In 2024 Ca' Foscari offers a wide range of Summer Schools designed to enrich our students’ academic experience: unique opportunities to delve into various disciplines and subjects such as arts, economics, languages and science.
On this page, you will find a brief overview of all the summer programmes organised by the Ca’ Foscari’s Departments and Centres, the School for International Education, Study in Venice and Venice International University, and information on how to apply.
Global Mental Health and Human Rights: perspectives on environmental, gender and economic racism
Deadline for applications: 25 March
Dates: 22-26 July 2024
Organised by: Venice International University
Mental health and human rights are dramatically interlocked constructs. There is no mental well-being without peace and equity and vice versa. Mental prosperity seems to be thought of as a consolidated right just for privileged groups; in contrast, oppressed and marginalized individuals most often resulted in being blamed for their incapability to handle their living conditions. Indigenous and postcolonial participatory approaches propose themselves as a genuine alternative to conceptual and intervention models aiming at re-socializing and readapting people to iniquitous and unjust classist and racialized living conditions.
The Summer School aims to define and understand Liberation Psychology and provide the theoretical and participatory tools for understanding mental health in low- and middle-income countries and societies undergoing or coming to terms with geopolitical turmoil, gender disparities, economic disadvantages, and climate change.
Summer School in Classical Chinese and Classical Japanese/Kanbun
Deadline for applications: 15 April
Dates: 1 - 26 July 2024
Organised by: Department of Asian and North African Studies
This Summer school is organised in collaboration with Princeton University and offers two tracks of comprehensive, grammar-focused instruction taught by Faculty members from both Ca' Foscari and Princeton.
The programme is designed especially for students who wish to develop their linguistic expertise for graduate study in any discipline of premodern China or Japan.
Students can choose between two tracks: each track offers language classes in addition to a lecture series on topics in premodern Chinese or Japanese culture (history, literature, thought). Both tracks welcome students who are beginners in Classical Chinese or Japanese, as well as those who already have some background foundation.
Venice Summer School in Digital and Public Humanities
Deadline for applications: 15 April
Dates: 8-12 July 2024
Organised by: Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities - VeDPH
The VeDPH Summer School aims at providing advanced and in-depth training to students and scholars in theories, technologies and methods applied to historical monuments, artefacts and texts in the interdisciplinary field of Digital and Public Humanities, focusing on cultural, archaeological, historical, literary, and artistic materials from Venetian sites and cultural heritage institutions. The school will allow the participants to engage in debates about digital cultural heritage and public humanities while enhancing their competencies and skills in digitising materials and sources and modelling, analysing and visualising multimedia humanities data.
Green Chemistry Postgraduate Summer School
Deadline for applications: from 15 April (varies according to type)
Dates: 30 June - 5 July 2024
Organised by: Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
The Summer School brings together numerous experts in the field of Green Chemistry and young researchers, creating a valuable opportunity to promote and facilitate the dissemination and transfer of knowledge in this emerging field.
Participants will hone skills for their professional careers and will have the opportunity to present their research during a virtual or in-person Poster Session.
International IAS Summer School
Deadline for applications: 20 April
Dayes: 16 -21 June 2024
Organised by: Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
The Italian Aerosol Society in collaboration with Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Institute of Polar Sciences (ISP) – CNR organises an International Summer school on “Aerosol in polar and mountain areas: theoretical and practical aspect“.
The school will take place at the Scientific Campus of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. It is open to PhD students, post-docs and any researcher wishing to expand their knowledge on this topic. It offers an in-depth programme with more than 30 Italian and international speakers, on-site work at the Col Margherita atmospheric observatory and hands-on experiences offered by sponsors.
Contemporary Art & Curatorship: from Documenta to the Biennale
Deadline for applications: 21 April
Dates: 22 June - 6 July 2024, International Summer University Kassel (Uni Kassel, Germany),
8 - 19 July 2024, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Organised by: School for International Education - SIE
The Summer School in Contemporary Art and Curatorship offers students the chance to gain insight into the management principles of two of the world's most important and influential contemporary art exhibitions: Kassel documenta and La Biennale di Venezia by bringing together the expertise of scholars, artists and curators based in the hosting cities Kassel (Germany), and Venice (Italy).
The Summer School will offer two distinct but interconnected 2-week modules that together will investigate the history, management and strategies of the two art institutions. Students can enrol in one or both modules.
Arts in Venice Summer School - The Shape of Water
Deadline for applications: 21 April
Dates: 1-12 July 2024
Organised by: School for International Education - SIE, Study in Venice
This Summer school was conceived in the framework of Study in Venice, a project that brings together the four main higher education institutions in Venice - Academy of Fine Arts, Benedetto Marcello Music Conservatory, Ca' Foscari University and Iuav University of Venice. This multidisciplinary Summer school is open to students in the Humanities wishing to deepen their knowledge of a unique and fragile city: Venice. Enrolled students should have an interest in art in its broader sense – including music to contemporary art, architecture, geo-anthropological history, and more. At the end of the Summer School, students are expected to work on a final project based on their academic backgrounds and personal interests.
