Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM0190 (AF:248241 AR:135828)
Blended (on campus and online classes)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The teaching is one of the basic activities of this course which allow the students to focus deeply on the basic knowledge and comprehension of language teaching. The aim of the teaching is to develop specific knowledge about the theoretical and the methodological bases for the teaching of Italian for foreigners in different situations:

L1: Italian is taught to native Italian speakers who have already acquired it, but must improve their proficiency and get a metalinguistic knowledge of their mother tongue;
L2: Italian is taught to foreigners living in Italy and studying Italian at school (where non only BICS but also CALP is to be taught) or in adult courses; L2 acquisition takes place spontaneously out of the Italian classes, which are necessary to provide frames and schemes where acquired competence may become metalinguistic learning;
FL: there are two situations in Italian studied abroad: "ethnic" language, i.e. the maintenance of Italian by descendants of Italian migrants, and "foreign" language proper, i.e. Italian taught in Departments, Language Centres and other schools.

The students will acquire knowledge and awareness about the teaching/learning of Italian for foreigners in different contexts.

How language acquisition works: neuro- and psycholinguistic principles; the contents of language teaching according to the Common European Framework.

Appication of neuro-psycolinguistic knowledge to the CEF contents by means of appropriate teaching techniques and procedures.

Knowing how to organise a course matching the requirements of the context and to evaluate teaching materials.

Mastery of the LSP of Language Teaching research.

Note taking, participating in research and work groups, organising autonomous research, carrying out field research
In order to attend the course students should complete their propedeutic bases by reading:
P. E. BALBONI, Le sfide di Babele. Insegnare le lingue nelle società complesse, Torino, Utet, 2015 edition.
There is a video course which can be helpful in www.unive.it/meal.
Different topics are introduced:

1. difference among L1, L2, FL, EL, CL in all types of language teaching contexts;
2. communicative competence models in all types of language teaching contexts;
3. Teaching Italian to foreigners in schools and universities;
4. Teaching BICS and CALP in L2 Italian, especially to migrant students in schools;
5. Teaching FL e EL Italian abroad;
6. Linguistic and teaching certifications for Italian to foreigners.
- BALBONI P.E., Didattica dell'italiano come lingua seconda e straniera, Torino, Bonacci-Loescher, 2014 (the framework of language teaching research)
- BALBONI P.E., Fare Educazione Linguistica, Torino, Utet Università, 2013 edition (the operational dimension of Italian teaching in Italy and abroad)
- BALBONI P.E., Insegnare italiano ai ragazzi italiani, Venezia, Marsilio, 2018

a PAPER can be written on one of the following:

- BALBONI P.E., Storia dell'educazione linguistica in Italia, Utet Universita, 2009.
- CAON F., Educazione linguistica e differenziazione, Torino, Utet Universita, 2008.
- CAON F., SERRAGIOTTO G (a cura di), Tecnologia e didattica delle lingue, Torno, Utet Universita, 2012.
- CAON F., SPALIVIERO C., Educazione linguistica, letteraria e interculturale: intersezioni, Torino, Loescher/Bonacci, 2015.
- DALOISO M. , 2015, Scienze del linguaggio e educazione linguistica, Torino, Loescher/Bonacci.
- LUISE M.C., Italiano come lingua seconda, Torino, Utet Universita, 2006 (questo volume riguarda un aspetto particolare: l'italiano a immigrati).
- MEZZADRI M., 2016, Studiare in italiano all’università. Prospettive e strumenti, Torino, Bonacci-Loescher.
- SERRAGIOTTO G., 2016, La valutazione degli apprendimenti linguistici, Torino, Bonacci-Loescher.

Written exam (two hours): multiple choices, open questions and creation of teaching materials based on the topics faced during the lessons and in bibliography. This test gives 30 points.

A paper (to be delivered by mail before the exam about one of the volumes in the second part of the bibliography, or about any other topic decided with the teacher's supervision, may be added by students wanting to encrease the final note. The paper deals first with the topic of the volume, summarizing it; then it provides personal opinions about the volume and the topic. Please don't exceed 10 pages, 50% for the summary section and 50% for the personal comment.
The paper gives 0, 1 or 2 points; it must be sent by email to serragiotto@unive.it at least one week before each session of exams.

The online part can recognize up to five points for the final exam according to the activities carried out.

There is the possibility of carrying out field research(see 'exams', below)consisting in 20-hour L2-Italian teaching to migrants, in schools or in other contexts. Other types of field research can be decided with the teacher. Please don't exceed 10 pages, describing the context and then keeping a log of the sessions: what you planned, what you did, a comment. The part can give 0, 1 or 2 points; it must be sent by email to serragiotto@unive.it at least one week before each session of exams.

Lectures, on line activities, pair work.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 03/05/2018