Adalberto PERULLI
- Qualifica
- Professore Ordinario
- Incarichi
Direttore del Master in Global Economics and Social Affairs
Presidente supplente del Comitato Unico di Garanzia dell'Ateneo (CUG)
- Telefono
- 041 234 7697
- Diritto del lavoro [GIUR-04/A]
- Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/adaper (scheda personale)
- Struttura
Dipartimento di Economia
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dip.economia
Sede: San Giobbe
Full Professor of Labour and Social Security Law
Professore Ordinario di Diritto del lavoro
Professore invitato nell'Università di Parigi X
Direttore del CISEO, Centro interdipartimentale internazionale di studi giuridici ed economici sull'Europa Orientale (Università Ca' Foscari);
Coordinatore del Master Universitario in Diritto del lavoro (Università Ca' Foscari)
Avvocato del Foro di Venezia
- Attivita' accademica
- Attività di ricerca scientifica
- Conferenze, Lectures e Seminari
- Incarichi scientifici
- Attività professionale
Nato a Venezia il 30 giugno 1961.
Laureato in Giurisprudenza presso l'Università degli Studi di Bologna; con la tesi ha vinto i Premi nazionali L. Barassi 1986 (per la miglior tesi in Diritto del lavoro) e A. Messineo 1986-87 (per la miglior tesi in Relazioni industriali).
Attività accademica - Academic activity
- He Graduated in Law at the University of Bologna on 27th May 1986 with honors (110 lode).
- His thesis “La struttura della contrattazione collettiva” won the National Prize L. Barassi 1986 (for the best thesis in Labour Law) and A. Messineo 1986-87 (for the best thesis in Industrial Relations).
- In 1987 he won the competition for a PhD in Labour Law and Industrial Relations, and he received the degree of PhD in Labour Law and Industrial Relations (Rome, 1990).
- From 1990 to 1997 he was researcher of Private Law Institutions and assistant professor of Labour Law and Social Security Law at the Faculty of Economics, at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
- From the a. y. 1994/1995 to the a. y. 1998/1999 was lecturer of Labour Law and Social Security Law and for the a.y. 1994/1995 and 1995/1996 he is also Professor of Policy and social legislation at the School of Social Work at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
- In 1998 won the competition for positions of Associate Professor of Law and took service as Associate Professor of Labour Law at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Eastern Piedmont, in Alessandria.
- In 1999 he succeded at the examination for the position of Full Professor of Labour Law.
- Since February 2000 he is Full Professor of Labour and Social Security Law at the University Ca 'Foscari of Venice.
- From November 2000 to November 2006 he was Director of the Department of Legal Sciences at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
- Since April 2000 he is Visiting Professor at the University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Dèfense (Paris X), Faculty of Law, in which he holds annually seminars and lectures in French for the Ph.D and Master course.
- Since 2001 he is E.MA (European Master's Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation) Director at EIUC Master, the main teaching program of the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation with European founds.
- Since 2003 he is Director of the First Level Master in Labour and Social Security Law and from 2012 he is Coordinator of the First Level Master GESAM (Global Economics and Social Affairs).
- From 2007 to 2014 he held the position of Placement, Career Counseling and Internship Pro-rector
- Since April 2008 he is Visiting Professor at Lumière University - Lyon 2.
- He is Director of the Center for Legal Studies at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
- Dopo la laurea ha svolto in qualità di cultore della materia attività di collaborazione presso le Cattedre di Diritto del lavoro dell'Università di Bologna e di Venezia, svolgendo seminari ed esercitazioni sui temi del rapporto individuale di lavoro e sul diritto sindacale.
- Nel 1987 ha vinto il concorso per il dottorato di ricerca in Diritto del lavoro e relazioni industriali ed ha conseguito il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Diritto del lavoro e relazioni industriali (Roma, 1990).
- Dal 1990 è Ricercatore di Istituzioni di Diritto Privato presso la Facoltà di Economia e Commercio dell'Università di Venezia-Ca'-Foscari, ove ha svolto attività didattica presso le Cattedre di diritto del lavoro e di diritto privato.
