Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0220 (AF:274007 AR:158226)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
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The course of Folklore is among the Core Educational Activities of the Master's degree course in Cultural Anthropology, Ethnology, Ethnolinguistics; it is also among the Additional Studies of Master's degree course in History.
The aim of the course is to provide an in-depth analysis of traditional folk cultures (peasants, herders, highlanders, fishers, craftmen, workers).
Knowledge and understanding:
- in-depth knowledge of significant research on folklore, especially Italian (but not only), and knowledge of the related research methodologies;
- knowledge of the theoretical and epistemological debate related to folklore.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- ability to apply ethnographic research methodologies.
Communication and relational skills:
- know how to present and discuss a theoretical or historiographical text in a seminar context orally;
- know how to express the results of a research in a short written text.
Basic knowledge of cultural anthropology. Those who did not take introductory courses in Folklore will prepare themselves on:
Dei F, Cultura popolare in Italia, BO, il Mulino
Burke P, Cultura popolare nell'Europa moderna, MI, Mondadori
South and magic

With the study of Sud e magia (South and magic) by Ernesto de Martino these topics will be dealt with in detail:
a) the theory of magic by Ernesto de Martino;
b) fieldwork of De Martino in Southern Italy;
c) the Neapolitan jettatura studied with the methods of historical anthropology.
Mandatory text
E. de Martino, Sud e magia, RM, Donzelli [use only this edition, not the previous ones]

Optional texts
List1 1
Angelini P, Dal laboratorio del “Mondo magico”: carteggi 1940-1943, LE, Argo
Angelini P, Ernesto De Martino, RM, Carocci
Charuty G, Ernesto De Martino, MI, Angeli
Di Donato R, Compagni e amici : lettere di Ernesto de Martino e Pietro Secchia, FI, La Nuova Italia
Di Donato R, I greci selvaggi: antropologia storica di Ernesto de Martino, RM, Manifestolibri
Di Donato R, La contraddizione felice?: Ernesto De Martino e gli altri, PI, ETS
Di Donato R, Le intrecciate vie: carteggi di Ernesto de Martino con Vittorio Macchioro e Raffaele Pettazzoni, PI, ETS
Galasso G, Croce, Gramsci e altri storici, MI, il Saggiatore
Gallini C, Ernesto de Martino, «La ricerca folklorica» 13, 1986, pp. 1-124 [in JStor]
Gallini C, I viaggi nel Sud di Ernesto de Martino, TO, Bollati Boringhieri
Pasquinelli C, Antropologia culturale e questione meridionale, FI, La Nuova Italia
Sanga G, La "Spedizione etnologica" in Lucania di Ernesto de Martino (in moodle)
Sasso G, Ernesto De Martino fra religione e filosofia, NA, Bibliopolis
Signorelli A., Ernesto De Martino, RM, L'asino d'oro
Signorelli A & Sanga G, Ernesto de Martino, «La ricerca folklorica» 67-68, 2013, pp. 1-183 [in JStor]

List 2
De Martino E, Furore simbolo valore, MI, il Saggiatore
De Martino E, Il mondo magico, TO, Bollati
De Martino E, La fine del mondo, TO, Einaudi
De Martino E, La terra del rimorso, MI, Saggiatore
De Martino E, L'opera a cui lavoro, LE, Argo
De Martino E, Magia e civiltà, MI, Garzanti (in moodle)
De Martino E, Mondo popolare e magia in Lucania, RM, Basilicata
De Martino E, Morte e pianto rituale, Bollati Boringhieri
De Martino E, Naturalismo e storicismo nell'etnologia, LE, Argo
De Martino E, Note di campo, a c. C. Gallini, LE, Argo
De Martino E, Panorami e spedizioni, TO, Bollati Boringhieri
De Martino E, Ricerca sui guaritori e la loro clientela, a c. A. Talamonti, LE, Argo
De Martino E, Scritti minori su religione, marxismo e psicoanalisi, RM, Nuove edizioni romane
De Martino E, Storia e metastoria, LE, Argo
Di Nola A, Gli aspetti magico-religiosi di una cultura subalterna, TO, Boringhieri
Di Nola A, L’arco di rovo, TO, Boringhieri
Eliade M, Il mito dell’eterno ritorno, RM, Borla
Eliade M, Lo sciamanesimo e le tecniche dell’estasi, RM, Ed. Mediterranee
Evans-Pritchard E, Stregoneria, oracoli e magia tra gli Azande, MI, Cortina
Frazer J, Il ramo d’oro, TO, Boringhieri
Galasso G, L’altra Europa, MI, Mondadori
Gallini C, Dono e malocchio, PA, Flaccovio
Gallini G, La ballerina variopinta, NA, Liguori
Ginzburg C, I benandanti, TO, Einaudi
Ginzburg C, Il formaggio e i vermi, TO, Einaudi
Ginzburg C, Storia notturna, MI, Adelphi
Guggino E, I canti e la magia, PA, Sellerio
Guggino E, Il corpo è fatto di sillabe, PA, Sellerio
Guggino E, La magia in Sicilia, PA, Sellerio
Guggino E, Un pezzo di terra di cielo, PA, Sellerio
Lanternari V, Medicina, magia, religione, valori, NA, Liguori
Lombardi Satriani L, Il Ponte di San Giacomo, PA, Sellerio
Malinowski B, Magia, scienza e religione, RM, Newton Compton
Mauss M, Teoria generale della magia, TO, Einaudi
Métraux A, Il Vodu haitiano, MI, Ghibli
Rossi A, Le feste dei poveri, PA, Sellerio
Scotellaro R, Contadini del Sud, BA, Laterza
Thomas K, La religione e il declino della magia, MI, Mondadori
The assessment of learning will take place through an oral analytical exam with questions on the texts in the program and on the topics of the lessons; particular attention will be paid to understanding the issues and problems posed in the course and the ability to establish cross-cutting links.
For attending students the evaluation will be 40% on the exam texts; of 20% on further study done in class; 40% on the ability to establish links.
For non-attending students the evaluation will be 60% on the exam texts; 40% on the ability to establish links.
Lesson and analytical discussion of the texts in the program.
Exam program:
a) the mandatory text;
b) a second text chosen from list 1;
c) a third text chosen from list 2;
d) non-attending students will add a fourth text chosen from the list 2.

Accessibility, Disability and Inclusion
Accommodation and support services for students with disabilities and students with specific learning impairments

Ca’ Foscari abides by Italian Law (Law 17/1999; Law 170/2010) regarding support
services and accommodation available to students with disabilities. This includes students with
mobility, visual, hearing and other disabilities (Law 17/1999), and specific learning impairments (Law 170/2010). If you have a disability or impairment that requires accommodations (i.e., alternate testing, readers, note takers or interpreters) please contact the Disability and Accessibility Offices in Student Services:

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 04/02/2019