Alessandro Maria BRUNI
- Qualifica
- Docente a contratto
- Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/alessandromaria.bruni (scheda personale)
First name: Alessandro Maria
Last name: Bruni
Current Status: Associate Professor of Slavic Studies
(Professore associato in Slavistica - 10/M2)
Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Dorsoduro 3199, Calle Bernardo, 30123 Venice, Italy.
Email: alessandromaria.bruni@unive.it
Webpage: https://www.unive.it/data/persone/11897641/ricerca
Full CV https://www.unive.it/data/persone/11897641/curriculum
ORCID ID 0002-5439-8005
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1-BQRHsAAAAJ&hl=it
Scopus Author ID: 56055561600
Web of Science: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/1105258
Kudos https://www.growkudos.com/profile/alessandro_maria__bruni
Jan-July 2022 Visiting scholar at Wolfson College, University of Oxford
Oct 2021-July 2022 Visiting scholar at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew & Jewish studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford
Sept 2021 Visiting professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Philology,
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Erasmus+Programme) [postponed]
Nov 2020 Qualified as Full Professor in Slavic Studies (“Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale in Slavistica 10 /M2 – I Fascia”)
at the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research [03.11.2020]
Oct 2020 Elected member of the Academic Senate of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice (2020-2023)
https://www.unive.it/pag/11014/ [16.10.2020]
Oct-Dec 2016 Visiting scholar at the Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow [1.10.2016-31.12. 2016]
Jul 2015 Formally appointed tenured Associate Professor of Slavic Studies (Russian Language) to the
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies, “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venice. [01.07.2015]
Oct 2014 Nominated by the Appointment Committee of the “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venice for a
tenured position of Associate Professor in Slavic Studies [02.10.2014]
Feb 2014 Qualified as tenured Associate Professor in Slavic Studies (“Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale in Slavistica”)
at the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research [24.2.2014]
2012-2013 Member, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, USA [13.9.12 - 13.8.13]
2011-2012 Visiting Fellowship, International Centre for Christian Studies at the Orthodox Church of Georgia, Tbilisi
2008-2010 Postdoctoral researcher, Centre of Palaeography, Codicology, Diplomatic, Institute of World History, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Institut Vseobščej istorii Rossijskoj Akademii nauk = IVI RAN)[01.4.2008-30.12.2010].
2007 “Europe” Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the National Centre of Manuscripts in Tbilisi,
Georgia [01.4.2007-03.6.2007].
2006-2008 Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a period of 18 months at the Institute of Slavistics of the
University of Würzburg [01.10.2006-31.3.2008].
2005 Visiting Scholar, Monastery of Iviron, Mount Athos [01-30.5.2005].
2004-2006 Postdoctoral researcher, Centre of “Palaeography, Codicology, Diplomatic”, IVI RAN, Moscow [07.10.2004-30.9.2006].
2005 Dottore di ricerca (PhD), Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research [recognition of the Russian academic title of “Doctor of Philosophy in History” (PhD) as an equivalent to the Italian doctoral degree] (2.11.2005).
2005 Issuance of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History (PhD) by the Supreme Attestation Committee [Vysšaja attestacionnaja komissija = VAK] of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (20.5.2005).
2004 Doctor of Philosophy in History (PhD), Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Centre of Palaeography, Codicology, Diplomatic). Thesis title: “Drevneslavjanskie kodeksy Slov Grigorija Nazianzina i ich vizantijskie prototipy” [= “The Old Slavonic codices of the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus and their Byzantine prototypes”] (06.10.2004).
2001-2004 PhD student (“aspirant”), Centre of Palaeography, Codicology, Diplomatic, IVI RAN.
2001 Laurea di Dottore in Lettere with the highest honours (“110/110 summa cum laude”) at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (3.7.2001).
1997-2001 Student at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Long and short-term study internships in St Petersburg (1998-1999), Sofija (1999-2000) and Hamburg (1999).
TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLICATIONS (2002-2023): 89. Monographs: 3; Articles in peer reviewed journals and volume chapters: 77; Edited Journal Issues and books: 2; Reviews, abstracts, and translations: 7.
2023 Research Projects of Relevant National Interest (PRIN). Call 2022.
Project's title: The Transmission of Old Church Slavonic Texts. Application number: 2022BPCP8N.
Role: Principal Investigator.
➡️ https://www.unive.it/pag/16955/ [Filologia]
Raised funds: 203.647, 00 Eur
171.423, 00 Eur (Ministry of University and Research)
32.224, 00 Eur (Co-funding by the “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venice)
2019 Research award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for organizing the International Humboldt
Conference "Probleme mittelalterlicher Überlieferung und Textkritik: europäische Philologien im Vergleich”at
the Ca Foscari University of Venice (27-29, January 2020). ➡️ https://www.unive.it/pag/39051
Raised funds: 20.625, 00 Eur
18.375, 00 Eur (Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung)
2.250, 00 Eur (Co-funding by the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies, “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venice)
2022 Visiting scholar at Wolfson College, University of Oxford [16.01.22-31.7.22]
2021-22 Visiting scholar at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew & Jewish studies, University of Oxford [03.10.21-31.7.22]
2021 Visiting Professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Erasmus+Programme) [postponed to 2024]
2016 Overseas research fellowship awarded by the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice for a three-month
research stay at the Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow (1.10.2016-31.12. 2016).
