Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0445 (AF:273219 AR:158698)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
The students’ work plan is oriented towards a better understanding of the historical processes and the main problematics situated between the mid-nineteenth century and 1930; training in well-founded critical analysis, through the reading of recent historiographical contributions and the production of written assignments; offering conceptual tools that allow to understand the said processes.
No prerequisite required, beyond a generic ability to frame historical periods.
Different lines of analysis organise the way in which historical process are dealt with: the forms of socioeconomic development; the specific forms of the State, society and political practices; the forms of sociability and identity in the construction of collective actors; the building of symbolic representations.
Romero, Luis Alberto, Sociedad democrática y política democrática en la Argentina del siglo XX, Bernal, Ediciones UNQ, 2004, introducción.
Romero, Luis Alberto, Sociedad democrática y política democrática en la Argentina del siglo XX, Bernal, Ediciones UNQ, 2004, capítulos 1 y 2 (general consultation text).
Halperin Donghi, Tulio. Historia contemporánea de América Latina. Buenos Aires, Alianza, 1988 [también publicado en italiano y existente en bibliotecas venecianas]. Page selection: 242-246 ; 249-252 ; 328-333 (pages regarding Argentina)
Bonaudo, Marta (dirección), Liberalismo, Estado y orden burgués (1852–1880), Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 1999; prólogo.
Sabato, Hilda, “Los desafíos de la república. Notas sobre la política en la Argentina pos Caseros”, en Estudios Sociales, N° 46, Santa Fe, ediciones UNL, 2014.
Hora, Roy, Historia económica de la Argentina en el siglo XX, Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI, 2010, capítulo 4.
Regalsky, Andrés, “El proceso económico”, en Míguez, Eduardo (coordinación), Argentina. La apertura al mundo (1880-1930), Lima, Taurus/ Mapfre, 2011.
Míguez, Eduardo, “Población y sociedad”, en Míguez, E. (coordinación), Argentina. La apertura al mundo (1880-1930), Lima, Taurus/ Mapfre, 2011.
Devoto, Fernando, “Italiani in Argentina: ieri e oggi”, en Altreitalie, 2003.
Hora, Roy, “La vida política”, en Míguez, E. (coordinación), Argentina. La apertura al mundo (1880-1930), Lima, Taurus/ Mapfre, 2011.
Persello, Ana Virginia, “Administración y política en los gobiernos radicales, 1916-1930”, en Sociohistórica, N° 8, 2001.
The duration of the course is seven weeks, and it is taught through a virtual classroom. Each week, a video of 10 minutes' duration explaining the main topics to be dealt with during the week is uploaded to the virtual classroom. The teachers are in charge of the making of the videos, and, in addition, they prepare a digital booklet to support all the course's readings.
Each week, the students follow an activity plan, which contains the selected bibliography (books chapters or academic journals' articles). Texts are digitalised and are made available to the students through the virtual classroom, or else they are provided the download links to have access to the digitalised materials.
Readings are organised by units, according to two criteria: a) general texts and b) specific texts. Should specific doubts or personal interest come up, complementary bibliography will be suggested to students.
Along with the bibliography, a number of resources (chronologies, historical maps, graphics, Power Point presentations, images and YouTube videos) support the readings of the topics that are presented in the booklet and in the videos, and deepened in the bibliography.
The digital resources are of use to resolve brief written activities (between 500 and 1000 characters approximately) that prepare students for more complex exercises. The said resources may be used for the self-evaluation exercises.
Also, there is a weekly exchange of queries through the forum. In addition, student queries may be submitted at any time via the internal messaging system available in the virtual classroom.
Definitive programme.