- Position
- Full Professor
- Roles
Director of the Professional Master's Programme in Labour and Social Security Law
- Telephone
- 041 234 7695 / 041 234 6686
dirittolavoro@unive.it - Convegni diritto del lavoro
tutor.mastergesam@unive.it - Tutor GESAM
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Diritto del lavoro [GIUR-04/A]
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www.unive.it/people/vania (personal record)
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Department of Economics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.economics
Where: San Giobbe
Current Position a.y. 2023/2024
- Full Professor of Labour Law at Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
- Courses: Labour Law; Welfare and Sustainability Law; Labour law in the Transnational Enterprises; Sustainability and Labour rights
- Director of International Master Programme in Global economics and social affairs – Ca’ Foscari in partnership with the ILO
- She graduated in Economy at the University of Venice on 19 November 1999 with “110/110 e lode” (with honors). She wrote the Thesis in Labour law on “Economically dependent workers” (her Advisor was Prof. Adalberto Perulli).
- In 2001 she was admitted to a Ph.D. programme in "European and Comparative Labour Law" at University of Ferrara, which she finished in 2004 with a Thesis about the relationship between Labour law and Competition law (her Advisors were Prof. Gian Guido Balandi- University of Ferrara and prof. Luca Nogler- University of Trento).
Research activities
- Labour law cover topics of Employment law and social security, European labour law, International labour law and Human rights, Corporations and Corporate social responsibility, Relationship between Labour law and Competition law in particular in the European context, Wto and social clauses, International framework agreements, Global law, Due diligence; Global value chain and Sustainable Governance; Sustainability and labour rights; Happiness at work.
- During the Phd study she was on study trips at the University of Cambridge, University of Oxford and University of Paris X – Nanterre, France. For her several research topics she spent some research periods abroad.
Research Projects
- Project funded by Italian Ministery of Labour law and social policies (Prin 2002/2003); Title “Structures of enterprise and models of partecipations”.
- Project funded by Italian Ministery of Labour law and social policies (Prin 2006/2007); Title "Self-employment and economically dependent workers”.
- European project "Mobility vs Migration", 2006/2007.
- Project funded by Italian Ministery of Labour law and social policies (Prin 2007/2008); Title “Leasing, Contract and posting of workers between work’s guarantees and liberalization of the european common market”.
- Project funded by Italian Ministery of Labour law and social policies (Prin 2008/2009); Title "The crisis of transnational enterprise".
- Project funded by Italian Ministery of Labour law and social policies (Prin 2010); Title “Labour and legality in the inclusion society”
- Project funded by Veneto Region “The certification in the labour contracts: instruments to prevent conflicts and to certified the organization enterprise model”, 2013 (she has the role of Tutor Professor).
- Project cofounded by Department of Economy – Ca’ Foscari University, “Labour, Decentralization, workers mobility and enterprise consulting”, 2015, (she has the role of Tutor Professor).
- Prin 2022 Progetto Prin "Global value chains, human rights and the law. Subtitle: The Italian, European and international path towards accountability", dal 01-09-2023.
Award for research activities
- The dissertation was awarded the “Young researcher Marco Biagi 2006” Prize and received special mention by the Italian Association of Labour and Social Security Law (AIDLASS) for best doctoral dissertation 2006.
Scientific Collaboration
- She is member of the Editorial staff of "Lavoro e Diritto" (Il Mulino, Bologna, Italy).
- She is member of the Editorial staff of "Economia e Società regionale", Franco Angeli Editore.
- She is member of the Scientific Committee of “Ricerche giuridiche” (Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, Italy).
- She is Referee for the “Rivista Italiana di Diritto del lavoro” (Giuffrè)
- She is member of the PHD “Law, Market and Person” Faculty, Ca’ Foscari University
- She is Referee for the "Giustizia Civile" from 01-01-2018
- Member of Editorial Board, Quaderni della Fondazione Brodolini from 01-01-2022.
Fund raising
- Project funded by Veneto Region “The certification in the labour contracts: instruments to prevent conflicts and to certified the organization enterprise model”, 2013 (she has the role of Tutor Professor).
- Project cofounded by Department of Economy – Ca’ Foscari University, “Labour, Decentralization, workers mobility and enterprise consulting”, 2015, (she has the role of Tutor Professor).
Organisational/Managerial Skills
Since a.y. 2003/2004 she organized Seminars and Events in the Labour Law field at Ca’ Foscari University in collaboration with others Universities in Italy and abroad and with several Institutions as the International Labour Organization (ILO – Geneva), the National Juridical Centre of “Domenico Napoletano”, the Italian Association of Labour and Security Law (AIDLASS), the Italian Association of labour lawyers (AGI), the
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