Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0371 (AF:274019 AR:158282)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Term
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The discipline of Historical Geography is included in the Master's degrees in Cultural Anthropology, Ethnology, Ethnolinguistics (FM10) and History from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age (FM7).
It is integrated into the context of the courses of study in which it is inserted developing an interpretative capacity as a whole of the Italian territorial reality as it was formed in its diachronic processes.
The expected results can be identified:
- in the ability to read the territory and the anthropic landscape according to a historical-geographical logic
- in achieving an adequate level of knowledge of the elements of the landscape
- in providing the skills necessary to recognize the different historical-territorial systems of the Italian reality
A good knowledge of history from the Middle Ages to the contemporary era
The Historical Geography identifies the sector of the geographic area which considers the territory as an historical formation and arises as a possible synthesis of historical and geographical aspects of the places forming the intricate structure of the same territory. The program aims to address the diachronic evolution of the Italian landscape from the Middle Ages to Contemporary Age
1)L.Rombai,Geografia storica dell'Italia: ambiente, territori, paesaggi,Milano, Le Monnier, 2008
Chapters: Per capire l'Italia. I concetti, i metodi e le fonti della geografia storica e della storia del territorio - Storia e paesaggio. Per il «riconoscimento» e l'interpretazione dei beni paesistici e architettonici odierni - Le basi fisico-ambientali della storia territoriale italiana: clima e ambiente, i mutamenti climatici storici, il suolo, le acque e la vegetazione - Città, territorio e sistemi agrari nell'Italia antica - Tra Sette e Ottocento. Sviluppo demografico e allargamento dello spazio agrario

2) C. Tosco, Il castello, la casa, la chiesa, Torino, Einaudi, 2003

3)Educational materials (Moodle/ISA)
The exam is in written form
Frontal lectures with use of video and photographic material
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 09/10/2018