Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM601V (AF:297703 AR:163747)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course of Portuguese and Brazilian Language is framed within the linguistic courses of the MA/second-cycle degree in International Relations.
The course consists of a semester module held by the lecturer in the second semester and of annual linguistic exercises (first and second semesters) held by native speakers.
The general objectives of the course are: to achieve a language competence equal to B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR); to further develop metalinguistic competence about the Portuguese and Brazilian language. The achievement of expected learning outcomes is verified through a structured examination.
1. Knowledge and understanding
To deepen the knowledge of phonetic, lexical, grammatical, pragmatic aspects, in an advanced level, for the comprehension and translation (also sight translation) of complex texts produced in Portuguese, in its various national varieties.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
To know how to apply language skills to adequately recognize, understand, comment and translate complex texts of different types and registers; to know how to interact in Portuguese and produce appropriate written and oral texts according to a level B2 of the CEFR.
3. Autonomy of judgment
To be able to issue correction and grammatical judgments based on linguistic reflections; to be able to find bibliographic sources for in-depth study autonomously; to be able to use the online resources available for the study of the Portuguese and Brazilian languages; to be able to implement communication strategies corresponding to a level B2 of the QCER.
4. Communicative skills
To be able to interact in Portuguese and Brazilian language in communicative situations provided by level B2 of the CEFR; to be able to implement B2 language skills to present the main issues addressed in the module; to know how to interpret, comment and translate complex texts in Portuguese and Brazilian.
5. Learning skills
Ability to self-evaluate on advanced level with respect to their competence in Portuguese and Brazilian language and with respect to the acquisition of metalinguistic content; ability to undertake self-learning, seeking and selecting tools for further research, also in view of the production of academic texts.
Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Semester module:
The module introduces methodologically and addresses the translation, sigh translation and diologue (community) interpreting in the pair of Italian/Portuguese languages, theorizing and exemplifying issues related to the different textual types and terminological problems, in progressive degrees of binding.

Grammatical, lexical, textual and communicative contents of the Portuguese and Brazilian language (CEFR level B2).
Semestral module
For translation:
Scarpa F., LA TRADUZIONE SPECIALIZZATA, Milano, Hoepli, 2008.
For terminology:
Deslisle J. - Hannelore L.J. - Cormier M.C., TERMINOLOGIA DELLA TRADUZIONE, Milano, Hoepli, 2002.
Krieger, M. da G. & Finatto, M. J. B. INTRODUÇÃO À TERMINOLOGIA: TEORIA E PRÁTICA, São Paulo, Contexto, 2004.
Magris M. - Musacchio M. T. - Rega L. - Scarpa F. MANUALE DI TERMINOLOGIA, Milano, Hoepli, 2002.
Pym A. TEORIAS CONTEMPORÂNEAS DA TRADUÇÃO: uma abordagem pedagógica, Lisboa, Gulbenkian, 2013.
For dialogue (community) interpreting:
Chessa F. INTERPRETAZIONE DIALOGICA: le competenze per la mediazione linguistica, Roma, Carocci, 2012.
Russo M. - Mack G. INTERPRETAZIONE DI TRATTATIVA,Milano, Hoepli, 2005.

Textual examples for the analyzed specialized languages and complementary bibliographical indications will be provided during the lessons.


Authentic materials will be provided.

Examination of expected learning outcomes is done through a structured examination, consisting of a written test and an oral exam.
The written test, in order to verify the achievement of the linguistic competence (level B2 of the CEFR), consists of tre parts whose average results are evaluated on a 30/30 basis:
1) grammatical test (15 points; duration: 60 minutes)
2) written paper (10-30 pages) on one of the sustainability issues of the Agenda 2030 project (15 points)
The oral examination, which takes place entirely in Portuguese and is aimed at verifying the achievement of the oral communication competence (level B2 of the CEFR) and the metalinguistic competence on the content of the teaching module, will consist of an oral presentation, in the classroom, of the written paper (15 points) and a simulation in diologue interpreting on a topic inherent to the course contents (15 poinst) with the teacher of the module, and a topic to be chosen with the other teacher (30 punti).
The three parts of the oral examination are evaluated globally, resulting in a 30/30 basis evaluation that will average with the grade obtained in the written test, thus resulting in a total examination.
The written test is preliminary to the oral test, which should be done in a single sitting and within the same exam session in which the written test is passed.
Frontal lessons; exercises.
Lessons are held in Portuguese.
The theoretical module of the course will take place in the second semester. Exercises begin with the academic year.
Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher at the beginning of the academic year and at the beginning of the second semester.
written and oral
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 15/04/2019