Students associations, sports and culture

Students associations 
Management and Economics

Marketers Club

Marketers Learning by doing

Be smarter, choose Marketers

Active since 2012, MARKETERs Club has over 700 members between students and alumni, all of whom are passionate about marketing and management, so much so that many graduates now work in established and successful companies such as L’oreal, Luxottica, Ferrari, Unilever.

Follow Marketers Club to find out more: [ITA]

Jeve - Junior Enterprise Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Jeve - Junior Enterprise Ca’ Foscari Venezia

JEVE is the new Junior Enterprise of Ca' Foscari University of Venice, born with the aim of reducing the distance between university and the job market. Junior Enterprise is a non-profit organisation, entirely managed by students from the best Italian universities.

Follow Jeve to find out more: [ITA]


Invenicement Ca' Foscari

Invenicement represents the first Financial & Business Club of Ca' Foscari University, where students interested in Finance and Business can explore different projects, propose their own ideas and develop their critical thinking.

Follow Invenicement to find out more: [ITA]

Other students associations



Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to participate in international internships for profit and non-profit organisation in the areas of management, technology, education and development, to organise international projects and meetings, to experience leadership and to participate in a global learning environment.

Find out more: [ITA] 

Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

ESN - Erasmus Student Network Venezia

ESN is one of the most important student associations in Europe. Founded in 1989 as a non-profit organisation, it supports and promotes international mobility, by providing students with opportunities for cultural understanding and personal development according to the principle of ‘Students Helping Students’.

Find out more:

Sports and cultural activities

By studying at Venice School of Management, students have the possibility to access sports and cultural activities, organised by Ca’ Foscari University, throughout the year. 

Athletes attracted by Venetian rowing, who join the Galleon team or Dragon Boat team, can participate in international competitions and compete in the International Universities Rowing Race. Held during the ‘Regata Storica’ (the Historical Venice Regatta taking place every year on the first Sunday in September), the International Universities Rowing Race is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


'A sound mind in a sound body', or in Latin 'Mens sana in corpore sano', is a well-known motto. It stands for the ideal that a person is truly healthy when they feel fulfilled both intellectually and physically. At Venice School of Management, this motto finds its home. The University Sports Centre of Venice (CUS) of Ca’ Foscari is accessible by VSM students and  offers the possibility of practising a wide variety of sports: judo and self-defence, aerobics and other kinds of gymnastics, fitness, volleyball, basketball, tennis, handball and five-a-side-football.
In the city centre and on the mainland there are also sports facilities for rowing and 'voga alla veneta' (venetian rowing), sailing, canoeing and kayaking, golf, horse riding, free climbing and swimming.


Venice School of Management offers students the chance to take part in exclusive cultural events organised all year round by Ca’ Foscari University, such as Art Night Venice, the International literature festival ‘Incroci di Civiltà’, our theatre season, the Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival and much more. The University also organises guided tours of its historical buildings to discover the atmosphere and history of the city.

Last update: 22/10/2024