- Nel 1993 è Professore invitato presso l'Università di Parigi X, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza
- Dal 1994 è Ricercatore confermato di Istituzioni di Diritto Privato.
- Dal 1994/1995 (e per e fino all' a.a. 98/99) è Professore Incaricato di Diritto del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale presso a facoltà di Economia dell''Università di Venezia Ca'-Foscari, nonché Professore incaricato di Politica e legislazione sociale (e per gli anni accademici 1994/95 e 1995/96) presso la Scuola di Assistente Sociale dell'Università di Venezia.
- Nel 1998 è risultato vincitore del concorso a posti di Professore associato in Diritto del lavoroe ha preso servizio in qualità di Professore associato di diritto del lavoro presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell'Università del Piemonte Orientale, sede di Alessandria.
- Nel 1999 è risultato idoneo al concorso a posti di Professore ordinario in Diritto del lavoro e dalfebbraio 2000 è Professore straordinario di Diritto del lavoro nell'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia nonché - da novembre 2000 - è Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche.
- Dal 2000 è Professore invitato presso l'Università di Parigi X-Nanterre, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza.
- Dal 2002 è Professore Ordinario di Diritto del lavoro nell'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia.
Attività di ricerca scientifica - Scientific research
During his scientific activity prof. Perulli has actively participated in numerous research initiatives and studies, including:
- Summer School on Comparative Labour Law at EUI (European University Institute), Fiesole - Florence (July/August 1987).
- International Seminars on Comparative Labour Law organized by the International Association of Labour Law in Pontignano (Italy) in 1988 and in 1992; in Niederpoching (Federal Republic og Germany) in 1990.
- The survey conducted by L. Mariucci and M. Camels on "Members, government and union" (1989), published by Maggioli 1990.
- The international research on "Mise en cause des normes professionnelles" directed by J. Pellissier University of Lyon III (Paris 1993).
- He edited and translated the Italian edition of the volume of A. Baylos Grau “Derecho del Trabajo: un modelo para armar”, published by Giappichelli, 1993.
- He participated in the Labour Law Italian-Spanish Study Days on “La contrattazione collettiva europea” (Almagro, Spain, 1998).
- He participated in the elaboration of a "Labour Code" directed by M. Pedrazzoli (published by Giuffrè, 1999).
- From 1987 today he participated in the annual Study Days of AIDLaSS (Italian Association of Labour and Social Security Law).
- In 2005 he participated in the researched on "Evaluation of labor law" for the French Ministry of Education and coordinated by the Insitut International pour les études Comparatives (IIPEC).
- In 2008 he was local coordinator of Research Project of National Relevance (PRIN) on “Crisi di impresa: rimedi legali e convenzionali a tutela del reddito e dell’occupazione nell’ordinamento italiano e comunitario”.
- During his academic career, he spent periods of study at Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass., USA), Paris, Cambridge (UK).
- In 2003, as a legal expert of the European Commission, Directorate General V, Employment Law, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs, Brussels, has carried out studies on the application of Community directives on information and consultation of trade unions, child labor, transfer of business, as well as a General report on the economically dependent work in Europe.
Nel corso della sua attività scientifica ha preso parte attivamente a numerose iniziative di ricerca e di studio. Alcuni esempi:
- Ha partecipato ad una ricerca condotta da L. Mariucci e M. Cammelli su "Utenti, pubblica amministrazione e sindacato" (1989), pubblicata da Maggioli 1990.
- Ha partecipato ad una ricerca internazionale sul tema "Mise en cause des normes professionnelles" diretta da J. Pellissier dell'Università di Lione III (Parigi 1993).
- Ha partecipato alla elaborazione di un "Codice del lavoro" diretto da M. Pedrazzoli (edito da Giuffrè, 1999).
