Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM0420 (AF:299122 AR:157030)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
6 out of 12 of SLAVIC PHILOLOGY 2
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
1.Gain knowledge and understanding, from a comparative perspective, of the main historical, cultural and literary manifestations of post-Byzantine Orthodox Slavia, that is, after the fall of Byzantium (1453) to the formation of modern nations (the beginning of the XIX century) with a historical context of the Ottoman presence in Europe since the mid-14th century.
2.Applying investigative tools discussed in the course, recognize and explain the main phenomena of cultural and artistic changes in the Slavic Orthodox and Romanian world. Know how to present a significance of some of the peculiarities of the Byzantine culture realized by the Slavs and Romanians in the XIV -XVIII centuries.

1. Being able to understand the critical debate on a given topic of historical-cultural relevance, in order to then develop own bibliographic research, to analyze the autonomously collected data with a methodologically correct framework.
2.To be able to communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously, using the appropriate language register;
3.To be able to critically review the reference texts and its bibliography, to carry out research activities, to find adequate bibliography and to demonstrate critical understanding of these sources, both in written and oral form.

Conoscenza della storia europea e italiana dei secoli XIV-XVIII.
Starting from terms like "the Byzantine Commonwealth" by D. Obolensky, "Byzance apres Byzance" by N. Iorga and Slavia (illirica, cyrillo-methodiana, christiana; latina, romana, occidentalis vs.graeca/byzantina, slavo-ecclesiastica, slavonica, orthodoxa, orientalis, to information about place and different ways of the development post-Byzantine culture, which is saved by Slavs and Romanian. Contemporary cultural phenomena and ideologies rooted in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine culture will also be presented.
Pitassio A., Storia dell'Europa Orientale, Morlacchi Editore, 2011.
G. Fedalto,Chiese d'Oriente. Vol.2: Dalla caduta di Costantinopoli alla fine del Cinquecento. Vol.3: Dal Seicento ai nostri giorni, Jaca Book,Milano 1993, 1995.
N. Iorga, Byzantium after Byzantium. Iaşi: Center for Romanian Studies, 2000 (testo originale francese 1935, 1971, 1992: )
A. Tradigo, Icone e Santi d'Oriente, Electa, 2004
E. Morini, Gli Ortodossi, il Mulino, 2002.
K. Stantchev, Questioni di terminologia, problemi di metodo. A proposito di alcune recenti pubblicazioni di Filologia slava. In: Gli studi slavistici in Italia oggi. A cura di R. De Giorgi, S. Garzonio, G. Ziffer. Forum. Editrice Universitaria Udinese, Udine 200, p. 345-361;
M. Garzaniti, Slavia latina e Slavia ortodossa. Per un'interpretazione della civilta' slava nell'Europa medievale, in: Studi Slavistici IV (2007), s. 29-64;
<> ; ;.
A. Naumow, Se e come esiste la letteratura slavo-ecclesiastica?, in: Studi slavistici VIII (2011), <> ; ;
The exam will consist in a preparation of a paper and in a discussion on the issues of the course and on the bibliography. During the oral test, the student must demonstrate knowledge of the subjects presented during the course and to know how to exhibit them formally. To be admitted to the exam are required: constant and active participation in lessons (at least eight presences) and a final work that critically resumes one or more topics discussed during the course. The essay should be delivered two weeks before the exam. The topic of the paper must be established during the course, at least two months before the examination (six weeks before the delivery). The paper for the attendants must have about 20,000 characters. The oral exam consists of:
- the discussion on the theme of the module (three questions about the three cultural models: Ottoman, Catholic and Muscovite)
- the text itself a
- and the texts made available online.

conventional - frontal lessons
Further bibliography will be indicated by the professor during the course.
Non-attending students, at least two months before the call, must establish with the teacher
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 23/05/2018