Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
ET0010 (AF:229545 AR:128518)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
The course aims at explaining the co-operative companies and the consortia, the transformation, the merger and the spin-off, the accounting principles (domestic and international) the bankrupcy and the negotiable instruments
1. Knowledge and understanding
1.1 Knowledge of the prerequisites and understanding of the effects, of a transformation and of the creation of a group of companies.
1.2 Knowledge of the main features of the cooperative companies and understanding of the special nature of the of mutuality.
1.3 Knowledge of accounting and bankrupcy law.
1.4 Knowledge of the type and legislation of the negotiable instruments and the principle of financial markets
2. Applied skills of knowledge and understanding
2.1 Capability of identification of the events mentioned at nn. 1.1 and 1.3 during the business activity, including the case of companies.
2.2 Capability of distinction of the main features of the discipline about the cooperative companies.
2.3 Comprehension of the various laws concerning the negotiable instruments, including the dematerialised ones.
3. Evaluation
3.1 Comprehension of the text of the law.
3.2 Capability of evaluation of the legal consequences of the elements envisaged in the content of the course.
3.3 Capability of balancing the different interests concerning the elements envisaged in the content of the course.
4. Communication skills
4.1 Proper reporting of the specific features of commercial law.
4.2 Critical and dialogical interaction with the examiners during the examination
Commercial Law I
1. The co-opertive companies and the consortia
2. The activity of direction and coordination. The groups
3. The accounting law. The budgets
4. Transformation, merger and spin-off.
5. The contracts of collaboration between entrepreneurs (association in participation, consortiums, g.e.i.e., a.t.i.)
6. Consob and the financial market (overview). Public offers.
7. Insolvency proceedings or procedures
8. Negotiable instruments or Credit titles.
AA. VV. Diritto Commerciale (a cura di L. De Angelis), Milano, Giuffrè, 2017.
SPECIAL PART: L. DE ANGELIS, Elementi di Diritto contabile. Disciplina civilistica e principi contabili internazionali. Milano, Giuffrè, ultima edizione.
Assessment method
Oral examination aimed at assessing the knowledge of the subjects of the course

frontal lecture
Teaching language: Italian
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 18/07/2018