2012 Member, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ (11 months)
2012 Foreign member, International Centre for Christian Studies at the Orthodox Church of Georgia, Tbilisi
2011 Visiting Fellow, International Centre for Christian Studies at the Orthodox Church of Georgia, Tbilisi
2008 Alumnus der Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung [permanent affiliation to the AvH Foundation]
2007 Europe Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2 months)
2006 Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (18 months)
2001 Annual study grant for frequency of specialization courses abroad (Russian Federation), conferred
by the Rector of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” [Rector’s Decree n° G 128626, 15.11.2001]
1999 Scholarship conferred by the Bulgarian Government through the Italian Ministery of Foreing Affairs
for an 8-month training in Slavic Philology at the “Kliment Okhridski”, Sofija, Bulgaria [28.9.1999]
1999 Scholarship conferred by the Polish Government through the Italian Ministery of Foreing Affairs for
a 6-month training in Slavic Philology at the Jagellonian University of Cracow, Poland [11.06.1999]
1999 Scholarship conferred by the Institut für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie for a short-term
training in Greek Palaeography at the University of Hamburg [1-30.10 1999].
2021 Recognition of outstanding research achievements in the field of Caucasian Studies
by the Georgian National Academy of Science
(Act N° 01017-105/116 signed on May 25th, 2021, by the President, prof. G. Kvesitadze).
2022- Member of the international research team The Slavonic and East European Medieval Studies Group, University of Cambridge, UK. Head of the research group: Dr Monica White, Nottingham University. Members: Dr Adelina Angusheva-Tihanov (Manchester); Dr Sergei Bogatyrev (London); Dr Alessandro Maria Bruni (Venice); Constanţa Burlacu (Oxford); Prof. Ralph Cleminson (Oxford); Dr Elena Draghici-Vasilescu (Oxford); Dr Nick Evans (London); Prof. Simon Franklin FBA (Cambridge); Olga Grinchenko (Bristol); Lilian Ann-Charlotte Gutsjö (Gothenburg); Dr Nick Hearn (Oxford); Dr Jana Howlett (Cambridge); Dr Ágnes Kriza (London); Dr Mary MacRobert (Oxford); Dr Lyubov Osinkina (Oxford); Dr Georgi Parpulov (Göttingen); Dr Olenka Pevny (Cambridge); Prof. Richard Price (London); Dr Susan Reynolds (London); Prof. William Ryan FBA (London); Dr Lara Sels (Leuven); Dr Liudmyla Sharipova (Nottingham); Prof. Jonathan Shepard (Oxford); Dr Vera Tchentsova (Paris); Dr Susana Torres Prieto (Madrid); Dr Ida Toth (Oxford); Dr Alexandra Vukovich (London); Dr Monica White (Nottingham); Angus Wilson (Cambridge); Dr Talia Zajac (Manchester)
2019- Member of the international research team “New tools for European philologies: spectroscopic techniques applied to the study of manuscripts” in cooperation with the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems (DSMN) of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Institute of Structure of Matter (IEM) at the Spanish National Research Council. Head of the research group: María del Valle Ojeda Calvo. Members: Alessandro Maria Bruni, S. Caterino, Claudia Crestini, Marco Infurna, Ligia Maria Moretto, Santiago Sánchez-Cortés [SPA].
2012- Participation in the international research project "Textual History of the Bible ", directed by Armin Lange (University of Vienna) and Emanuel Tov (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). Research team: Alessandro M. Bruni (Georgian and Old Church Slavonic Translations), Ignacio Carbajosa (Syriac Translations), Claude Cox (Armenian Translations), Sidnie White Crawford (Samaritan Pentateuch), Steve Delamarter (Ethiopic Translations), Beate Ego (Targumim), Frank Feder (Coptic Translations), Peter Gentry (Pre-Hexaplaric, Post-Hexaplaric Translations and the Hexapla), Michael Graves (Vulgate), Armin Lange (Ancient Hebrew/Aramaic Texts), Meira Polliack (Arabic Translations), Michael Segal (The Biblical Text in Ancient Literature), Pablo Torijano Morales (Vetus Latina), Emanuel Tov (Septuagint), Julio Trebolle (Vetus Latina).
2020- Co-editor (with V. S. Tomelleri and G. Ziffer) of the Proceedings of the International Humboldt Conference "Probleme mittelalterlicher Überlieferung und Textkritik: europäische Philologien im Vergleich (Studies on Language and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe, Peter Lang).