- Come esperto giuridico della Commissione Europea, Direzione Generale V, Diritto del Lavoro, Relazioni Industriali e Affari sociali, Bruxelles, ha realizzato studi sull'applicazione delle direttive comunitarie in tema di informazione e consultazione sindacale, lavoro minorile, trasferimento d'azienda, nonché un Rapporto generale sul lavoro economicamente dipendente in Europa (2003).
- E' stato Istruttore per i problemi sindacali e del lavoro della Commissione nazionale di garanzia istituita con accordo sindacale Electrolux-Zanussi, per la quale ha realizzato numerosi studi sul sistema partecipativo.
- E' stato consulente per i problemi del lavorodel Ministero del Lavoro, dell'Istituto di ricerche economiche e sociali (IRES), dell'Istituto RSO di Milano, del Comune di Venezia (in materia di lavoro autonomo e nuove professioni).
- Dirige la ricerca sul tema Mobility vs Migration, sulla libera circolazione dei lavoratori in Europa, Commissione Europea DG Impresa
- Partecipa alla ricerca sul tema "Valutazione del diritto del lavoro", Istituto Internazionale Paris la Defence, Parigi
Conferenze, Lectures e Seminari - Conferences, Lectures and Seminars
He lectured in many University and Ph.D courses, including:
· Superior Training Judiciary School.
· School of Legal Education of the University of Padua, Ferrara, Venice and Trieste.
· Lawyer Training School of the University of Bologna.
· the European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA).
· Ph.D Course on European Law of civil and commercial contracts (Venice, Sassari, Naples, Salamanca).
· Ph.D Course on Labour Law at University of Rome - La Sapienza.
Oltre a condurre seminari e lezioni presso:
- la Scuola di Formazione Legale delle Università di Padova, Ferrara, Trieste e Venezia,
- la Scuola di Formazione Forense dell'Università di Bologna
- il Master Europeo EMA in Human Rights and Democratization,
- il Corso di dottorato di ricerca in Diritto europeo dei contratti civili e commerciali (Venezia e Sassari).
As speaker, he participated in the important national and international conferences, including:
- National Conference on La riforma dello sciopero nei servizi pubblici essenziali, Cini Foundation, Venice, January 2000.
- National Conference D. Napoletano Study Center on Atipical work, Vicenza (Italy), November 2000.
- International Conference on Social Rights and Globalization, Luiss University, Rome, 2000.
- Conference on Powers of the Undertaking, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, April 2002.
- National Conference of National Association of Labour Law on Interests and Techniques of Flexibility, University of Pesaro-Urbino, Italy, 2002.
- International Conference on Independent Self-employment, Complutense University of Madrid, 2002.
- International Seminar on Social Consultation, Paris X Ouest La Défense University, 2002.
- International Ph.D Seminar on Undertaking Transformation and Labour relationship, Venice 2002.
- Conference on Subordination, CNEL (Italian National Council for Economics and Labour), Rome, 2002
- National Conference on Transfer Undertaking, University of Verona, January 2003
- Conference on Bilateral Bodies, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, April 2003.
- Conference on Labour Law Reform, Unindustria (Confederation of Industries), Venice, September 2003.
- International Round Table on Protections and substantial profile in the modern maritime law, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 7 November 2003.
- Conference on collective redundancy in case of staff reduction, CNEL (Italian National Council for Economics and Labour), Rome, June 2004.
- Study Conference on Outsourcing of work, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 25 June 2004.
- Public Hearing on Economically Dependent Work, European Parliament, Brussels, June 2003.
- Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, University of Bologna, June 2005.
- Conference on Globalization of Economy and Social Rights, Catholic University of Milan, April 2005.
- Training Study Days of Supreme Judicial Council, Rome, June 2005.
- Conference on Future of Industrial Relation, Venice, June 2006.
- Rapporteur general at XVIII Labour Law World Conference on Labour Law and productive decentralization, Paris, 5-8 September 2006.
- National Congress of AGI (Italian Employment Lawyers Association) on Discrimination in Labour relationship, Venice, June 2007.
