- Qualifica
- Professoressa Associata
- Incarichi
Rappresentante del DAIS nel Consiglio della Biblioteca di Area Scientifica (BAS)
- Telefono
- 041 234 8977
- Botanica generale [BIOS-01/A]
- Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/renata.soukand (scheda personale)
- Struttura
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dais
Sede: Campus scientifico via Torino
Stanza: studio VtoZETA043 (edificio Zeta C)
Family name, First name: Sõukand, Renata
Researcher unique identifiers: G-8243-2012, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0413-8723
Date of birth: 04.04.1974
E-mail: renata.soukand@unive.it
URL for web site: https://www.unive.it/data/persone/15846376
01/2018 Associate Professor, DAIS, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy
08/2017-01/2018 Research Fellow, DAIS, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy
06/2017-07/2017 Independent researcher
04/2006–05/2017 Researcher, Department of Folkloristic, Estonian Literary Museum, Estonia
01/2008–02/2017 President, Kuldvillane LCC, Estonia.
09/2009–01/2010 Research fellow, Science Centre, Tartu University Library, Tartu, Estonia.
09/2004–08/2005 ISFNR congress secretary, Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu, Estonia.
09/2000–06/2004 Project Manager, Museum of Tartu University History, Tartu, Estonia.
04/1996–08/2000 Consultant, Leks Insurance LTD, Tartu, Estonia.
09/2004–12/2010 PhD in Semiotics and Cultural Studies. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tartu, Estonia
09/2000–06/2003 MSc in Environmental Technology. Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tartu, Estonia
09/1992–06/1999 BSc (equivalent to MA since 2004) in Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, Estonia
2017-2022 ERC Starting Grant “Ethnobotany of divided generations in the context of centralization”. Project no: DiGe-714874, 1 496 675 EUR
2016-2018 Developmental grant by Foreign Ministry of Estonia” Developmental cooperation between Estonian Literary Museum and Center of Belarusian Culture Studies, Language and Literature”. Project no: 69-2016-A, 50 680 EUR.
2015–2016 Developmental grant by Foreign Ministry of Estonia “Increasing of scientific and educational capabilities and internationalization of humanitarian and social science institutions in Belarus”. Project no: 66-2015-A, 27 505 EUR.
2014–2018 Research and Development program “Estonian Language and Cultural Memory II” project “Resource publication of Estonian ethnobotany: interpretation of nature culture“, EKKM14–300, 55 000 EUR.
2009–2013 Research and Development program “Estonian Language and Cultural Memory” project “HERBA and satellite databases”, EKKM09–84, 48 878 EUR.
2007–2008 Enterprise Estonia research project “Preliminary study into identifying new medical herbs on the basis of folklore records”, EU27440, 12 659 EUR.
2006–2009 Research and Development program “Estonian Language and National Memory” project “HERBA” EKRM06–68, 27 993 EUR.
09/2018 3 PhD students under supervision – Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
09/2011–09/2017 1 PhD student – Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences / Estonian University of Life Sciences / Estonia.
2005–2011 2 MA and 2 BSc (before 2008, 5 years of study, equivalent to MA) students supervised – Department of Pharmacy / Faculty of Medicine / University of Tartu / Estonia.
2019, 2020 Ethnobotany – Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy / (6 ECTS) course for doctoral students, in English.
2018, 2019 Global change biology /Biodiversity and Global Change – Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy / (6 ECTS) course for international master students, in English.
2018 Fermentation in Eastern Europe – University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, Italy / (2 ECTS) course for international master students, in English.
2017 Wild food of Estonia – University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, Italy / (2.5 ECTS) course for international master students, in English.
2015/2016, 2014/2015 and 2011/2012 Introduction to ethnobotany – Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences / Estonian University of Life Science / Estonia (6 ECTS). Conducted in E-learing and classroom format.
2009 Cultural heritage – Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences / Estonian University of Life Science (3 ECTS).
2008 Medicine as culture – Department of Semiotics / University of Tartu / Estonia (3 ECTS). Conducted in E-learning format.
2019 Ethnobotanical work in Estonia, Lithuania and Belarus (in sum 2 months), Iraq (2 weeks), Tajikistan (1 week) and Armenia (1 week).
2018 Ethnobotanical fieldwork in Setumaa, Estonia (6 weeks), Azerbaijan (3 weeks), Finland (1 week), and Georgia (1 week)
2017 Ethnobotanical fieldwork in Ukraine (1 week), Latvia (1 week), Azerbaijan (2 weeks) and Iraq (1 week)
2016 Ethnobotanical fieldwork in Belarus (1 week) and Ukraine (3 weeks)
2015 Ethnobotanical fieldwork in Kosovo, Ukraine and Romania, every 1 week.
2014-2016 Ethnomedicinal and wild edible plants of Saaremaa, 3 month.
2011–2013 Wild edible plants, Estonia 3 months.
1999, 2001 Folkloristic fieldwork in Kullamaa, Estonia 2 weeks each year.
