Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0044 (AF:276361 AR:158500)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
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The course "Didattica" (6 credits - M-PED / 03) is one of the training activities associated with the degree course in Philosophy - Philosophy and Human Sciences [FT2] and allows the student to acquire the knowledge and understanding of the methodological foundations to teach and to manage educational and training paths.
Knowledge and understanding: Know and analyze critically the didactic design models, teaching methods and techniques for active, autonomous and responsible learning.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Apply the methodological-didactic knowledge gained with study and personal experience in a variety of real-life training situations; formal, non-formal and informal (personal and experiential), to address and solve problems in the teaching of specific subjects of study.
Making judgements: Collect, select and interpret useful information to design teaching activities; arguing the methodological choices made; to detect the ethical and social implications associated with the use of training activities.
Communication skills: Being able to communicate information, ideas, concepts, define methodological problems and propose resolving strategies by discussing and arguing with peers (students), teachers and trainers, and with decision-makers in policy formers.
Learning skills: Promote learning transfer from and through training practices, working and interacting in the complexity of teaching contexts and in formative learning situations.
There is no propedeuticity. All students can attend the course if they are interested in educational and training processes, and particularly in secondary school education.
Scientific teaching fundamentals.
Didactic design models and curriculum organization (for goals, content, conceptual maps, epistemologies and processes, real situations and problems).
Teaching methods: lessons, labs, investigative, participative, individualized.
Active learning techniques: simulation (role play), procedural and tutorial, responsible (action, outdoor, service), creative (brainstorming) and cooperative.
A) Tessaro Fiorino, Tra pensiero e azione. Il senso generativo della didattica, (Professor texts and online materials)

B) Testo/i (*) a scelta tra:
̶- Ellerani, Piergiuseppe, Metodi e tecniche attive per l’insegnamento, Anicia, Roma 2012
̶- Giannandrea, Lorella, Traiettorie del sé. Dispositivi per la costruzione dell'identità nei percorsi di formazione, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2012
̶- Limone, Pierpaolo, Ambienti di apprendimento e progettazione didattica. Proposte per un sistema educativo transmediale, Carocci, Roma 2012
̶- Ozmon, Howard, and Samuel M. Craver. Philosophical foundations of education. Prentice Hall, 2007
̶- Pedler, Mike. Action learning in practice. Gower Publishing, Ltd., 2011
̶- Perla, Loredana, L’eccellenza in cattedra. Dal saper insegnare alla conoscenza dell’insegnamento, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2011
̶- Recalcati,Massimo, L'ora di lezione, Einaudi, 2014
̶- Rivoltella, Pier Cesare, Neurodidattica. Insegnare al cervello che apprende, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2012
̶- Romiszowski, Alexander Joseph. Designing instructional systems: Decision making in course planning and curriculum design. Routledge, 2016
̶- Triani Pierpaolo, Disagi dei ragazzi, scuola, territorio. Per una didattica integrata, La Scuola, Brescia 2011

(*) Non-attending students must choose two texts
- Test online (on text A) with open and closed questions.
- Evaluative conversation.

Attending students:
- Activities: Presentation in a classroom, small groups, of a subject of disciplinary interest, using active techniques. Success Criteria: Involvement and Participation of Other Students.
- Short, critical-reflective relationship, on design and on the activity carried out (to be presented at the oral).

Non-attending students:
Design of a didactic intervention (to be presented at the oral).
Lectures and workshop. Using the technique of Flipped Classroom (http://banner.orizzontescuola.it/insegnamento_capovolto.pdf ) and giving students the opportunity to practice active analytical and decision-making techniques (case study, incident, autobiography), simulation ( role play, dramatization, script), situations (action learning, demonstrations and exercises), social (brainstorming, cooperative learning, peer tutoring).
Attending students during the course, in small groups (3 or 4), develop an argument and explain to the group using the methods of active teaching techniques.
written and oral

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 05/09/2018