- Conference on The Reforms of Labour Market of 2003. Jurisprudence, doctrine and Institutions four years later, Venice, 19 October 2007.
- International Conference of Labour Institution on Globalization and Social Regulation of Labour, Rome, 14-16 November 2007.
- International Conference Le droit du travail à l’éprouve de la globalisation, Robert Schuman University, Strasbourg, 18 January 2008.
- Seminaire comme codirecteur de recherche pour la presentation de la Thèse en cotuelle “Les pouvoirs de controle de l’employeur sur les salaires. Etude en droit italien et en droit francais”, par Gaia Giappicelli, Université Paris Nanterre, 29 February 2008.
- Membre du jury pour la these de doctorat, “L’economie du contrat de travail” par Pasquier Thomas, IRERP, Université Paris Nanterre, 29 November 2008.
- Conference Synergia on management of employment relationship in public corporations, Rome, 25 February 2009.
- International Conference on Global financial crisis and social and economics rights, European Inter-University Center, Venice, 30 April 2009.
- International Conference on Le Perimetres du droit du travail, Lumière University Lyon 2/CNRS, Lyon, 15-16 May 2009.
- International Conference “Rethinking Corporate Governance: From Shareholder Value to stakeholder Value”, University of Modena, Italy, March 2010.
- Conference organized by Spanish Presidency of European Commission on Self-employment work, Seville, Spain, April 2010.
- Conference “Autour des travaux d’Antoine Jeammaud, Saint Etienne, Lyon, France, June 2010.
- Conference on Manufacturing delocalization and social dumping, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 17 December 2010.
- Euro-Mediterranean Seminar on Dismissal and economic crisis dismissal, G. D’Aannunzio University of Pescara, 13-14 April 2011.
- Study Meeting organized by Supreme Judicial Council on Interpretative Perspective of Law no. 183/2010 (Collegato Lavoro), Rome, 11-13 July 2011.
- Workshop on Strengthening cooperation between Labour inspection system and the judiciary, organized by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in partnership with ILO, Venice, 29-30 September 2011.
- Conference Optime on National Contract, corporate contract and law, Milan, 28 November 2011.
- Cycle of meetings on “Dialoghi Pisani sulla riforma del mercato del lavoro - Fondata sul lavoro? Le proposte del Governo e il programma del PD per far ripartire l’Italia”, meeting with Stefano Fassina, Pd national responsible for Labour and Economy, organized by Giovani Democratici “Giovane Europa”, Scuola Sant’Anna, Pisa, 27 February 2012.
- Cycle of meetings on “Dialoghi Pisani sulla riforma del mercato del lavoro - Presentation of the Volume Inchiesta sul Lavoro, by P. Ichino”, organized by Giovani Democratici “Giovane Europa” of students and Ph.D candidates of Scuola Normale e Scuola Sant’Anna, Pisa, 7 June 2012.
- National Conference of AIDLaSS on Labour Law during the crisis, Pisa, Italy, 7-9 June 2012.
- Conference on Labour Market Reform: a growing perspective?, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 15 June 2012.
- Rencontres doctorales des Ecoles doctorales de Paris Ouest-Nanterre La defense et Ca’ Foscari Venezia sur La crise et le Droit, Nanterre - Paris 1-3 October 2012.
- Conference on Right on commons, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 21 February 2013.
- International Conference on the Crisis of Labour Law, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 16-17 May 2013.
- Congreso Internacional “Violencia, Salud Y Trabajo en tiempo de crisis”, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 15-17 July 2013.
- Redford International Conference on Cultural e social responsibility of the University, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 26-27 March 2014.
- National Conference organized by Domenico Napoletano Study Center on Powers of Employer and judicial control, Venice, 4-5 April 2014.
- Conference on Social and Economic aspects of TTIP, Venice, 16 April 2014.
- Conference on Economically dependent work, Bicocca University of Milan, 6 May 2014.
- International Seminar on Future of Social Europe, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 22-24 May 2014.