New Geographies of Global Risk
Deadline for applications: 21 April
Dates: 1 - 12 July 2024
Organised by: School for International Education - SIE
The current moment appears to be characterized by a proliferation of risks of every sort, with threat scenarios entering new geographical spaces and new domains: from the hard military to the digital, to the economic.
This two-week Summer School offers a unique opportunity to reflect on how understandings of global risk are changing in today’s world and to develop an appreciation of how states and other actors are attempting to secure geopolitical and geoeconomic risk, with a particular focus on maritime spaces. Taught in collaboration between Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Italian Naval Staff College, the Summer School provides students with the rare opportunity to engage with expert lecturers coming from a range of disciplinary perspectives and backgrounds, in the unique context of the Venice Arsenale.
Italian Language and Culture in Venice
Deadline for applications: 21 April
Dates: 8-19 July 2024
Organised by: School for International Education - SIE
This Italian language and culture programme is designed for participants with no previous knowledge of Italian, or for those who wish to review basic A1 skills. The Summer School aims to provide participants with a comprehensive Italian language course combined with a particular cultural focus to improve general language skills while gaining insight into aspects of Italian and Venetian culture.
The programme includes visits to the city's main sites of interest: significant works of art will be used to penetrate the myth of this unique city.
Advanced Bayesian Econometrics: Bayesian Multivariate Models and Forecasting in Economics and Finance
26 - 30 August 2024
Deadline for applications: 2 May
Organised by: Department of Economics
The course is advanced and covers state-of-the-art techniques and recent developments in Bayesian Multivariate Models, for structural analysis and forecasting, nonparametric methods and forecast combinations with a broad range of applications in economics and finance. The methods introduced in the lectures will be illustrated with hands-on applications in MATLAB. The summer schools will be held in Venice at the Department of Economics and online.
Network Econometrics
Deadline for applications: 2 May
Dates: 1- 5 July 2024
Organised by: Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari International College
The course aims to provide participants with models and tools from graph theory to analyse various effects of social, economic, and political interaction. The Summer School will host leading scholars developing relevant network modelling and inference research and their applications to various fields. It is organised by the Department of Economics in collaboration with the Venice Center for Risk Analytics for Public Policies (VERA), the Ca’ Foscari International College and the Italian Econometrics Association (SIdE). The summer school will be held in Venice at the Department of Economics and online.
Phenomenology Summer School in Venice - Foreigners, Strangers, Aliens
Deadline for applications: 10 May
Dates: 1 - 5 July 2024
Organised by: Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
“The Other” in various forms and guises has become in the past decades a fixture of philosophical inquiry. Who, or what, however, is this Other who seems to be everywhere and nowhere within contemporary thought? Which Others are included or excluded, remembered or forgotten, visible or invisible within contemporary societies? Under the encompassing heading of “Strangers, Foreigners, and Aliens,” the aim of this year's Venice Summer School in Phenomenology is to explore, across a spectrum of phenomenological approaches, the question of the Other in its many senses of being and non-being.
Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading
More information soon available on
Dates: 1 - 12 July 2024
Organised by: Department of Economics, Department of Management - Venice School of Management
Jointly organized by the ICMA Centre, the Department of Economics and the Venice School of Management – Department of Management, this Summer School offers basic knowledge of algorithmic and high-frequency trading strategies.
Industry participants estimate that 70-80% of equity trades are executed through computers. Market-makers in fixed-income and currency markets use algorithms to automatically adjust their quotes.
This module reviews the current state of the trading industry and identifies the aims, features, regulations, and limitations of three main groups of algorithmic trading strategies: market making, trade execution and statistical arbitrage. Practical seminars are used to demonstrate how to apply trading algorithms to high-frequency data.
Sustainability in the Business World
More information soon available on
Dates: 1 - 12 July 2024
Organised by: Department of Economics
Jointly organized by the ICMA Centre and the Department of Economics, this Summer School aims to give students a thorough understanding of how sustainability goals are shaping the corporate world and how this transformative process involves a wide range of stakeholders.
Its programme explores how sustainability can be incorporated into business practices and balanced with corporate growth objectives.
Students will look at how to implement sustainability objectives in a corporate environment and how governments can facilitate corporate sustainability with the right incentives and policies.
Summer School in Advanced Algorithms
More information soon
Organised by: Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
Computer science and computational thinking have become essential parts of today's culture. More and more local, national and international companies are looking for personnel specialised in these fields. The Degree Course in Computer Science at Ca' Foscari, the first to be set up in the Veneto region, is organising a course in advanced algorithms to raise awareness of computer science and computational thinking among upper secondary school students. The lectures will be held by lecturers from the degree course and will cover classic and new algorithms in computer science.