Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0341 (AF:274063 AR:161424)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Term
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This lecture course is part of the Master's Degree Programme in Ancient Civilisations: Literature, History and Archaeology as a core educational activity in Ancient History (common curriculum), 6 CFU.
In the Curriculum 'Ancient Philology, Literatures and History', this lecture course can be matched to that of Greek Epigraphy sp., giving rise to 12 CFU module 'Ancient Greek History and Epigraphy', or to the that of Greek Historiography, giving rise to 12 CFU module 'Ancient Greek History and Historiography'.
It allows students to acquire notions concerning:
- advanced content, methodological and epistemological skills in the field of Greek history;
- an in-depth knowledge of Greek antiquity in its historical expressions, obtained through direct knowledge of the texts, also philologically investigated, and of all the documentary evidence that contributes to the reconstruction of historical processes;
- advanced methodological skills in the description, reading and interpretation of historical sources;
- interest in the history of studies with particular reference to historiographical aspects;
- knowledge of the main traditional and digital tools (indexes, corpora, image archives) for the research and the updating of the discipline;
- the ability to develop an original scientific presentation.
By attending this course students will be able to:
- read, understand and interpret the main Greek historical sources;
- propose an analytical commentary on historical sources (above all literary), frame them in a historical, chronological and historiographical context, proposing appropriate textual and documentary comparisons, finally explaining their relevance as a historical testimony with particular attention to political and institutional aspects ;
- use the paper and digital tools necessary to update the research; access the main databases of literary and epigraphic texts;
- communicate in oral form using the specific terminology of the discipline;
- propose an original scientific presentation.
- To follow the course it is necessary to have acheeved the basic notions of the discipline as indicated in the Syllabus concerning the teaching of Greek History for the BA Degree (FT0252 or FT0253, FT0254). Students who have not acquired the necessary skills must contact the teacher in the semester preceding the teaching. In fact, a preparatory training course will be set up within the activities of the DSU Epigraphic laboratory ( ), such as to enable them to effectively follow the course of the MA.
- Adequate knowledge of Italian.

- adequate knowledge of ancient Greek (through high school diploma or university exams).
Pirro, the last of the Diadochi.
Introduction to Hellenistic history. The legacy of Alexander and the struggles between the Diadochi. The new basileis. The Mediterranean set-up after the battle of Ipsus. Pyrrhus: from the peripheral Greekness of Epirus to the kingdom of Macedonia. The western expedition and the confrontation with Rome and with the Carthaginians. The return, between Epirus, Macedonia and Peloponnese. The era of the Epigoni.
Reading and analysis of the main sources, the Plutarch biography of Pyrrhus and Pausania, comparing them with the other sources and with the epigraphic corpus relative to the Epirote King.
Reflections on the new issues of the time (family politics and women, military management, the figure of the basileus), the historiographic dimension of the figure and his fortune in diachrony.
D. Musti, Storia greca, Bari-Roma 1993 (or any successive edition), capp. IX-XII.
F. Landucci, Il Testamento di Alessandro. La Grecia dall'Impero ai Regni, Roma-Bari, Editori Laterza 2014.
From Plutarchus, Vite parallele (to be studied with general introductions and comments):
- Pirro e Mario. Recommended edition: a cura di B. Scardigli, con un saggio di D. Timpe, Rizzoli BUR, Milano 2017 (ISBN: 9788817090636).
(Only the life of Pyrrhus will be subject to exam verification).
Other materials (sources and PPT) will be made available to students on the Moodle University IT platform before the start of the course.
Further in-depth bibliography will be recommended during the course.

D. Musti, Storia greca, Bari-Roma 1993 (or any successive edition), capp. IX-XII.
F. Landucci, Il Testamento di Alessandro. La Grecia dall'Impero ai Regni, Roma-Bari, Editori Laterza 2014.
From Plutarchus, Vite parallele (to be studied with general introductions and comments):
- Pirro e Mario. Recommended edition: a cura di B. Scardigli, con un saggio di D. Timpe, Rizzoli BUR, Milano 2017 (ISBN: 9788817090636).
(Only the life of Pyrrrhus will be subject to exam verification).
G. De Sensi Sestito, Magna Grecia Epiro e Sicilia fra IV e III sec. a.C. Spinte egemoniche a confronto, in Sulla rotta verso la Sicilia: l’Epiro, Corcira e l’Occidente (= Diabaseis 2), a cura di G. De Sensi Sestito e M. Intrieri, Pisa 2011, 361-390.
C. Antonetti, L’isola, la Ninfa, il dono matrimoniale, in Prospettive corciresi (= Diabaseis 5), Pisa 2015, pp. 191-219

Students will be evaluated on the basis of four different and complementary aspects:
- active participation in the course during the lectures, which in any case involve the students present in the class (20%)
- the seminar presentation about a specific document object of individual deepening (30%)
- participation in the final collective discussion (15%)
- the final oral exam concerning both the topics presented during the lectures and the aspects discussed during the seminars of the students (35%).
The course has a strong seminar structure, involving the active participation of students both in moments of collective discussion on general problems, and on the occasion of the seminar exhibitions.
It also provides:
- two seminars within the DSU Greek Epigraphy Laboratory in order to know the research projects that take place in it and to deepen the IT online research skills of the students (with the collaboration of the PhD students in the historical disciplines of the Greek world).
Who should bear a unique exam to 12 credits in the L-ANT /02 has two options (and will choose that who matches his curriculum):

- History and epigraphy of the Greek world sp. (Greek history sp. + Greek epigraphy sp.)
- Greek History and Historiography (Greek history sp. + Greek historiography)

The student must therefore follow Greek history sp. (6 CFU) and then adds:
Greek historiography (6 CFU) OR Greek epigraphy sp (6 CFU)
The exam consists of two parts and each of them takes place in the manner determined by the supervising professor. The final vote will be the average of the votes obtained in both individual tests and will be verbalized at the second trial.

Accessibility, Disability and Inclusion
Accommodation and support services for students with disabilities and students with specific learning impairments

Ca’ Foscari abides by Italian Law (Law 17/1999; Law 170/2010) regarding support services and accommodation available to students with disabilities. This includes students with
mobility, visual, hearing and other disabilities (Law 17/1999), and specific learning impairments (Law 170/2010). If you have a disability or impairment that requires accommodations (i.e., alternate testing, readers, note takers or interpreters) please contact the Disability and Accessibility Offices in Student Services:

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 21/04/2018