- Conference organized by IRERP (Institut de recherche sur l’entreprise et les relations professionnelles) on Licenciements pour motif economique et restructurations: vers une redistribution des responsabilites, Paris Ouest, 5 June 2014.
- Conference on Labour Jurisprudence of Court of Cassation in 2012-2013 and court decisions about the new art. 18, Italian Employment Lawyer Association, Rome, 11 June 2014.
- International Conference on Organizational and labour law decisions on Business networks, University of Milan, 26-27 June 2014.
- ISLSSL (International Society for Labour and Social Security Law) Seminar on International and Comparative Labour Law on Fundamental Social Rights in the Age of Globalization, Venice, 1-10 July 2014.
- National Conference of AGI (National Labour Lawyers Association) on Works and Regulations “Quali regole per quali lavori - jobs act e riordino dei modelli di contratto di lavoro tra flessibilità e garanzia”, Genova, 19-20 September 2014.
- Colloque national sur Le code du travail apres dix ans d’appliocation: Entre les exigences du développement économique et la garntie du travail décent, Department of Labour and Social Affairs, Rabat, Morocco, 22-23 September 2014.
- Conference “Il Diritto del lavoro: I nuovi confine dell’inderogabilità legale e contrattuale”, Courthouse of Venice, 26 September 2014.
- Rencontres doctorales des Ecoles doctorales de Paris Ouest-Nanterre La defense et Ca’ Foscari Venezia sur La notion de Soft Law, Nanterre-Paris, 29 September- 1 October 2014.
- Conference organized by Arel “Parte il jobs act con il contratto a tutele crescenti”, Rome, 29 January 2015.
- Seminar on Ideas and Reform of legal experts on union representation and collective bargaining effectiveness, University of Roma Tre, Rome, 9 February 2015.
- Conference on dialogue of University with legal professions, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 11 February 2015.
- Conference “Dal disboscamento delle tipologie contrattuali e dei rapporti di lavoro al testo organico semplificato: quali prospettive?”, Italian Congress of Deputies, Rome, 26 February 2015.
- Conference “Verso una legge sulla rappresentanza sindacale”, Giacomo Brodolini Foundation, Rome, 30 March 2015.
- Seminar of Superior Training Judiciary School on Compensation for damage in Labour Law, Florence, 25-27 May 2015.
- Conference on Labour reform and non-standard contracts, Arezzo-Italy, 12 June 2015.
- Seminar on Company Crisis and employment relationship, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 19 June 2015.
- International Seminar on Employment and Legality in an Inclusive Society, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 30 June 2015.
- ISLSSL (International Society for Labour and Social Security Law) Seminar on International and Comparative Labour Law on Enterprise Transformation and Social Rights, Venice, 30 June-9 July 2015.
- International Conference in memory of Prof. Giorgio Ghezzi on Idea of Labour Law, today, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 25-26 September 2015.
- Conference on Subordination and self-employment after d.lgs. no. 81/2015, Court of Cassation, Rome, 14 October 2015.
- XI Seminar of Bertinoro “Jobs Act: un primo bilancio”, Bologna, 22-23 October 2015.
- Conference “Jobs Act: le tutele crescenti fra diritto e giustizia”, Pordenone-Italy, 29 October 2015.
- Conference on trade union representation, Sapienza University of Rome, 2 November 2015
- Conference “Le mansioni del lavoratore dopo il D.lgs. 15 giugno 2015, n. 81, Treviso-Italy, 20 November 2015.
- Conference on Work and needs of enterprises, University of Pisa, 3-4 December 2015.
- Conference on Present and Future of autonomous work, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Treviso, 4 March 2016.
- Italian-French Study Seminar on participation of workers in the management of the enterprises in the European perspective, Italian Congress of Deputies, Rome, 10 March 2016.
- Conference “Ripensare il lavoro- ritrovare il lavoro. Lavoro e autonomia”, Catholic University of Milan, 14 March 2016.
