Departments and Centres

MIUR: Dipartimento di eccellenza

Departments of excellence

The Italian Ministry of University and Research awarded the top departments of Italian universities with substancial funding aimed at the devedlopment of five year-research and education projects, starting in 2023. Ca' Foscari Univesity of Venice has obtained a total funding of EUR 30 million. The projects will be implemented in the four Departments of excellence awarded:

The research of Ca' Foscari's departments

Strategic research centres

Ca' Foscari Research Hub for Global Challenges

The Ca' Foscari Research Hub for Global Challenges is a research centre gathering interdisciplinary groups, who develop avant-garde research projects to face current and future global challenges, such as: complexity, cultural heritage and digital humanities, social innovation, international studies, blue growth and green economy, innovation management. The establishment of the Hub represents the development of an initiative started by the University in 2015 to increase attractiveness and aggregation aimet at participating in international and national research funding calls.

Venice Centre for Digital & Public Humanities (VeDPH)

Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities

The Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH) supports the development, enhancement and accessibility of research and teaching in the interdisciplinary fields of Digital (DH) and Public Humanities (PH). It coordinates and facilitates the exchange and dissemination of knowledge, visions and experiences of established projects and inspiring initiatives. The VeDPH is a hub for fostering collaboration between students, researchers and the public applying digital technology and enhanced methodologies to humanities research and citizen science across sectors and disciplines. The centre, located at the Department of Humanities of Ca' Foscari University of Venice, has spaces available for group work and equipped with advanced tools and technologies.

Marco Polo Centre for Global Europe-Asia Connections (MaP)

The MaP Centre's mission is to foster collaborative scientific research and networking for the study of cultural, social, political, economic, and religious interactions across Europe, the Mediterranean region, and Asia. It aims at developing international scientific cooperation on topics such as new religious identities, social and political institutions, and the history of relations in an innovative, transcultural perspective. The scope of MaP’s activities covers also cross-cutting issues such as migration and climate change. It is part of the project of excellence of the Department of Asian and Northern African Studies.


CMCC@Ca’Foscari is the new centre on climate change, the result of a strategic partnership between Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the CMCC Foundation - Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change. Climatologists, economists, chemists and statisticians carry out national and international research on the interaction between the climate, the environment, the economy and society. The centre collaborates with the PhD course and with the professional master in Science and Management of Climate Change.

ECLT - European Centre for Living Technology

European Centre for Living Technology

ECLT - European Center for Living Technology is an international and interdisciplinary research center involving several affiliated institutions.
ECLT carries out research in the following areas: living technology, nano-biotechnology, Information and Communication Technologies, production technologies with self-organization and evolution properties, complex adaptive systems.
It hosts several research projects, funded by the European Commission and other public and private international bodies.

Center for Cultural Heritage Technology

The Center for Cultural Heritage Technology (CCHT@Ca’Foscari) of the Italian Institute of Technology aims at researching new technologies for the preservation and conservation of Cultural Heritage, both tangible and intangible. The Center engages a strong interdisciplinary infrastructure, integrating competencies and fostering cutting-edge research, to expand and improve current approaches towards new conservative solutions.

The New Institute: Centre for Environmental Humanities at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

The Venice Center for the Humanities and Social Change is part of an international network of research centres promoting initiatives with international scholars on cultural pluralism. Economic migrants, political and ecological refugees redesign world societies: Venice sets as a crossroad for civilizations fostering new and interdisciplinary visions.

Venice centre in Economic and Risk Analytics for public policies

The Venice centre in Economic and Risk Analytics for Public Policies (VERA) is the new Centre of the Department of Economics focusing on big data applied to social welfare and wellbeing, risk analytics and evaluation of public policies.

Discover all Ca' Foscari and inter-university research Centres.

Last update: 22/10/2024