Study support services

The University intends to promote dedicated services aimed at specific categories of students for the entire duration of their studies, in order to promote inclusion and the broadening of the student base, even beyond the emergency phase.

The page will be periodically updated as the various services are activated.

Dedicated teaching materials

In order to facilitate and safeguard teaching continuity, the University provides certain categories of students with the possibility of using dedicated and/or customised teaching materials, such as specially made video lessons, short videos or multimedia material, as well as tutoring services.

The service will be available online to both enroled and pre-enroled students in Bachelor's, Master's and single courses.

If you have permission to access teaching materials but you cannot access Panopto from Moodle, go to the page and log in with your university credentials (username without and password). Go back to Moodle: you should now be able to access Panopto. 

Recipients of the services

Access to dedicated material will be automatic or on demand, depending on the category. 

Who can apply for access authorisation?

You can request access to the service if you are:

  • a fragile student, i.e., diagnosed with serious illnesses or in a condition of certified immunodeficiency who, due to the particularly high risk of contagion, cannot attend in-person lessons (Ministerial Order no. 134 of 09/10/2020). Fragility is assessed and certified by the General Practitioner in conjunction with the local Prevention Department;
  • pregnant (starting from the 7th month)
  • a student who is who, who is eligible for part-time student status but has not applied for it. You can also apply in the following cases:

    • if your degree does not allow for a part-time status;
    • if you are enrolled in subsequent years;
    • if you are involved in an curricular internship or traineeship lasting at least six months (the internship does not have the obtainment of credits as final goal).

You can apply at any time during the year: when filling out the application, you will have to include the documentation to prove that you belong to one of these categories.

If you are enrolled for the 2023/2024 academic year, you will be able to apply starting from August 1st 2023.

If you have been granted the authorisation for the 2021/2022 academic year, you must apply again in order to benefit from the services also during the 2022/2023 academic year.

Fragile students

Certificate of the General Practitioner who, in conjunction with the Prevention Department of the Local Health Authority, certifies that the student cannot attend in-person lessons. The certificate must make explicit reference to the "fragile" status of the student, in accordance with O.M. n. 134 del 09/10/2020.

Working students with employment or coordinated and continuous collaboration contracts

Self-certification specifying:

  • start and end date of the contract(s) (the commitment shall be at least six months within the year);
  • type (paid employment or coordinated and continuous collaboration);
  • name/company name and full address of the employer/contractor;
  • social insurance institution and insurance position number.

Students engaged in continuous self-employment

Self-certification specifying:

  • start date;
  • name/company name and full address of registered office;
  • VAT number.

Students not occasionally involved in the care and assistance of children under 14 years of age

Self-certification specifying:

  • name and age of the assisted relative;
  • degree of relationship.

Students not occasionally involved in the care and assistance of spouses/direct second-degree ascendants

Self-certification specifying:

  • name of assisted relative; degree of relationship;
  • medical certificate proving the need for continuous care due to lack of self-sufficiency.

Students engaged in community service/sport at high national and international level/ongoing voluntary work

Certificate issued by the sports club/federation/organisation confirming the activity.

Students enrolled in university-level courses at alternative universities or higher education institutions, for which simultaneous enrolment is allowed

Self-certification of registration indicating:

  • name and address of the institution;
  • year of enrolment.

Request access to the services

Who can access automatically?

You can access the service if you belong to one of these categories:

  • students with disabilities, i.e., with a recognised disability of ≥ 50% or a recognised handicap pursuant to art. 3(2) Law 104/92; students with specific learning disorders certified pursuant to Law 170/2010 (DSA);
  • students who are enroled with part-time status

    • non-occasional workers;
    • caregiver students (not occasionally engaged in the care and assistance of dependent relatives);
    • students with a diagnosis of illness or disability that prevents or discourages them from attending courses and classes during the academic year;
    • students engaged in community service, high-level national and international sport or continuous voluntary work;
    • students enroled in university-level courses at a university, equivalent to universities or higher educational institutions, for which simultaneous enrolment is allowed;

  • students who obtained their entrance qualification outside of the Italian education system and requires a visa for study in order to enrol. The additional study support materials will be available until 30 June 2025.

Last update: 22/10/2024