Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM9020 (AF:297500 AR:141482)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
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The course retrieves the fundamental principles of marketing and then deepens their application in the tourism field. Some topics, interconnected and of particular relevance in the current development of tourism, are also explored: experiential marketing; tourism and internet; culture, events and destinations. It's scheduled a group work in which the conceptual foundations and toolkits gained during the course will be used to analyze a case study
Recognize the characteristics of tourist behavior.
Identify the cultural factors which influence marketing activities in an international tourism context.
Investigate, analyse and evaluate the marketing environment, which determines the demand for tourism and hotel industry supply.
Identify and evaluate the marketing strategies and activities of hotels, tour operators, travel agencies, and destinations serving international tourism markets.
Devise and justify a marketing strategy for an international or multi-national hotel and tourism business.
A basic preparation of marketing is recommended. You can get it on a basic marketing handbook. For example:
J.J. Lambin, "Market driven management", VI ed., Milano, McGraw-Hill 2012.
M. Levens e F. Casarin, "Marketing", Milano, Pearson, 2014.
1. Principles, concepts and basic tools of marketing
2. Tourism products and offering systems: relationships and interactions between actors
3. Experiential marketing
4. Communication and distribution of tourism products.
5. Tourism and Web
6. Culture, events and destinations
Casarin F., Il Marketing dei prodotti turistici,. Specificità e varietà, Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2007 [capitoli 3,4,5].
Casarin F. (a cura di), Il Marketing dei prodotti turistici. Specificità e varietà, Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2007, vol II.
Kotler P., Bowen J.T., Makens J.C., Baloglu S., Marketing del turismo, VII edizione, Pearson Italia, Milano 2018.

Optional readings:
Benevolo C., Grassi M., Destinazioni e imprese turistiche, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2017.
Bonetti E. et al., Eventi e strategie di marketing territoriale: gli attori, i processi e la creazione di valore, Nuova ed., Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2017.
Fontana F., Caroli, M., Economia e gestione delle imprese, 4. ed., McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2013 [capitolo 7: pp. 233-277 ]
Rispoli M., Tamma M., Risposte strategiche alla complessità. Le forme di offerta dei prodotti alberghieri, Giappichelli, Torino, 1995. [Capitolo 1 (pp. 15-44 )]

Addis M., Ad uso e consumo. Il marketing esperienziale per il manager, Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondadori S.p.A, 2007. [capitolo: 1 (pp. 3-32), 2 (pp. 45-75)]

Carù A., Cova B., “Consuming Experiences. An Introduction”, in Carù A., Cova B. (a cura di) Consuming Experience, Routledge, New York, 2007 [pp. 3-15]
Stamboulis, Y., Skayannis, P., Innovation strategies and technology for experience-based tourism, in Tourism Management 24 (2003) 35–43.

Serra Cantallops, A., Ramón Cardona, J., Galbis Matarredona, M., The impact of Serch Engines on the Hotel Distribution Value Chain, in REDMARKA UIMA-Universidad de A Coruña - CIECID Año VI, Número 6, (2013), v2 (pp. 19-54) -
Thakran, K., Verma, R., The Emergence of Hybrid Online Distribution Channels in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality, in Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 54(3) (240-247) -

Franch M. (a cura di) Marketing delle destinazioni turistiche, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2010. [Capitolo 6 (pp. 219-276)]

Richards G, Wilson J., Developing creativity in tourist experiences: A solution to the serial reproduction of culture?, in Tourism Management, 2006, n.26, (pp. 1209-1223).
For attendants: written exam, open questions. Time: 1 hour.
An additional oral examination is optional.

Non attendants: written exam on the following texts:
- Casarin F., Il Marketing dei prodotti turistici,. Specificità e varietà, Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2007 [capitoli 3,4,5].
- Casarin F. (a cura di), Il Marketing dei prodotti turistici. Specificità e varietà, Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2007, vol II
It Is scheduled a group work in which the conceptual foundations and toolkits gained during the course will be used to analyze a case study.
The course is taught in Italian language.
written and oral

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Cities, infrastructure and social capital" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 21/08/2018