Anno accademico
2019/2020 Programmi anni precedenti
Titolo corso in inglese
Codice insegnamento
LT9004 (AF:302489 AR:166694)
In presenza
Crediti formativi universitari
Livello laurea
Settore scientifico disciplinare
I Semestre
Anno corso
Spazio Moodle
Link allo spazio del corso
The aim of the course is to introduce students to some of the most important topics of Western philosophy, in order to develop an understanding of the nature of philosophical questions, and of ways in which these can be answered.

At the end of the course, students should be able to:
a) demonstrate knowledge of important philosophical terms as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic, rationalism, empiricism, idealism, dualism, reductionism, determinism;
b) demonstrate knowledge of the views of the philosophers studied;
c) articulate how these views are created in response to general philosophical problems and/or to the views of other philosophers;
d) read, summarize and interpret the views of philosophers as expressed in philosophical texts;
e) identify the philosophical questions presented by the movies considered;
f) think more critically and argument more clearly.
The course does not have entry requirements
We will reflect in particular on five themes: 1) The nature of knowledge; 2) Personal identity 3) The mind-body problem; 4) God and theodicy; 5) Free will. For each topic, students will consider the positions of such important thinkers as René Descartes, John Locke, David Hume, Daniel Dennett. We will wholly read a classic of philosophy – Descartes's Meditations on first philosophy–in order to become familiar with philosophical language and arguments. Moreover, we will watch and discuss two movies, which are related to the aforementioned topics: 1) The Matrix; 2) Minority Report.
N. Warburton, Philosophy. The Basics, Routledge 2013.
J. Perry, M. Bratman, J. M. Fischer (eds.), Introduction to Philosophy. Classical and Contemporary Readings, Oxford University Press, 2016 (excerpts)
R. Descartes, Meditations on First philosophy (suggested edition ed. by J. Cottingham, Cambridge University Press).
D. Hume, An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding (suggested edition Oxford University Press)
A selection of other texts will be given during the classes and will be present on the moodle of the class.
The evaluation will be based on a written exam with multiple choice general questions and open questions on the texts discussed.

Students with different abilities and / or with specific learning disorders following this course are invited to report to the teacher (and to the specific office any need to optimize the preparation for the exam.
Lectures, reading and discussion of texts, debates.
Il programma è ancora provvisorio e potrà subire modifiche.
Data ultima modifica programma: 07/08/2019