Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0513 (AF:296743 AR:159902)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
3rd Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course is included in the historical-artist course of the Tars curriculum and it is conceived as a transversal history of the main international cinematographies from their origin up till nowadays. Furthermore, with the support of excerpts from different movies, some of the main filmmakers’ profiles will be considered in details, so as to cross the stilistic, narrative and technological progress in the history of cinema.
Students will be able to deepen the dynamics of film production, starting with the knowledge of the technical terminologies related to cinema. Moreover, the international approach to the history of cinema allows to deepen the sociological, historical and economic dynamics that have marked the evolution of the seventh art. A part of the course will also be dedicated to the critical approach to cinema, with particular reference to the multiple valences of peculiar interpretation tools, such as the concepts of editing, author, spectatorship. In addition to the "live" cinema, elements of animation cinema are added, in order to offer the widest understanding of the dynamics of the vehicle.
No particular prerequisite is requested.
The course will start from the pre-cinema, considering the evolution of the instruments invented for the vision of “moving images”, initially for a private, then for a collective vision. Starting from the European films of the origin (in particular France, Italy, England, Germany and Denmark), we will follow the birth and development of American cinema and that of the major cinemas of the rest of the world. The main directors will be deepened during the lessons of the second part of this course through the vision of film clips. At the beginning of the course, the various terminologies with which to analyze the films will be explained. The critical approach to film analysis will be a necessary tool during the lessons.
David Bordwell, Kristin Thompson, Storia del cinema. Un’introduzione, Milano, McGraw Hill, 2014
G. Carluccio, L. Malavasi, F. Villa (a cura di), Il cinema - Percorsi storici e questioni teoriche, Carocci Editore, 2016
Additional material will be available in Moodle

Online Mooc courses
Roberta Novielli - Le età d'oro del cinema giapponese https://learn.eduopen.org/eduopen/course_details.php?courseid=213
During the course the students will be asked to interact with the contents of the lessons with open discussions. The partial exam scheduled in March will then consist of a one-hour written test in which four open-ended questions will be asked. For the other sessions, the History of Cinema 1 and 2 exams will have to be made together, for a total of eight open-ended questions in two hours.
The lessons will take place with a frontal methodology, but a seminar type interaction is strongly encouraged. Two Mooc courses are also offered for further study: "The Golden Age of Japanese Cinema" (Maria Roberta Novielli, https://learn.eduopen.org/eduopen/course_details.php?courseid=213 ) for History of Cinema 1 and "Basics of animated cinema "(Davide Giurlando, https://learn.eduopen.org/eduopen/course_details.php?courseid=212&lang=it ) for History of Cinema 2.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 17/02/2019