- AGI (National Employment Lawyer Association) Conference on New regulation of individual dismissal, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 18 March 2016.
- Conference on Global Trade and Social Rights, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 1 April 2016.
- International Seminar on Labour Law on Labour Market Reforms in Europe, organized by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Venice, 12-13 May 2016.
- Conference on Duties in the new employment relationship, Belluno-Italy, 17 May 2016.
- Seminar on “Il Nuovo Giuslavorista nell’Accademia, nella Magistratura e nella Professione”, Mercatorum University, Rome, 26 May 2016.
- Conference on New System of the business crisis, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 10 June 2016.
- National Conference “Le nuove frontiere del lavoro. Il mestiere del giuslavorista ai tempi del jobs act”, Perugia-Italy, 9-11 June 2016.
- International ISLSSL Seminar on International and Comparative Labour Law on Sustainable Development, Global Trade and Social Rights, Venice, 19-25 June 2016
- Superior Training Judiciary School Course on European Social Law, Florence, 28 June 2016.
- Festival Justice en Cultures “Pour une nouvelle gèographie de la Justice”, Maison du Barreau, Starsbourg, 16 September 2016.
- International Seminar organized by the Ph.D course of University of Venice and Paris Nanterre on “L’identité”, Nanterre University, Paris, 3-5 October 2016.
- Conference organized to celebrate 30 years of the Review “Lavoro e Diritto” on Self-employment and subordination in Labour law, 17-18 November 2016.
- Workshop on ISDS Labour and Free Trade Agreements, Giacomo Brodolini Foundation, Rome, 21 November 2016.
- Annual Seminar organized by ECE Euopean Centre of Expertise in the field of Labour Law, Employment and Labour Market Policies (http://ec.europa.eu/social) “The Personal Scope of Labour Law in Times of Atypical Employmet and Digitalisation”, promoted by Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main with a speech on “The Notion of "Employee" in Need of Redefinition”, 28 April 2017.
- International ISLSSL Seminar on International and Comparative Labour Law on Sustainable Development, Global Trade and Labour Rights, Venice, 18-24 June 2017.
- Festival Justice en Cultures “Pour une justice du travail adaptée à la nouvelle organization des entreprises”, Maison du Barreau, Starsbourg, 15 September 2017.
- International Conference on work and digital economy “Impresa, Lavoro e non lavoro nell’economia digitale”, University of Brescia, 12-13 October 2017.
- Workshop organized by CNEL (National Council for Economics and Labour) on New horizons of Labour Law, Rome, 19 January 2018.
- International workshop on Gouvernement, participation et mission de l'entreprise, Collège des Bernardins, Paris, 16 March 2018.
- National Conference organized by Domenico Napoletano Study Center “Subordinazione ed autonomia nel lavoro che cambia”, Latina-Italy, 20-21 April 2018.
- Seminar “La flessibilità funzionale del lavoro e l’impresa 4.0”, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 28 April 2018.
- International ISLSSL Seminar on International and Comparative Labour Law on the Role of the State and Industrial Relations, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 7-11 May 2018.
- Conference for Brazilian Judges “O Trabalho na era global” Dumping sociale, Previdenza e Diritti Sociali, Rome, 21 May 2018.
- Rapporteur at the XXII World Congress of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law, with a speech on “Transformations of Work: Challenges for the National Systems of Labour Law and Social Security”, Turin, September 2018.
- Conference on Work in Multinational Enterprises, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 19 October 2018.
- AGI (National Employment Lawyer Association) National Conference on Work 4.0: Digital Innovation and testing legal categories, Bologna-Italy, 25-27 October 2018.
- Seminar on Labour values and dismissal regulation, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 7 December 2018.
- Conference on Law no. 96/2018 and the Sentence no. 194/2018 of the Constitutional Italian Court: point of view and interpretation of legal professionals, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 25 January 2019.
- Conference franco-italien sur “Tempête judiciaire sur le plafonnement des indemnités de licenciement injustifié et sur les plateformes numériques”, IRERP - Université Paris Nanterre, 13 March 2019.
