Agenda ECLT

12 Sep 2019 10:00
15 Jan 2020 09:00
AI4EU General Assembly Meeting

Ca' Foscari University Venice

24 Jan 2020 10:00
Human-Level Machine Learning

Cà Bottacin, Camino Room

16 Apr 2020 10:00
20 Apr 2020 10:00
24 Apr 2020 11:00
The Principle of Least Cognitive Action

Cà Bottacin, Camino Room

29 Apr 2020 11:30
12 May 2020 15:00
03 Jul 2020 15:00
10 Jul 2020 15:00
24 Jul 2020 15:00
31 Jul 2020 15:00
18 Sep 2020 15:00
25 Sep 2020 15:00

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