Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0012 (AF:280303 AR:157827)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Class 1
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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It is a basic and core educational activity of the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Languages, Civilisation and the Science of Language. It is adressed to students attending the first year of all BA-curricula and introduces to the acquisition of specific knowledge of German culture and language, focusing on contemporary literature.
1) A solid knowledge of some major German narratives written from the seventies onwards; 2) The ability to understand the specific historical and cultural context in which such narratives are embedded in Austria, the GDR and the FRG; 3) Familiarity with the critical tools needed for the thematic and the stylistic analysis of a text; 4) The ability to develope learning skills useful for further study in the field of German narrative of the second half of the 20th century 5) The ability to read and translate a short narrative in German.
None. Nevertheless it's useful to have a German language knowledge at least at B1 level. The student will not be required to show any certification or pass any entry test.
The course investigates the central role conferred to literature in German public discussion on main contemporary issues since the 70ies. So it will focus on how some major writers faced in their narratives the experience of World War Second, of the Shoah, of the two German states reunified in 1990, of terrorism during the 70ies and of past and contemporary migration.
Thomas Bernhard, La cantina, Adelphi (qualsiasi anno di edizione).
Heinrich Böll, L’onore perduto di Katharina Blum, Einaudi (qualsiasi anno di edizione).
Jenny Erpenbeck, Voci del verbo andare, Sellerio 2016.
Günter Grass, Il passo del gambero (qualsiasi anno di edizione); "Mein Jahrhundert", Steidl Verlag, Göttingen 1999 (a selection of texts).
Emine Sevgi Özdamar, Il cortile nello specchio. Bicicletta sul ghiaccio, (testo a fronte) Cafoscarina 2018.
Christa Wolf, Il cielo diviso, edizioni e/o (qualsiasi anno di edizione).

Gustavo Corni, Storia della Germania. Da Bismarck a Merkel, Il Saggiatore 2017.
Wolfgang Benz, L'Olocausto, Bollati Boringhieri , 1998.
Simone Costagli, Alessandro Fambrini, Matteo Galli, Stefania Sbarra, Guida alla letteratura tedesca. Percorsi e protagonisti 1945-2017, Odoya 2017.


- Zanichelli. Il Nuovo dizionario di Tedesco. Dizionario Tedesco-Italiano / Italienisch-Deutsch. A cura di Luisa Giacoma e Susanne Kolb. Terza edizione, Bologna 2014.
- DUDEN. Deutsches Universalwörterbuch A-Z. Herausgegeben vom wissenschaftlichen Rat der Dudenredaktion. 7., überarbeitete und erweiterte Ausgabe, Verlag Bibliographisches Institut, 2011;
- DUDEN. Die deutsche Rechtschreibung. Das umfassende Standardwerk auf der Grundlage der aktuellen amtlichen Regeln. Herausgegeben vom wissenschaftlichen Rat der Dudenredaktion, Verlag Bibliographisches Institut, 2014.
During the oral exam students will be asked to: 1. answer a few questions on the narratives dealt with during the course; 2. contextualize the topics of the course according to the history and culture of the GDR, the FGR and Austria; 3)show they can use the tools of literary analysis and critique dealt with during the classes, in order to articulate indipendent and competent assessment about 20th century German literature ;4) read and translate from German into Italian a passage from G. Grass' "Mein Jahrhundert"; 5) give a brief report on a topic of the course.
Front lectures, seminars.
Tutorials on the translation of Grass' and Özdamar's narratives.
1. The course German Literature 1 is divided into two classes (class 1: prof. Sbarra; class 2: Prof. Fossaluzza). Students can subscribe to one of the two classes by … September under this link: and sending a mail to the lecturers. To subscribe to this class please write a message to:
Please use your institutional address ( and specify in the subject: ISCRIZIONE A LETTERATURA TEDESCA CLASSE 1.
2. Students who cannot attend the lessons are kindly asked to conctact the lecturer.
Erasmus students and other students may take the exam fully in German, on demand. Please apply to the lecturer for details.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 12/07/2018