
15 Feb 2024 10:00

Queer Diasporas in Japan - A Brief Introduction


Xinyu Promio Wang
Project Assistant Professor at Tokyo College, UTIAS, The University of Tokyo.

Abstract: In the Japanese context, the imagination of nationhood essentially relies on familial metaphors that stress on one's heterosexual duties of carrying the family bloodline by heterosexual marriage and reproduction: It provides the myth of a sacred nation whose social and cultural uniqueness comes from ethnic homogeneity, and that its legitimacy is rooted in the continuation of unbreakable blood ties. Consequently, in nationalist discourses, these metaphors not only reflect and reinforce the existing androcentric and heteronormative essence of contemporary Japan but also promote a racialised membership in the Japanese society. Against these backdrops, this talk looks at the lived experiences of queer migrants in Japan and discusses how they negotiate their positionality in the Japanese society as both an ethnic and gender/sexual minority.

The lecture will be held online in English on Zoom Platform.
Registration online is available until February 14th 2024 at 8 p.m. (CET) through this link
You will receive a participation link on February 14th after 8 p.m. (CET). If you do not receive the link, please send an email to

Organized by Lucia Borin, Giulia Donnola Student Association GESSHIN, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

For more information:
Instagram: gesshin_cafoscari 
Facebook: Gesshin – Associazione studentesca Università Ca’ Foscari 
Youtube: GESSHIN Ca' Foscari University

This initiative has been financed through Ca Foscari University’s funds for student activities.


Department of Asian and North African Studies; Student Association GESSHIN, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice


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