2014 Main organiser and teaching scholar for the intensive summer course “Designing and conducting ethnobiological research in Eastern Europe” Saaremaa, Estonia, June 29 – July 05, 2014. Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Estonian University of Life Science, 5 ECTS, 22 post-grad students from 7 European countries, 7 teaching scholars. http://folklore.ee/ethnobio
2010 Main organiser of the First Eastern-European regional workshop “Old treasures in the new Europe: the future of ethnobiology in the East and Far East”. Tallinn, Estonia 15–18 October 2010, 35 international participants (http://www.folklore.ee/~renata/workshop/default.htm). Organized under the official patronage of the International Society of Ethnobiology. This established a tradition, as the 4th workshop will be organized in 2016 in Turkey.
2005 Responsible secretary of “Folk Narrative Theories and Contemporary Practices” (14th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR)). Tartu, Estonia 26.–31. July 2005. Over 300 international participants.
2004 – 2008 Main organiser of first five workshops in the MEDICA series, including two international workshops. Approximately 30 participants in every workshop.
· REVIEWED FOR SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS – over 150 verified reviews: https://publons.com/researcher/378566/renata-soukand/peer-review/
2020 Expert panel member for Archimedes Foundation Structural Funds Agency, Estonia
2018 Member of International Review Panel for HERA Joint Research Programme “Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe.”
2019 PhD evaluation committee at the University of Oslo, Norway
2019 Estonian Research Council Scientific Advisory Committee member for Humanities panel
2018 PhD program commission, Environmental Sciences, Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
01/2016 – Editorial Board member Journal of Ethnobiology
04/2013 – Editorial Board member Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine.
06/2011 – Associate Editor. TANG: International Journal of Genuine Traditional Medicine.
· MAJOR COLLABORATORS (several joint publications and non-formal research projects)
Andrea Pieroni – University of Gastronomic Sciences / Italy
Cassandra L. Quave – Emory University / Center for the Study of Human Health / USA.
Ingvar Svanberg – Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies / Uppsala University / Sweden.
Łukasz Łuczaj – Department of Botany and Biotechnology of Economic Plants / Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Basic Sciences / University of Rzeszów / Poland.
Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana – Departamento de Biología / Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Spain.
Articles in all databases of ISIWoS/Scopus = 41/44, h-index =14/15, sum of citations ISIWoS (without self-citations) = 411 (30.03.2020).
I have published 44 peer-reviewed articles in international journals, being leading or only author for 19 articles, corresponding author for other 9 articles and senior (last) author for 5, signalling substantial contribution. Seven more articles are currently under review.
2009 – Member of International Society of Ethnobiology.
2007 – Member of Society for Economic Botany, elected Council Member for 2014–2017.
2005 – Member of Estonian Semiotics Association.
2004 – Member of Estonian Naturalists' Society.
2011–2017 Results of work have been featured repeatedly in interviews on national TV (Aktuaalne kaamera), radio (Teaduslabor), and in newspapers (Postimees, Päevaleht, Maaleht).
2012 – 2013 The popular science article “Interpreting History through Changes in Herbal Landscape” was published in Frankfurter Allgemeine (15.03.12), El País (29.08.12), IlSore24ORE (18.10.13) through Atomium Culture popularization of sciences initiative.
2008–2012 Three short popular courses on historical plant use, Estonian Folklore Council.
2007–2015 Over twenty invited lectures to schools and adult education programs in Estonia, including twice at European Researchers’ Night.
2013 EMP/Norway Scholarship for a short visit to Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norwegian Centre for Child Research for preparation of a joint grant application for EMP/Norway research grant. March 2013.
2012 Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI), scholarship for participation at the conference “Anthropology in the World” 8–11.06.12, GB, London; oral presentation.
2010 Diploma in PhD students’ research competition for the doctoral dissertation “Herbal Landscape” awarded by the Archimedes Foundation.
2010 Open Science Network in Ethnobiology (OSN) scholarship for attending the 2nd Annual meeting of the OSN and the 51st Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany. June 5–10, 2010 Mexico.
2010 DoRa (Estonia) scholarship for attending the pre-congress student workshop and 12th International Congress of Ethnobiology. May 9–14, 2010, Canada, Tofino.
2006 Prime scholarship for the presentation “How to read the text on herbal healing” at the conference “Young scientists in science history” (Estonian Academy of Young Scientists). 20. April 2006.
2005 Yearly silver award (2004) from the journal Academia for the article “Medicinal plants in Estonian folk medicine: historical background, collection and analysis of ethnopharmacological data”.
2000– 2014 Personal awards from Cultural Endowment of Estonia for developing HERBA, years 2000, 2008–2011, editing and translating articles 2010, 2011 and for attending conferences 2012–2014.
ESTONIAN (native): fluent fluent fluent
ENGLISH (C2): near fluent fluent very good
RUSSIAN (C2): fluent fluent very good
UKRAINIAN (C1): near fluent fluent good
ITALIAN (B2) good very good good
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