2021-2023 Co-editor (with V. S. Tomelleri and G. Ziffer) of Volume 73/2022 [2023] of the Journal “Slovo: časopis
Staroslavenskoga instituta u Zagrebu” [(ISSN 0583-6255 (Print) ISSN 1849-1049 (Online)]
2019-2020 Co-editor (with M. Bradaš and A. Naumow) of the Proceedings of the III Cyrillo-Methodian Meeting at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice: cultures and books of the Slavic World in Venice" in Ricerche Slavistiche N.S. Vol. 3 (LXIII), 2020: 7-290.
2012-2017 Area editor for the Georgian and Old Church Slavonic Bible, in Textual History of the Bible, Voll. 1A, 1B, 1C: The Hebrew Bible (Edited by A. Lange and E. Tov; Leiden, Brill Publishers).
2011- Member of the Editorial Board, Journal “Logosi”, International Centre for Christian Studies at the Orthodox Church of Georgia, Tbilisi http://logos.org.ge/eng/publikaciebi.php
2009- Member of the Editorial Board of the series “Rossija i Christianskij Vostok. Biblioteka” edited by
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) since 2009 (Fascicle N° 8).
2007- Member of the Editorial Board of the series “Monfokon. Issledovanija po paleografii, kodikologii i
diplomatike / Montfaucon. Études de paléographie, de codicologie et de diplomatique” [= Montfaucon. Studies on Palaeography, Codicology, Diplomatic], Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow).
2022- The Slavonic and East European Medieval Studies Group, University of Cambridge, UK (Member)
2018- Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) (full member) www.sbl-site.org
2016- Associazione italiana degli slavisti (socio ordinario) http://associazioneslavisti.com/
Authored papers:
Gießen, Germany, 26-28.10.2023 (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Institut für Slavistik): International Conference 15. Tagung „Altslavistik“. Paper: “Textkritische und lexikalische Bemerkungen zu den altkirchenslavischen Übersetzungen der Homilien des Gregor von Nazianz”.
Innsbruck, Austria, 25-26.9.2023 (Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Slawistik): International Workshop „Digitale Verarbeitung von mittelalterlichen Handschriften und Texten“. Paper: “Die digitale Verarbeitung des slavischen Handschriftenkorpus des Gregor von Nazianz: Probleme und Forschungsperspektiven”.
Rome, Italy, 21-23.9.2023 (Rome University „Sapienza“): International Conference „Humboldt-Kolloquium: Forschungskooperationen im Wandel-Chancen und Herausforderungen für das Humboldt-Netzwerk”. Paper: “Die Slavische Sprachwissenschaft in der Forschung von Humboldtianern”.
Sofija, Bulgaria, 28-30.8.2023 (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"): International Conference “The 9thInternational Colloquium on Old Bulgarian Studies”. Paper: “Inovativni posoki v izsledvaneto na starobălgarskite prevodi na starozavetnite knigi” [= New Approaches to the Study of the Old Bulgarian Translations of the Old Testament].
Sofija, Bulgaria, 22-24.5.2023 (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): International Conference “Kirilo-Metodievoto delo v naučnata i kulturnata pamet”. Paper: “Problemi na izsledvaneto na slavjanskata răkopisna tradicija na Knigi Carstva” [= Issues in the of study of the Slavonic Manuscript Tradition of the Book of Reigns].
Vienna, Austria, 15.12.2022 (Universität Wien, Institut für Slawistik). International Conference "Hochsprachliches und Volkssprachliches in slawischen mittelalterlichen Inschriften und Urkunden". Paper: „Bemerkungen über mittelbulgarische Inschriften in griechischen Handschriften”.
Denver, CO, United States, 19-22.11.2022 (American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature): Society of Biblical Literature 2022 Annual Meeting. Program Unit: “Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible: Ancient Variant Literary Editions of Jeremiah and Ezekiel and Their Interpretative Value.” Paper: “The Interpretative Value of the Old Church Slavonic Translation of Ezekiel for the Textual Criticism of the Bible”.
Vienna, Austria 09-11.11.2022 (Universität Wien, Institut für Byzantinistik). International Workshop “Neighbouring ideas: The Byzantine-Slavonic Intellectual Contacts”. Paper: “Die slavische Rezeption des Corpus Nazanzenum”.
Venice-Padua, Italy 22-27.8.2022 (Ca’ Foscari University-University of Padua). 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Round Table: “Bisanzio, ponte fra culture: lingue, letterature, manoscritti. Paper: “La tradizione bizantino-slava dei Commentari di Niceta di Eraclea alle Orazioni di Gregorio di Nazianzo”.
Heidelberg, Germany 15-16.7.2022 (University of Heidelberg). 14. Altslavistik-Tagung „Das kirchenslavische Schriftttum als Kulturerbe: Texte und Textwelten, Rezeptionswege, Digitale Erfassung“. Paper: “Das Repertorium der slavischen Handschriften mit der Sammlung der 16 Homilien des Gregor von Nazianz: aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und neue Perspektiven”.
