Overseas mobility – outgoing teaching staff and researchers

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice has drawn up numerous scientific and cultural cooperation agreements with non-European universities and institutions with the aim of developing joint teaching, research and training activities, and of promoting the mobility of the University’s professors and researchers.

The majority of such agreements allow the University’s professors and researchers to participate in study and research exchanges, depending on the organization of the partner university’s scientific and teaching activities.  

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice will reimburse the travelling expenses only of its participating professors and researchers. The Call for Application lists the maximum amounts for each country and the documents required for reimbursement purposes.

For more information

International Office - Mobility Unit
tel. +39 041 234 7566

Contacts and reservations

How to participate

The Call for Applications (deadline: June 30th 2023, 1 pm) is enclosed among the documents attached to this webpage.

Mobilities must be carried out before December 31st 2023.

Selection List and acceptance

The Selection List will be online by July 14th 2023, in the University website > Personal Area  > Formazione e mobilità internazionale > Graduatorie mobilità internazionale.

Beneficiaries must confirm acceptance of their place filling in the questionnaire available at article 7 by July 19th 2023.

Selected teachers

Before their departure

Participating academics must:

  • complete the duly authorised mobility request following the online procedure, then send a copy by email to the International Relations Office at:  overseasout@unive.it;
  • communicate their departure and return dates by email to the International Office - Mobility Unit, at   overseasout@unive.it.

Remember that participants are responsible for organising their journey (booking flights and/or other means of transport, accommodation, visa, health insurance, etc). The International Office will not make any form of advance payment or pay in advance bank statements and/or invoices issued by travel agencies.

Upon their return

Participating teachers must submit the following documents for the purposes of reimbursement:

  • original travel documentation (airline tickets showing cost and outbound and return boarding passes);
  • a report on the activities carried out, objectives attained and relations and/or contacts made with the purpose of developing new collaborations and teaching, research and mobility projects;
  • a final certificate drawn up by the host university to confirm dates and activities carried out.

Last update: 03/09/2024