General Circulation Models I - Atmosphere and Ocean coupling

Anno accademico
2018/2019 Programmi anni precedenti
Titolo corso in inglese
General Circulation Models I - Atmosphere and Ocean coupling
Codice insegnamento
PHD037 (AF:294877 AR:162388)
Crediti formativi universitari
3 su 6 di General Circulation Models
Livello laurea
Corso di Dottorato (D.M.45)
Settore scientifico disciplinare
II Semestre
Anno corso
This course provides an intermediate-level introduction to the field of Ocean general circulation models.
The equations of motion are reviewed together with basic concepts and methods on numerical discretization using finite differences.
Analytical and numerical, using the Princeton Ocean Model, solutions are compared to highligth concepts and methods.
Basic knowledge of mathematics, physics and numerics; courses (Atmospheric dynamics, Ocean dynamics, Earth-system dynamics, GFDI).
Lesson plan, part I Ocean

no. 1
The basic equation, physical and dynamical approximation in the ocean
no. 2
Radiation, planetary boundary layer and their parameterization in OGCMs
no. 3
Finite difference methods: discretization, derivatives and accuracy
no. 4
From large to coastal scales: the nesting issue
no. 5
Operational oceanography and rapid environmental assessment
no. 6
The NEMO model: A practical example

Slides and notes delivered by the lecturer
Note. This is a general outline of the material that will be discussed each day, and we will probably deviate from it as the course progresses. It is meant to be an overview of the topics to be discussed in roughly the order they will be discussed. Some topics may take more or less time than listed.
Required readings will be provided by the instructors
Attendance to the course is required. Academic honesty is an important part of university training. While students may discuss assignments with their classmates and others, they are expected to make sure any written material they submit is their own work. Students are expected to know how to cite the work of others and present a bibliography of the research texts that were used.
Participation is mandatory and students are expected to play an active role during classes.
Final Exam: oral exam
Programma definitivo.