Padua, Italy, 6-9.6.2022 (University of Padua, Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies). VI Congresso Italiano di Slavistica “Cento anni di Slavistica a Padova. Gli studi slavistici in Italia nell’ultimo trentennio (1991-2021): bilanci e prospettive”. Program Unit: “Linguistics, Philology and Comparative Studies”. Paper: “Linguistica russa e filologia: analisi diacronica e critico-testuale”.
Sofija, Bulgaria, 27-29.10.2021 (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Cyrillomethodian Research Centre: Meždunarodna naučna konferencija “Pătjat na Kiril i Metodij-prostranstveni i kulturno-istoričeski izmerenija” [The path of Cyril and Methodius - spatial and cultural-historical dimensions]: Paper: “Tekstologični problemi na Parimijnite četenija ot Knigi Carstva” [Textual Problems of the prophetologium pericopes from the Books of the Kingdoms]
Moscow, Russian Federation, 24-25.3.2021 (Moscow State University “M.V. Lomonosov”): Meždunarodnaja naučnaja onlajn-konferencija “Ostrožskaja Biblija i razvitie biblejskoj tradicii u slavjan”. Paper: “K probleme vzaimootnošenija Ostrožskoj Biblij i pervych pečatnych izdanij Septuaginty” [= On the Problem of the Relationship between the Ostrog Bible and the Early Printed Editions of the Septuagint.]
Boston, United States, 29.11.-10.12.2020 (American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature): Society of Biblical Literature 2020 Annual Meeting (Virtual Meeting). Program Unit “Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible. Theme: Antisemitism and Textual Criticism – The Forgers of the Bible Slander”. Paper: “The Manuscripts of the Old Slavonic Bible and the Problem of the So-Called Heresy of the Judaizers in Late-Fifteenth-Century Russia”.
Kazan’, Russian Federation, 16-20.11.2020 (Kazan’ Federal University): “Kazan International Linguistic Summit “Challenges and Trends in World Linguistics”. Paper (Plenary Session): “K izučeniju praesens historicum v drevnerusskom i srednegrečeskom” [= Towards a study of the historical present in Old Russian and in Middle Greek]https://kils.kpfu.ru/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/PROGRAMMA-ISPRAVLENNAYA1-1.pdf
Udine, Italy, 10-12.9.2020 (University of Udine): VIII Incontro di Linguistica slava. Paper: “Per lo studio della perifrasi verbale paleoslava composta dal verbo essere (byti) e dal participio presente)” [= On the study of the Old Church Slavonic verbal periphrasis “BE+present participle”]. https://linguisticaslava8.uniud.it/programma/programma-dettagliato.
Venice, 27-29.1.2020 (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice): Chair of the Organizing committee of the International Humboldt Conference "Probleme mittelalterlicher Überlieferung und Textkritik: europäische Philologien im Vergleich”. Paper: “Textkritik und ihre Probleme: methodologische Strategien bei der Erforschung der Reden des Gregor von Nazianz” [= Textual criticism and its problems: methodological strategies in the study of the Sermons of Gregory of Nazianzus].
Verona, 5-7.12.2019 (University of Verona): MoodleMoot Italia 2019. Paper: “Un'esperienza di sviluppo di e-learning a Ca' Foscari: il primo corso online di Filologia Slava”. [= An e-learning development experience at Ca 'Foscari: the first online course on Slavic Philology.]
San Diego, CA, United States, 23-26.11.2019 (American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature): Society of Biblical Literature 2019 Annual Meeting. Program Unit “Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible”. Paper: “The Church Slavonic Version of the Antiochene Text of Samuel-Kings and the Study of the Proto-Lucianic Problem”.
Florence, 04-05.11.2019 (University of Florence): International Roundtable Seminar “Slavic Philology Today: reflections 40 Years following the death of Angiolo Danti (1979-2019)” [Filologia slava oggi: riflessioni a quarant’anni dalla scomparsa di Angiolo Danti (1979-2019)]. Participation in Roundtables “Philology and History”, “Philology, Textual Criticism and Medieval Literatures”, “Philology and Linguistics”).
Venice, 19-21.09.2019 (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice): International Conference “III Incontro Cirillo-Metodiano a Ca’ Foscari: culture e libri del mondo slavo a Venezia”. Paper: “Le edizioni a stampa della Septuaginta e la storia testuale della Bibbia Slava” [= The printed editions of the Septuagint and the textual history of the Slavonic Bible].
Udine, Italy, 29-30.8.2019 (University of Udine): International Conference “Gli studi slavistici nel mondo oggi”. Paper: La tradizione paleoslava delle Orazioni di Gregorio di Nazianzo e la situazione linguistica della Slavia Cristiana” [= The Old Church Slavonic tradition of the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzos and the language situation in the Slavia Christiana].
