Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0145 (AF:276405 AR:158490)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
6 out of 12 of ONTOLOGY
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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The course of Ontology, of theoretical field, deals with the reasons and questions related to the elaboration of the doctrine on being evoked by classical thought, in view of the outcomes on the ontological front aroused by modern and contemporary philosophical reflection. The course privileges the analytical work on texts, the exhibition of the argumentative strategies and the clarification of the speculative terms devised by the thinkers who have measured themselves with the question around being.
A general knowledge of the issues and fundamental problems of ontology, in relation to the nodal points of the Western philosophical tradition and its developments in the contemporary debate;

General knowledge and understanding of some important classic texts of Western ontology;

Knowledge of the fundamental argumentative strategies on theoretical dimension of philosophical experience, with particular attention to the lexicon, categories and definitions of different speculative survey areas;

Ability to deal with a philosophical text, emphasizing the theoretical approach;

Ability to analyze, understand and argue the reasons underlying philosophical issues, including in relation to the consequences of a practical nature;
Basic knowledge of the history of philosophy
Thomas Aquinas: creatio ex nihilo

1) The philosophical concept of creation
2) Aristotle and Thomas: God and matter
3) Creation as a principle
4) Ex nihilo nihil?
5) Genesis of the world: unity and multiplicity
TOMMASO D’AQUINO, Summa theologiae, P. I, 44-47; De potentia, q. 3, 1-3

TOMMASO D’AQUINO, Somma teologica, Bologna, Edizioni Studio Domenicano 2014 (anche on line: https://www.edizionistudiodomenicano.it/on-line.php ) [parti indicate a lezione];
TOMMASO D’AQUINO, Le questioni disputate, vol. 8 – La potenza divina, questioni 1-5, Edizioni Studio Domenicano 2003 [parti indicate a lezione];

G. BARZAGHI, La nozione di creazione in S. Tommaso d’Aquino, in ID., L’essere, la ragione, la persuasione, Bologna, Edizioni Studio Domenicano 1998, pp. 139-154.

V. BRUGIATELLI, Il concetto di creazione in Tommaso d’Aquino, in Filosofia oggi, 28 (2005), pp.109-116.
A. GHISALBERTI, La creazione nella filosofia di S. Tommaso d'Aquino, in Rivista di Filosofia neoscolastica 51 (1969), pp. 202-220
J. VILLAGRASA, L’originale metafisica creazionista di Tommaso d’Aquino, in Alpha Omega 10 (2007), pp. 209-223.

P. PORRO, Tommaso d’Aquino. Un profilo storico-filosofico, Carocci, Roma 2012

P. CARELLI, Creazione dal nulla? Testi biblici e filosofia, prefazione di E. Severino, CELUC, Milano 1971
P. CLAVIER, Ex nihilo. Volume 1: L’introduction en philosophie du concept de création, Hermann, Paris 2011
M. LENZI E A. MAIERÙ (a cura di), Discussioni sul nulla tra medioevo ed età moderna, Olschki, Firenze 2009, parte I (contributi di P. Siniscalco, M. Lenzi, R. Bertuzzi, M. Zonta, O. Lizzini, A. D. Conti)
G. MAY, Creatio Ex Nihilo: The Doctrine of ‘Creation out of Nothing’ in Early Christian Thought, T & T Clark, London-New York 1994 (2004) (ed. orig. Schöpfung aus dem Nichts. Die Entstehung der Lehre von der creatio ex nihilo, de Gruyter, Berlin und New York 1978)
A. MOLINARO, La creazione e il nulla, in AA.VV, Le parole dell'essere. Per Emanuele Severino, a cura di A. Petterlini, G. Brianese, G. Goggi, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2005, pp. 437-448
R. PADELLARO DE ANGELIS, Il problema del nulla nel pensiero cristiano, Elia, Roma 1974
For the examination, the student will have to demonstrate to:

1) knowing how to introduce and contextualize the themes of the course from the theoretical and historical-philosophical point of view;
2) learn the terminology, the basic concepts and the theoretical points covered during the course;
3) being able to reconstruct the development of the texts, highlighting points / steps nodal and argument ways.
Introduction, reading and analysis of texts
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 07/05/2019