
Ca’ Foscari is committed to offering its students a life-changing experience, guaranteeing them excellent study facilities, residential halls, sports facilities and cultural/social venues, as well as the best employment opportunities by investing in building close relations with companies and institutions. The University is also actively involved in supporting a person’s right to education and in increasing the efficiency and efficacy of the services it provides, especially those for international students.

Involvement of students

Ca’ Foscari is committed to diffusing a culture of sustainability among its students, by constantly looking for new communication channels to help increase awareness of and involvement in these issues. The University wants to be a driving force for sustainability and so organises a wide range of events (seminars, conferences, projects), often of an artistic nature, the goals being to increase awareness of sustainable behaviour and sharing the results of its scientific research into sustainability.

Sustainable growth is also promoted among Ca’ Foscari students by means of extra-curricular training activities away from the lecture hall, letting students face the many facets of sustainability outside their usual areas of interest, and in an interactive manner.




Ca’ Foscari is particularly interested in the use of creative instruments and alternative communication channels to promote a proper understanding and involvement in sustainability issues. Over the past few years, one successful area of activity has been that concerning Art&Sustainability, resulting in projects that stress the link between sustainability and the world of Art, which has close ties to both the City of Venice and some of the University’s main areas of research.

Education access

The University has introduced various initiatives to facilitate students’ access to further education and to provide them with various forms of support, including financial aid, in order to continue their studies.
The University offers various forms of financial aid to guarantee that students can effectively exercise their constitutionally guaranteed right to education.

Quality education

Ca' Foscari is committed to achieve students' satisfaction, to improve services and common areas they use for lessons or individual study during their university experience, improving halls comfort and the quality of the libraries. The results are based on students evaluations of an annual questionnaire about education, services and university operations.

Inclusivity service

The Inclusivity Service organises and supervises services for students with disabilities and with SpLD's enrolled in the University. These initiatives are carried out to foster the indipendence of students and ensure that they can participate fully in university life.

Career service

The Placement Service is intended to support graduating and newly graduated students with support in finding work both in Italy and abroad. It does so by supplying students with strategies allowing them to identify their personal and professional objectives, helping them to analyse their skills, motivations and competences in order to draw up a professional project in line with their studies and with the developments in the professional world. The Placement service also organises a wide variety of workshops and seminars providing career guidance on various themes, as well as events and projects intended to bring together the University and the world of work.

Last update: 07/02/2025