Saarbrücken, Germany, 21-24.3.2019 (Universität des Saarlandes): 13. Altslavistik-Tagung. Paper: “Die erste altkirchenslavische Übersetzung der Homilie 44 des Gregor von Nazianz”. [= The first Old Church Slavonic translation of Gregory of Nazianzus' Sermon 44]
Prague, Czech Republic, 28.2-01.3. 2019 (Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic): International Palaeoslavistic conference „Naked are nations without books”, held on the occasion of the1150th death anniversary of St. Constantine-Cyril and in a memory of late doc. Zoe Hauptová’s 90th birthday. Paper:“The book of Kings in Old Church Slavonic: some remarks on the prophetologium readings and the later textual tradition”.
Denver, CO, United States, 17-20.11. 2018 (American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature): Society of Biblical Literature 2018 Annual Meeting. Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible: “Redactions – Variant Literary Editions – Rewritten Scripture”. Paper: “The Chester Beatty Papyrus 967 and the Old Church Slavonic Bible: new insights into the textual history of Ezekiel and Daniel”.
Tbilisi, 26-29.09.2018 (Georgian National Academy of Science/Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University): Second International Kartvelological Congress: “100 years of Tbilisi State University”. Paper: “esteris c’ignis ʒveli kartuli t’radicia da misi γirebuleba bibliis t’ekst’ualuri k’rit’ik’is tvalsazrisit” [= The Old Georgian tradition of the book of Esther and its value for the textual criticism of the Bible].
Venice, 20-22.09.2018 (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice): VII Incontro di Linguistica slava. Paper: “Per l’interpretazione dell’aggettivo полоубоуивъ nell’iscrizione novgorodiana su corteccia di betulla N° 735 (metà del secolo XII)” [= Towards an interpretation of the adjective полоубоуивъ in the Novgorod birch bark inscription N° 735 (mid- 12th century].
Belgrade, 20-27.08.2018 (University of Belgrade / Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts): XVI Međunarodni kongres slavista. Paper: “Drevneserbskij perevod “Antiochijskoj” redakcii knig Carstv: predvaritel’nye tekstologičeskie zametki” [= The Old Serbian Version of the Antiochene Recension of The Books of the Kingdoms: Some Preliminary Remarks on Textual Criticism].
Moscow: 27-28.02.2018. (Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences): International Conference “Paleografija, kodikologija, diplomatika. Sovremennyj opyt issledovanija grečeskich, latinskich i slavjanskich rukopisej i dokumentov. Materialy Meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii v čest’ 80-letija doktora istoričeskich nauk, člena korrespondenta Afinskoj Akademii Borisa L’voviča Fonkiča„. Paper: “K izučeniju avtografov Dimitrija Kidonisa: paleografičeskie nabljudenija nad kodeksom Vat.gr. 609” [= Towards a study of Demetrios Kydones' autographs: palaeographic remarks on codex Vat.gr. 609].
Tbilisi 12-13.02.2018 (Parliament of Georgia): International Conference “Religion and Public Life” dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of Restoring the Autocephaly of the Georgian Apostolic Orthodox Church. Paper: “ʒveli kartuli biblia da misi mnišvneloba mecnierebistvis” [“The Old Georgian Bible and its importance for scholarship”].
Venice, 30.11-02.12. 2017 (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice): International Conference “Lingue della preghiera cristiana: storia e contemporaneità. Secondo Incontro cirillometodiano a 1150 anni dalla “disputa veneziana”. Paper: “La traduzione cirillo-metodiana del Salterio: il problema delle fonti”.
Moscow, 31.5-01.6.2017 (Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences): International Round Table “Svjatoj i obščestvo: konstruirovanie svjatosti v agiografii i social’noj pamjati” (The Saint and the Society: theConstruction of Holiness in Hagiography and in the Social Memory”). Paper: “Digenis Akrit v drevnerusskich knjažeskich žizneopisanijach” [= The Digenis Akritas in the Old Russian Lives of the Princes].
Rome, 6.5.2016 (Università La Sapienza: Workshop at the International Symposium “Dialettica tra contingenza storica e valore universale in Vjačeslav Ivanov. Convegno in onore del 150° anniversario della nascita di Vjačeslav Ivanov”. Paper: “Problemi, aporie e opzioni nella traduzione delle opere poetiche di Vjačeslav Ivanov”.
Rome, 5.5.2016 (Pontificio Istituto Orientale: International Symposium “Dialettica tra contingenza storica e valore universale in Vjačeslav Ivanov. Convegno in onore del 150° anniversario della nascita di Vjačeslav Ivanov”. Paper: “Pamjat’ i zabvenie v Rimskom dnevnike 1944 g. Vjačeslava Ivanova”.
Venice, 7.4.2016 (Ca’ Foscari University): International Symposium “La Crimea tra Russia, Italia e impero ottomano. Percorsi storici e culturali”. Paper: “Vladimir I e la Leggenda di Cherson”.
