Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0450 (AF:232975 AR:117943)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The teaching of the History of French Culture is part of the international literary, cultural and political curriculum of the course of study in Languages, Civilisations and Language Sciences, in line with the aims of the course of study and the learning area of Literature and Cultures.
1. knowledge and understanding: knowledge of the main lines of French history and the socio-cultural and historical-political dynamics which affect the production of certain cultural phenomena and materials; ability to understand the texts and iconographic and audiovisual materials examined, in terms of their content and their socio-cultural, literary and artistic implications.
2. Applied knowledge and understanding: apply the acquired knowledge to the contextualization of textual and iconographic materials in the historical-cultural, literary and political context in which they were produced.
3. Autonomy of judgement: to formulate hypotheses of analysis; to know how to isolate cultural specificities, detailing their components and putting them in relation with the context, also international; to be able to formulate a personal evaluation and comment on the cultural specificities that emerged during the course of the study faced.
4. Communication skills: understand the presentation of an academic discourse; be able to present in a clear and coherent way a studied problem, be able to argue in a coherent and effective way.
5. Ability to learn: to learn to recognize the typology of a text or material and to formulate hypotheses of analysis; to know how to relate what has been read or studied, to argue in a coherent and appropriate way; to learn to establish appropriate links between the facts and materials examined and the ideas and the context of which they are an expression.

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In order to follow this course optimally, students are required of a good knowledge (at least passive) of the French language (oral comprehension and written comprehension).
La "fabrique des images": history, meanings and metamorphoses of some republican symbols.

The course aims to isolate and study some important symbols of the imaginary republican (Marianne, the frigian cap, the rooster, the flag, the Marseillaise, the Panthéon...) through which take shape the history, the culture and the values of the different eras of the republican France that have contributed to define the socio-cultural identity of this country.
The course will include the study of literary, iconographic and audio-visual materials.

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Jean Carpentier-François Lebrun, Histoire de France, Points, coll. « Points histoire », 2014.
Pascale Goetschel, Emmanuelle Loyer, Histoire culturelle de la France de la Belle Epoque à nos jours, Paris, Colin, coll. « Cursus », 2014.
Bernard Richard, Les emblèmes de la République, CNRS éditions, 2012.
Les Lieux de mémoire, édition publiée sous la direction de Pierre Nora, Gallimard, coll. « Quarto », 1997.

Additional texts will be provided and uploaded to the moodle platform at the beginning of the course.
Interview in which students will be asked to briefly illustrate (preferably in French) a topic that they have chosen to study in greater depth. This will be followed by questions about the program and the support readings (see reference texts).
Conferences held mainly in Italian, with specific contents and texts examined in French. The lessons will be supported by various materials: images, literary texts, journalistic texts, historical documents, videos, theatrical sequences.
Students who are unable to attend classes regularly are required to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course for additional bibliographical information.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 15/10/2018