Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0309 (AF:273158 AR:161436)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
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The teaching is part of the master's degree course in Italian Philology and Literature. His objective consists in the analysis of a literary work of Renaissance age and in the reading of it in relation with the contemporary historical and cultural institutions. The examination of process which led to the definitive version of the text will offer a methodological example of the procedures useful for critical reading; the commentary on the models, sources and literary implications of the text itself will highlight the dense dialogue maintained by the work with earlier literary traditions and current cultural environments.
1. Knowledge and understanding
The student, through the commented reading of an emblematic work of the humanistic-renaissance age, will get confident with an author representative of the Italian cultural and literary climate between fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Sannazaro, in fact, was an author whose complex and articulated production covers most important genres of his time. Further information provided to the student will concern the process of formation of the pastoral poetry in vernacular, and the particular condition of the Neapolitan environment, with respect to the general cultural system of Italy at the time. The text of Arcadia, and other fifteenth-century bucolic texts, will facilitate the comprehension abot criteria which led vernacular literature to the goal of measuring itself with the classic classic canons imposed by Humanism.

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The knowledge about contents and stylistic issues choiced by Sannazaro in Arcadia, and the understanding of the correspondence of main critical lines to the peculiarities of the contents and style of the Arcadia, will provide many models to the use of interpretative tools that the student has already acquired during his three-year curriculum . In this way, the reading exercise proposed on the individual text and on the specific vernacular genre o eclogues can be extended to other and different texts coherent with the cultural climate generically involved in the subject of the lessons.

3. Ability to judge
The comparison with critical proposals that confront Arcadia from very different angles will give the student the opportunity to judge the relativity of certain outcomes of the Sannazarian hermeneutics. Moreover, proceeding from a reading as objective as possible of the work, the student can evaluate by himself the greater or lesser correspondence of one or the other line to the specific text.

4. Communication skills
Knowing how to discriminate between expressive registers, identifying the most appropriate exposure to the data acquired during the course.
Knowing how to clarify the questions concerning the course, intervening publicly in the classroom.

5. Learning skills
Knowing how to take notes, putting yourself in the best collaborative conditions to integrate the missing and resolve any doubts about the content of the lessons.
General knowledge of the historical development of Italian literature of medieval and humanistic age. General knowledge of classical Greek and Latin literature. Competence in the Latin language.
Arcadia by I. Sannazaro as an experimental confluence of classical and vulgar literary traditions: a confluence started by Dante, whose latin Eclogues rediscovered Virgilian bucolic Poetry, and significantly refined during XVth century. Samples of vernacular eclogues during Humanistic age. Sannazaro, Naples and the Aragonese humanism. The editors of Arcadia between manuscripts and printed editions. The pastoral literary genre and the space of allegory. The position of the Arcadia in the system of vulgar literary genres between the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century. Sources and models of Arcadia, including citations and allusions. The Arcadia in the judgments of the contemporaries and its rank among the works of Sannazaro. The criticism of the moderns and the Arcadia: a slow focusing,
J. Sannazaro, Opere volgari, a cura di A. Mauro, Bari, Laterza, 1961

J. Sannazaro, Arcadia, a cura di F. Erspamer, Milano, ...

J. Sannazaro, Arcadia, Introduzione e commento di C. Vecce, Roma, 2013

Actii Synceri Sannazari Opera latine scripta ex secundiscuris Jani Brouckhusii [...] Amsterdam, 1728

C. Frison, Gli epigrammi di Jacopo Sannazaro nell'edizione aldina del 1535, Padova, il Poligrafo, 2011

F. Arzocchi, Egloghe, a cura di S. Fornasiero, Bologna, 1995

Bucoliche elegantissimamente composte [...], Firenze, Miscomini, 1482 (rist. anastatica a cura di I. Merlini, Roma, 2009)

M.M. Boiardo, Pastoralia, a cura di S. Carrai, Padova, 1996

M.M. Boiardo, Pastorali, a cura di S. Carrai e M. Ricucci, Parma, 2005

E. Carrara, La poesia pastorale, Milano, [1909]

F. Tateo, la crisi cultural di Jacobo Sannazaro, in Id., Tradizione e realtà nell'umanesimo italiano, Bari, 1967

G. Folena, La crisi linguistica del Quattrocento e l'"Arcadia" di J. Sannazaro, Firenze, 1952

V. Calmeta, Prose e lettere eite e ineditye, a cura di C. Grayson, Bologna, 1959

D. De Robertis, l'ecloga volgare come segno di contraddizione, "Metrica", II (1981), pp. 61-80

G. Velli, Sannazaro e le "partheniae myricae": forma e significato dell'"Arcadia", in Id., Tra lettura e creazione. Sannazaro, Alfieri, Foscolo, Padova, Antenore, 1983

A. Caracciolo Aricò, Lo scrittoio del Sannazaro. Spogli verbali preparatori della produzione latina posteriore all'"Arcadia", "Lettere italiane", 46 (1994), pp. 280-314;

A. Caracciolo Aricò, L'Arcadia del Sannazaro nell'autunno dell'Umanesimo, Roma, 1995

La poesia pastorale nel Rinascimento, a cura di S. Carrai, Paova, Antenore, 1998

A. Bettinzoli, Idillio e disincanto: le Elegiae di Iacopo Sannazaro, in La Serenissima e il Regno. Nel IV centenario dell'Arcadia di Iacopo Sannazaro, a cura di D. Canfora e A. Caracciolo Aricò, Bari, 2006, pp. 17-38

R. Drusi, Appunti sull'"Arcadia" nel dibattito critico cinquecentesco, in La Serenissima e il Regno. Nel IV centenario dell'Arcadia di Iacopo Sannazaro, a cura di D. Canfora e A. Caracciolo Aricò, Bari, 2006, pp. 245-264

A. Caracciolo Aricò, Per Opico e per Tirsi, "Lettere italiane", (2007), pp. 236-250

G. Villani, Processi di composizione e 'decomposizione' nell'"Arcadia" di Sannazaro,"Nuova Rivista di Letteratura italiana", XII (2009) pp. 49-77

R. Drusi, «Comica nonne vides ipsum reprehendere verba?». Note sulla finzione pastorale nello scambio bucolico di Dante e Giovanni del Virgilio, in La tradizione della favola pastorale in Italia. Modelli e percorsi. Atti del Convegno di Studi (Genova, 29-30 novembre-1 dicembre 2012), a cura di Beniscelli, M. Chiarla, S. Morando, Bologna, 2014, pp. 25-78.

C. Vecce, Iacopo Sannazaro, "Humanistica", XI (2016) pp. 121-136
The Examinatin Proof will consist of an interview in which the examining, on specific request of the examiner, will skil knowledge, skills and abilities useful for the formulation of a fair impartial judgment about the achievement of the same knowledge, skills and abilities.
The course will be taught according to the traditional methods that require the teacher to propose verbally the topics and contents of the course itself. The texts on which we will apply in class will be provided on the Moodle platform.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 10/04/2018