Tbilisi, 12-19.05.2014 (Patriarchate of Georgia): International Symposium “The Tradition of the Theotokos’ veneration in the Orthodox Church: History, Culture, Theology”. Paper: “kebata-kebis” ʒveli kartuli iambuk’uri targmani rogorc “šesxmaj c’midisa γvtismšoblisaj” venis Georg. 4 xelnac’erši [= An Old Georgian Iambic translation of the Song of Songs as an Encomium to the Holy Mother of God in the Vienna Codex No. 4]
Rome, 2-4.12.2013 (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani): “L’impero costantiniano e i luoghi sacri”. Paper: “Memoria costantiniana e creazione degli spazi sacri in Russia” [= Constantine’s legacy and creation of sacred spaces in Russia].
Moscow, 27-28. 2.2013 (Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences): Paleografija, kodikologija i diplomatika: sovremennyj opyt issledovanija grečeskogo, latinskogo i slavjanskogo rukopisnogo nasledija(Meždunarodnaja naučnaja konferencija v čest’ 75-letija d.i.n. B.L. Fonkiča. Paper: “K sopostavitel’nomu izučeniju vizantijskoj i drevnejšej slavjanskoj tradicij Tolkovanij Nikity Iraklijskogo k Slovam Grigorija Bogoslova [= Towards a comparative study of the Byzantine and the Oldest Slavonic traditions of the Commentaries of Nicetas Heracleensis to the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzos].
Tbilisi, 14-15.12.2012 (Patriarchate of Georgia): International Conference “Turning Back to Spirituality”. Dedicated to the 35th Anniversary from the Enthronement and 80th Birth Anniversary of His Holiness and Beatitude, the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Ilia II. Paper: “ant’ik’uri p’eriodis medicina šua sauk’uneebis sakartveloši”[=Ancient Medicine in Medieval Georgia].
Tbilisi, 9-12.5.2011 (Patriarchate of Georgia): International Conference “kartveli atonelebi da krist’ianuli civilizacia” [= Georgian Athonites and Christian Civilization]. Paper: “c’minda giorgi mtac’mindelis avt’ografebis ident’ipicirebisatvis: p’aleograpiuli da k’odik’ologiuri šenišvnebi ivironis monast’ris kartul xelnac’erebtan dak’avsirebit” [= Towards the identification of the autographs of St George the Agiorite: palaeographical and codicological notes on Georgian manuscripts of the Iviron Monastery].
Tbilisi, 9-12 October 2008 (Patriarchate of Georgia): International Conference “civilizaciata dialogi - ganatleba da aγzrda, rogorc sašualeba mxareta tanamšromlobisa” [=Third International Symposium “Dialogue of Civilizations – Education and Enlightenment as Means of Collaboration of sides]. Paper: “Civilizaciebis da ganmanatleblobis dialogi ekvtime iberielis salit’erat’uro šemokmedebaši: gregori didis Dialogorum Libri-is šemoγc’eva kartul lit’erat’uraši” [= Dialogue of civilizations and enlightenment in the literary activity of Euthymius the Iberian: the entry into Georgian literature of the “Dialogorum libri” of Gregory the Great].
Moscow, 14-16 May 2008 (Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences): International Conference “Paleografija i kodikologija 300 let posle Monfokona”. Paper: “Grečeskaja paleografija i kartvelologija” [=Greek Palaeography and Kartvelology].
Saint Petersburg, 27-30 November 2006 (Institute of Russian Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences): International Conference “Kul’turnoe nasledie Drevnej Rusi - Tret'i Lichačevskie čtenija”. Paper: “Problemy izučenija vizantijsko-slavjanskoj tradicii Slov Grigorija Nazianzina: k voprosu o proischoždenii Tolkovanij Nikity Iraklijskogo”[=Issues in the study of the Byzantine and the Slavonic tradition of the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus: on the question of the origin of the Commentaries of Nicetas Heracleensis].
Tbilisi, 23-28 November 2005 (Patriarchate of Georgia): II International Conference “krist’ianoba čvens cxovrebaši — c’arsuli, ac’mqo, momavali” [= Christianity in our life: past, present, future], Paper: “From Greek into Georgian: aspects and function of Euthymius the Athonite’s translation method”.
Sofija, 27 September–2 October 2005 (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): International Conference “Problemi na Kirilo-Metodievoto delo i na bălgarskata kultura prez IX-X vek”. Paper: “Tekstologičeski problemi na starobălgarskija prevod na Slovata na Grigorij Nazianzin” [= Textual problems of the Old Bulgarian version of the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzos].
Hamburg, 14-16. October 1999 (Institut für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie): Nachwuchsforum des Graduiertenkollegs “Textüberlieferung”. Paper: “Paläoslavische Kodikologie” [= Palaeoslavic Codicology].