- Conference on ILO and the centenary of its foundation, Catholic University of Milan, 26 March 2019.
- Conference on Sentence of Constitutional Italian Court n. 194/2018 and legal regime of dismissal, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 13 April 2019.
- International Conference on Republics and Republicanism, Theory and Practice. Heritage/Present and Future Perspective, Venice International University, 3-5 May 2019.
- Seminar on “Collaborazioni etero-organizzate”, Sapienza University of Rome, 10 May 2019.
- International Seminar on Mobility of workers in the EU, organized by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Université Paris Nanterre, Venice, 23-25 May 2019.
- International ISLSSL Seminar on International and Comparative Labour Law on the Future of Work, Labour Law and Labour Market Regulation in the Digital Era, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 27-31 May 2019.
- Seminar on the New Frontiers of Subordination and Autonomy, Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, 3 June 2019.
- Forum on Surveillance Activities: work and inspection activities in Italy and Europe, ANIV, Lignano Sabbiadoro, Italy, 10-12 June 2019.
- International 6th Regulating for Decent Work Conference, ILO, Geneva, 8-10 July 2019.
- Rencontres doctorales des Ecoles doctorales de Paris Ouest-Nanterre La defense et Ca’ Foscari Venezia sur L’égalité, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 9-11 October 2019.
- Webinar on Health crisis, work, business and litigation today, organized by University of Padua, AGI and Domenico Napoletano Study Center, 30 April 2020.
- Conference on “Statuto dei lavoratori. 1970-2020, Webinar organized by FISAC CGIL, 20 May 2020.
- Webinar organized by FA.RI on Prohibition of dismissal and freedom of enterprises, 22 July 2020.
He organized the AIDLaSS Conference in Venice in 2007 and the Italian-French workshop on powers of Judge in the contract (Isola di San Servolo, Venice) in October 2007. He also promoted and organized the Workshop “Labour Inspection Sanctions and Remedies”, at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, (2-3 December 2010). Since 2014 he organizes, in partnership with the ISLSSL, the International Seminar on International and Comparative Labour Law at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Negli ultimi anni ha tenuto seminari e relazioni ad importanti Convegni nazionali ed internazionali, tra i quali:
- Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione Nazionale di Diritto del lavoro sul tema: Interessi e tecniche della Flessibilità, Pesaro-Urbino 2002
- Convegno internazionale sul "Lavoro autonomo Dipendente", Università Complutense di Madrid 2002
- Colloquio internazionale sul tema "La concertazione sociale", Università di Parigi X, giugno 2002
- Seminario dottorale internazionale sul tema Trasformazioni dell'impresa e rapporti di lavoro, Venezia giugno 2002
- Convegno sul tema "La subordinazione", Cnel, Roma 2002
- Public Hearing del parlamento Europeo e della Commissione europea su "Economic Dependent Work", Brussels, giugno, 2003
- Ha partecipato in qualità di relatore al Convegno sulla Riforma del mercato del lavoro (legge Biagi), Unindustria Venezia, settembre 2003
- Ha partecipato in qualità di relatore al Convegno sui "Licenziamenti collettivi per riduzione del personale", Cnel, Roma, giugno 2004
- Ha partecipato in qualità di relatore al Convegno sul tema "Responsabilità sociale dell'impresa", Università di Bologna, giugno 2005
- Convegno su "Mondializzazione dell'economia e diritti sociali", Università Cattolica, Milano, aprile 2005
- Convegno su "Il Futuro delle Relazioni Industriali", Venezia, giugno 2006
- Rapporteur general al XVIII Congresso Mondiale di diritto del lavoro sul tema "Labour Law and productive decentralization"Parigi, 5-8 settembre 2006
Incarichi scientifici - Scientific positions
He, as expert on Labour Law of European Commission, DG V, Bruxelles, has conducted studies and researches, including:
- Obstacles to the creation of very small businesses in the European Union, 1999;
- Travail économiquement dépendant/parasubordination: les aspectes juridiques, sociales et économiques, 2003.
