
02 Feb 2024 09:30

6th PUBSIC conference: innovation in public services and public policy

Ca' Foscari - Aula Baratto

6th PUBSIC conference: innovation in public services and public policy 
Sustainable innovation in public services: vision and trends in the aftermath of Covid-19

1st - 2nd February 2024

Innovation is often articulated as a panacea for addressing social and economic problems in the modern world. The concept of innovation in any field is seen as capable of driving and catalysing significant changes and transformations. However, the models of innovation in public services that are posed both have often drawn from private sector experience in an undifferentiated way and have not taken into account the distinctive characteristics of public rather than private services.

In public services, innovation has long since taken on multiple meanings with an emphasis on the transformations and innovation required in the management, delivery, and governance of public services. Governments need to innovate their institutions, systems, and processes to balance the dimensions of sustainable development and to manage change. They need to rethink how they support coherent policy frameworks and institutional arrangements and how they make decisions by engaging all stakeholders.
Further, in innovation and change in public services, particular attention is increasingly being paid to sustainability, which has become a value and guide for public institutions, especially during the pandemic and post-pandemic years. This includes both the need for sustainable public services and for sustainable communities and a sustainable environment.

The PUBSIC conference series is committed to supporting and profiling research on public service innovation (PSI) that addresses this need.

Previous PUBSIC Conferences have now taken place in Shanghai, Budapest, Lillehammer, Milan, and Stavanger.
The 2024 conference in Venice will respond to the tectonic changes that public services have experienced over the last three years as a result of the CoVid-19 pandemic. It will explore:

What innovative approaches to public service delivery have evolved in responding to this pandemic?
What new forms of public services are evolving as we move out of the pandemic?
What has changed in the approach to innovation in both the governance and management of public services?
How we can ensure that such public services are sustainable for the future?


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Dipartimento di Management / Venice School of Management, Master EMAS, SIDREA



Poster 353 KB
Programme 343 KB

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