Co-authored papers:
Sofija, 25-27 April 2023 (Institute for Balkan and Thracian Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): International Conference “Učitelnoto evangelie na Konstantin Preslavski i južnoslavjanskite prevodi na homiletični tekstove IX-XIII v.): filologičeski i interdisciplinarni rakursi. Co-authored paper with Lora E. Taseva: „Grăcko-slavjanskite săotvetstvija kato kriterij za atribucija na starobălgarski prevodi” [= Greek-Slavonic equivalents as a criterion for the attribution of Old Bulgarian translations].
11 Mar 2023 The Slavonic and East European Medieval Studies Group, University of Cambridge: “Byzantine
manuscripts as a source for the study of the Middle-Bulgarian Language”. [online talk]
16 Dec 2022 Lecture for the MA-Course „Old Church Slavonic” at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the University of Vienna (Lehrveranstaltung am Institut für Slavistik der Universität Wien im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung: KO Altkirchenslawisch). Vorlesungstitel: “Die altkirchenslavische Übersetzungsliteratur: Handschriften, Texte und Forschungsmethoden”.
20 Oct 2021 Lunchtime Seminar in Jewish Studies, Oxford Centre for Hebrew & Jewish studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford: ‘The Problem of Textual Arrangement in the Old Church Slavonic Version of the Book of Daniel”.
29 Dec 2020 Slavic Biblical Seminar of the St Tikhon’s Orthodox University for the Humanities, Moscow:
“Cerkovno-slavjanskie perevody Biblii i ich značenie dlja tekstologičeskogo izučenija Septuaginty” [= The Church Slavonic Translations of the Bible and their value for the Textual Criticism of the Septuagint”].
➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msrdRhCxjDY&feature=youtu.be
2 Mar 2016 University of Udine, Centro Internazionale sul Plurilinguismo: "L'Antico testamento in paleoslavo:
tipologie codicologiche, grafiche, linguistiche".
27 Nov 2012 Ancient Studies Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton: “Georgian Hirmologion as source
for the study of Greek music and poetry:
an integrated approach to hymnographic neumed manuscripts”.
06 Nov 2012 Medieval Seminar, IAS, Princeton: “Recovering the Liturgy of Jerusalem through Georgian
25 May 2007 National Centre of Manuscripts, Tbilisi, Georgia: “ekvtime atonelis mtargmnelobiti moγvac'eobis
šesc'avlis šesaxeb” [= “On the study of the literary activity of Euthymios the Athonite”]
06 April 2006 Institute of Russian Language, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow: “Drevnerusskaja tradicija Slov Grigorija Nazianzina” [= “The Old Russian tradition of the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzos”].
26-30 Jan 2020 Chair of the Organizing and Scientific committee of the International Humboldt Conference "Probleme mittelalterlicher Überlieferung und Textkritik: europäische Philologien im Vergleich”. Co-organizers: Vittorio Springfield Tomelleri (University of Macerata), Giorgio Ziffer (University
of Udine) https://www.unive.it/pag/39051
19-21 Sep 2019 Organizing committee member of the "III Cyrillo-Methodian Meeting at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice: cultures and books of the Slavic World in Venice". https://www.unive.it/data/331https://www.unive.it/pag/7384/13/1/31769
2023 Peer review for the Journal “Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici"
2023 Peer review for the Journal “Palaeobulgarica "
2022 Peer review for the Journal “Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie Occidentale”
2021 Peer review for the Journal “Slovo: časopis Staroslavenskoga instituta u Zagrebu”https://hrcak.srce.hr/slovo
2020 Peer review for the Journal “Ricerche Slavistiche"
2020 Peer review for the Journal “Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature” https://languagejournal.spbu.ru
2019 Peer review for the Journal “Ciceroniana Online. A Journal of Roman Thought”
Since 29.12.2017 Member of the roster of peer-reviewers at the Italian Ministry of Education, University and
Research [REPRISE = Register of Expert Peer-Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation].
23 Nov 2017 Ca’ Foscari University of Venice: scholarly organization and public introduction to Prof. G. Ziffer’s (University of Udine) lecture “Critica del testo di Paul Maas”.
14 April 2016 Ca’ Foscari University of Venice: scholarly organization and public introduction to Prof. A. Danylenko’s (Pace University) lectures “East Slavic Standard Languages: Questions of Social Typology” and “Contact-Induced Grammaticalization in Slavic: Evidence from Low-Contact Languages”.
