Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0326 (AF:283608 AR:160421)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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The course lasts 30 hours. It is organized in 10 lessons of 3 hours each: 6 hours a week, 2 times a week. The subject is part of the plan of the Degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Performing Art Management. However, students of our educational paths are welcome to follow the course.
Elements of:
- classification of musical instruments;
- organology;
- music notation for the instrument (ancient, modern and contemporary);
- literature dedicated to the instruments (authors, music forms and repertoires in the chronological span here considered);
- function and social role of the instrument and performers in the chronological span here considered.
No pre-requisites required. The course will be taught in Italian, but alternative bibliography in other languages can be discussed with non Italian speaking students.
Guitar and similar instruments from antiquity to modern times:
structure of guitar and similar instruments;
music notation, from antiquity to contemporary music;
literature from the Renaissance to the 20th century (authors, forms and works);
evolution of the social function of instruments and performers.
Essential bibliography:
1. Curt Sachs, Storia degli strumenti musicali (I ed. 1940), edizione italiana a cura di Paolo Isotta e Maurizio Papini, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano 1980, pp. 539-555
2. Bruno Tonazzi, Liuto, vihuela, chitarra e strumenti similari nelle loro intavolature. Con cenni sulle loro letterature, Edizioni musicali Bèrben, Ancona 1974 (I. ed.)
3. One text chosen from the ones proposed during the lessons.

Further optional bibliography:
1. Notes from the course
2. Gli strumenti musicali, ed. by Fabrizio Della Seta, Carocci, Roma 2012
Oral conversation on the topics of the course.
Frontal lessons, with music examples.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 13/03/2019