Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM3004 (AF:274248 AR:158262)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Go to Moodle page
Acquiring knowledge about methods and tools of computer science useful and necessary for managing traditional and digital material kept in libraries, archives and other institutions of conservation and enjoyment for the public, such as museums.

Acquiring skills to publish information and documents on the Web.

Acquiring skills to design and build a database for individual use.
The course aims to provide the basis for understanding the methods of digital representation of information and automatic data processing in the field of humanities, with particular attention to the methodologies related to the automatic treatment of texts.
The course also aims to teach students the correct use of computer tools applied to humanistic research, such as search engines, digital libraries and digital archives, and the creation of digital resources accessible on the Web.
No specific prerequisite.
The program at a glance:

Introductory concepts
Unified encoding of information
Functional computer structure
Internet and Web
HTML and its use for the preparation of simple web documents
Searching for information on the Web
Basics of of database management
Metadata, the role of metadata, metadata categories; a significant example: Dublin Core
Digital library systems
The Reference Model and the Manifesto of Digital Libraries
M. Agosti, N. Orio. Introduzione all'informatica per studenti di materie umanistiche. Padova: Libreria Progetto, 2010.

M. Agosti. N. Ferro. Elementi di basi di dati (terza edizione). Padova: Edizioni Libreria Progetto, 2015.

Additional readings are made available in the E-Learning (Moodle) website of the University of Padua. At the beginning of the course information on access credentials are given.
After the end of the course each student must pass a written exam that is about the contents addressed in the lessons of the course.
The evaluation of the individual exercises and homeworks carried out during the course and the evaluation of the final exam is included in the overall evaluation.
The theoretical and methodological contents of the course are applied and verified experimentally in laboratory lessons.
Attendance at lessons is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended, because the course is designed for students who regularly attend both classroom and laboratory lessons and apply what they have learned in the course in the individual exercises.
The educational activities take place at the University of Padua.

Timetable of the lessons and classroom for the lessons are made availble by the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage of the University of Padua at the end of the year / beginning of the new year.

How to contact the lecturer of the course:
Maristella Agosti is Professor of Computer Engineering of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua.
email address:
Phone +390498277650
Office: Via Gradenigo, 6/a - 35131 Padova - Italy
Web site of the department:
Web page:
written and oral
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 20/04/2018