2016-currently Member of the Thesis examining board of the PhD in Languages, Cultures, Modern Societies of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
➡️ https://www.unive.it/pag/7384/
➡️ https://www.unive.it/data/course/330483
➡️ https://www.unive.it/data/people/11897641/didattica_curr
➡️ https://www.unive.it/data/people/11897641/didattica_prec
o Teaching of large classes at Ca’ Foscari since 2015.
o Teaching innovation: designer of the first online course of Slavic Philology in 2019 (pre-pandemic)
o Number of courses taught: 4 – 120 h (Academic years 2015/2016, 2016/2017; 2018/2019, 2021/2022)
5 – 150 h (Academic years 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2022/2023)
o Total number of exams (2016-2023): 2175
1503 LINGUA RUSSA 1 - LT007X
o Supervised theses: 31
o Co-supervised theses: 75
o Student evaluations of my teaching in 2018-2023:
LT007X 2018-2019: 3.18/4 [C6]; 3.03/4 [C9]
LT007X 2019-2020: 8.02/10 [3CF]; 8.19/10 [11A]
LT007X 2020-2021: 8.16/10 [3CF]; 8.59/10 [11A]
LT007X 2021-2022: 8.10/10 [3CF]; 7.52/10 [11A]
LT007X 2022-2023: 7.56/10 [3CF]; 7.27/10 [11A]
LT0840 2019-2020: 8.22/10 [3CF]; 7.57/10 [11A]
LT0840 2020-2021: 8.00/10 [3CF]; 7.29/10 [11A]
LT0840 2021-2022: 7.41/10 [3CF]; 6.93/10 [11A]
LT0840 2022-2023: 7.50/10 [3CF]; 6.83/10 [11A]
LM0420 2020-2021: N/A
LM0420 2022-2023: N/A
Institutional and research service activities
o 2023- currently. Vice-Director of the Interdepartmental Centre of Historical Studies on Christianity
of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
o 2023- currently. Member of the Teaching Committee and of the Quality Assurance Group of the Master’s
Degree Program in Language Sciences at the Department of Linguistics and Comparative
Cultural Studies of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
o 2021- currently. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Interdepartmental Centre of Historical
Studies on Christianity of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
o 2020- 2023. Member of the Academic Senate of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
o 2019- 2022. Governance Panel Member of Department's “Excellence Project 2018-2022”.
[Permanent Committee]
o 2019-2022. Responsible for Faculty and Employee reward at the Department of Linguistics and
Comparative Cultural Studies of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
o 2017- 2023. Responsible for coordinating the activities of Russian mother tongue linguistic assistants
(CEL) at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
Search and evaluation committees (a selection)
o April - July 2023. Member of the Selection Committee for a position of tenure-track Assistant Professor in Slavic Studies (Russian Language)
at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice
o Oct – Nov 2021. Member of the Selection Committee for a position of tenure-track Assistant Professor in Slavic Studies (Russian Literature)
at the University of Udine
o March- Jun 2021. Member of the Selection Committee for a position of tenure-track Assistant Professor in Slavic Studies (Russian Literature)
at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice
o Jan- Febr 2021. Member of the Selection Committee for post-doc positions at the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural
Studies of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
o Nov-Dec 2020. Chair of the Selection Committee for a permanent position of Russian mother tongue linguistic assistant at the Ca' Foscari
University of Venice.
o Nov 2020. Member of the Selection Committee for post-doc positions at the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies
of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice
o Oct 2020. Member of the Selection Committee for a position of a Tenured Associate Professor in Slavic Studies at the University of Torino:
o Oct 2020. Member of the Evaluation Committee for a fixed-term researcher position in Slavonic studies (Russian Literature) at the Ca'
Foscari University of Venice.
o Apr-July 2020. Member of the Selection Committee for post-doc positions at Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies of
the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
o June -July 2019. Chair of the Selection Committee for a position of a linguistic assistant of Russian mother tongue at the Ca' Foscari University of
o April- July 2018. Member of the Selection Committee for a fixed-term researcher position in Slavonic studies (Russian Language) at the Ca'
Foscari University of Venice.
o May-Sept 2017. Member of the Selection Committee for a permanent position of Russian mother tongue linguistic assistant at the Ca' Foscari
University of Venice
o 2022- Faculty coordinator, Offices in the World, Ca’ Foscari Moscow Information Corner, Higher School of Economics
➡️ https://www.hse.ru/intpartners/univecorner/
o April 26th, 2023 Radio interview on the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR)
➡️ https://bnr.bg/hristobotev/post/101820669
o April 28th, 2023 Radio interview (live) on the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR)
➡️ https://bnr.bg/hristobotev/post/101827781/preotkrivane-na-uchitelnoto-evagelie-na-konstantin-preslavski
o May 25th, 2023 TV interview on the Bulgarian National Television (BNT; TV programme “istorija.bg”)
[➡️min 45:15]
o Sept 1th, 2023 Interview on the Bulgarian weekly newspaper “Az-buki” (N° 38, September 8th -14th 2023)
➡️ https://press.azbuki.bg/news/novini-2023/broj-36-08-14-09-2023/prof-alesandro-bruni-profesor-po-slavistika-v-universiteta-ka-foskari-vav-venecziya-ima-usloviya-za-razvitie-na-starobalgaristikata-v-italiya/
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