
24 Mag 2022 09:30

Labour Law and Climate Change: towards a Just Transition

Room 7A, San Giobbe Economics Campus

Labour Law and Climate  Change: towards  a Just Transition 

22–26 May 2022  Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

May 24, Tuesday
9.30 am – 1.00 pm, Room: 7A, San Giobbe Economics Campus
Labour Market facing with Climate Change: critical issues and perspectives  

Chair M. Weiss, Goethe University of Frankfurt

M. Traore Chazalnoël, Senior Expert in Migration, Environment and Climate Change at the United  Nations Migration Agency (IOM) 
Policy Responses to Climate Migration – Where Do  We Stand? 

P. Arellano, ILO Geneva 
Policy and regulatory implications of current  debates on labour market and climate change 

G. Casale, Director ITCILO Turin 
The green transition and new skills in occupations 

M. Miñarro Yanini, University Jaume I  
The labor instruments of internal flexibility at  the service of the just ecological transition in the  context of the Next Generation EU 

T. Novitz, University of Bristol  
Challenges when combining labour and  environmental objectives: trade and sustainable  development chapters and beyond 

E. Buoso, University of Padua 
The National Climate change plan (PNACC) and  the role of Public Administrations

2.30 pm – 5.30 pm, Room: 9b/9c/10c San Giobbe  Working groups and discussion

> Programme 25 May


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Department of Economics (CSG), TMDEC


Locandina 2414 KB
ISLSSL e AIDLASS Scholarships 277 KB
Call for paper 286 KB
Registration form 525 KB

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