Cottarelli at Ca’ Foscari: a lecture on how to relieve Italy from public debt


How can Italy relieve itself from its heavy debt? Carlo Cottarelli, already commissioner for the Spending Review and now Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund, will explain his own solution to this problem at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, with his lecture on Monday 6th February at 3pm in the Aula Silvio Trentin at Ca’ Dolfin.

The title of Cottarelli’s Public Lecture at Ca’ Foscari is: “The Italian Debt: why is it a problem and how can we get rid of it?”, introduced by the Rector Michele Bugliesi.  It will be moderated by Domenico Sartore, full professor of Econometrics at Ca' Foscari's Department of Economics.

Carlo Cottarelli, after having worked in the Bank of Italy and the ENI (National Hydrocarbons Authority, an Italian energy company), moved in 1998 to the International Monetary Fund. He was Extraordinary Commissioner for the Spending Review, appointed by the Italian government, from October 2013 to November 2014. He has written numerous articles and academic essays on topics such as inflation, monetary policy and exchange rates.