite lezioni in classe e online;
b) practical exercises aimed at building and consolidating the knowledge, skills and competences that the course sets out;
c) tutoring to support the difficulties inherent in the blended mode
Inquires to the course tutors through the MOODLE ONLY through the ONLINE FORUM

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Circular economy, innovation, work" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/10/2018