Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM3070 (AF:255033 AR:140183)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course aims to provide a general picture of the main questions on Russian historical and cultural identity from the postwar period (1945) up to Putin's Russia. The course can be chosen also by students of RIC and it contributes to the achievement of formative objectives of historical education in the section "Eastern Europe".
- Knowing how to recognize different cultural systems (in particular: Italian, Russian, English);
- Knowing how to identify long-lived values in texts of various genres (with particular attention to the Russian case: the collective is more important than the individual, disgust for the worship of money, imperial grandeur...).
Basic knowledge of the development of Russian culture from Peter the Great to the Revolution of 1917. The comprehension of Russian language at the level A2/B1 will turn useful.
There will be an analysis of various texts (written, oral, multimedia) that will help to reflect on fundamental aspects of the identity formation in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia according to a historic and cultural perspective.
The following topics will be tackled: the cultural values in Soviet Russia, the cultural shock in the 90s and the recovery of traditional values. Pop culture (jokes, music, entertainment literature, television); the relationship State-religion and State-science in Modern Russia; ideocracy and pr
For all:
- G. P. Piretto, "Il radioso avvenire. Mitologie culturali sovietiche", Einaudi, Torino 2001 (only pages 203-332);
- "La Russia post-sovietica. Dalla caduta del comunismo a Putin: storia della grande transizione", ed. by G. Aragona, Mondadori, Milano 2018;
- M. Gannon, "Global-mente: metafore culturali per capire 17 paesi", Baldini & Castoldi, Milano 1997 (only chapters 1 and 7);
- Materials uploaded on Moodle by the lecturer.

Non-attending students will have to add:
- V. Zaslavsky, "Storia del sistema sovietico", Carocci, Roma 2001;
- F. Benaroya, "L'economia della Russia", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007.
Students will have to demonstrate, using an appropriate language, that: they know how to contextualize and properly comment on the texts analysed in class and available on moodle (60 %); they know in detail the reference literature (40 %). The exam will be 30 minutes length on average for every student.
Lectures with multimedia backup material.

Students will be invide to contribute to the lessons actively.
Non-attending students can sit for the exam, provided that they have studied the additional literature.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 29/10/2018