- He regularly cooperates with the International Labour Organization (ILO) of Geneva, conducting researches and editing studies (including Compliance with labour legislation: its efficacy and efficiency, Geneva, 2010).
- As expert, he has contributed to the work of a European scholars network to the debate on the Green Paper “Modernising labour law to meet the challenges of the 21st century”, 2006.
- He was part of the international group of academics, managers, politicians, union members and lawyers that in 2017 had signed an appeal in order to enforce the employee presence in the enterprises board (https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2017/10/05/la-codetermination-est-une-idee-porteuse-d-avenir-qui-doit-trouver-sa-place-dans-la-loi_5196511_3232.html), 2017.
- As expert advisor, he was member of the Comitato Nazionale per le Pari Opportunità (National Committee for Equal Opportunities) at the Ministry of Labour, Rome.
- He cooperates, as an Italian labour law legislation expert, with the AFDT (Association Francaise de Droit du Travail et de la Sécurité Social (A. Perulli, Pour lutter contre la pandemie, revalorizer le travail, https://www.afdt-asso.fr/regards-13)
- He is member of the AIDLaSS (Italian Association of Labour and Social Security Law) and he held the office of counselor during the years 2006/2009.
- He is board member of the Labour Law Community - Comunità di giuslavoristi.
- Member of the Italian Association of Industrial Relations Studies.
Member of the Scientific Committee and the editorial staff of the scientific journals: “Lavoro e Diritto”, “Rivista Giuridica del Lavoro”, “Diritto delle relazioni industriali”, “Derecho de las Relaciones Laborales”. He also writes for the journal “Il lavoro alle dipendenze delle pubbliche amministrazioni” and, with prof. J. Bellace, he coordinates the ISLSSL group on Global Trade and Social Rights.
- E' Consulente giuridico per il diritto del lavoro della Commissione Europea, DGV, Bruxelles
- E' consulente giuridico dell'Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro (OIL), Ginevra
- E' componente del Consiglio Direttivo dell'Associazione Italiana di Diritto del lavoro e della Sicurezza sociale, Roma.
- E' membro dell'Associazione Italiana Studi di Relazioni Industriali.
- E' Vice-direttore della Rivista Giuridica del Lavoro, Ediesse, Roma
- E' membro del comitato scientifico e della redazione delle riviste "Lavoro e Diritto", Il Mulino, diretta da U. Romagnoli e "Diritto delle relazioni industriali", Giuffrè, già diretta da L. Spagnuolo Vigorita e M. Biagi, continuata da T. Treu.
- E' stato membro, in qualità di consulente esperto, del Comitato Nazionale per le Pari Opportunità presso il Ministero del Lavoro in Roma.
- E' socio fondatore dell'Associazione "Europa Lavoro Impresa", Roma.
Attività professionale - Professional activity
As a lawyer, he has carried out consultancy assignments and legal assistance, and out of court, on behalf of private entities (companies and industrial groups, service companies, employment agencies) and public entities such as regions, provinces, municipalities and local health authorities, in particular in recruitment and labor contracts, organization and working time, frameworks and professional duties, administration and personnel management, tasks and managerial responsibility, exercise of executive powers and disciplinary dismissal, individual and collective dismissal.
Ha svolto e svolge incarichi di consulenza e assistenza legale, giudiziale ed extragiudiziale, per conto di soggetti privati (Aziende e Gruppi industriali, Società di servizi, Agenzie per il lavoro) ed Enti pubblici quali Regioni, Province, Comuni e ASL, in particolare in materia di assunzioni e tipologie contrattuali, organizzazione e orario di lavoro, inquadramenti professionali e mansioni, amministrazione e gestione del personale, incarichi e responsabilità dirigenziale, esercizio dei poteri direttivo e disciplinare, licenziamento individuale e collettivo, conflitti collettivi.
Studio legale in Venezia - Mestre via Torino 186, tel 041.5316558
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