Master's Degree: open admission

You can find here below the FAQs to clarify your doubts; should you not be satisfied after reading them carefully, please open a ticket through the link at the bottom of the page.

Please read also the regulations on Minors and Advanced Courses [ITA].

Entry Requirements

Are there any admission requirements for open admission Master's degrees?

Yes. These requirements are detailed on the respective site of each Master’s degree by following the path "Enrol" > "Admission ".

How are admission requirements verified?

It is necessary to participate in one of the verification procedures by filling in the online self-certification of the requirements. These requirements are detailed on the respective site of each Master’s degree by following the path "Enrol" > "Admission".

I would like to enrol in a master's degree program but I do not have the minimum curricular requirements, what can I do?

You can obtain them by following individual courses before enrolment.

What if I find errors in my evaluation or I am unable to find my name, what should I do?

Report it to admin by pressing the "Send a request" button at the bottom of the page.


Can I register if I do not meet the requirements?

No, the enrolment depends on fulfilling all the requirements, including language skills.

What are the methods of registration for an open access Master’s degree?

Consult the "Open access Master's degree" page.

I have completed the application for registration, by when will I receive confirmation? 

Within 7 working days from the payment of the first instalment. 

I registered by making the payment more than a week ago but still have not received a confirmation email, what can I do? 

Report it to admin by pressing the "Send a request" button at the bottom of the page.

I would like to fill out an enrolment application but the system asks me to choose one of my previous study careers, what should I do?

To complete the application for enrolment simply select any of your previous careers. 

When completing the registration application, a malfunction warning appears, how can I proceed? 

Re-start the registration procedure and if you see a pending process, select and cancel it. If you still cannot find it, report it to admin by pressing the "Send a request" button at the bottom of the page.

I obtained a three-year Bachelor's degree and when entering the information for my admission title I am asked for an ISTAT code, what do I do?

This means you did not indicate the correct type of title. If you have a three-year degree, go back and select "First level degree".

I inserted information / upload files in error whilst completing the enrolment application, what should I do? 

Until your matriculation is completed you can modify the data entered by recompiling the application in your Online Area.

I have completed the application for registration and paid the first instalment but I no longer want to be registered, what should I do?

Report it to admin by pressing the "Send a request" button at the bottom of the page.

Credit Recognition

I have already done some exams before enrolling on a Master's degree course, will they be credited?

Yes, various previous courses may be eligible for credit recognition.

If I am enrolled on another course of study and have applied for suspension, can I request recognition of the exams I have taken so far?

No, you cannot registrated and request previous credits if you are enrolled on another course of study and are taking advantage of a suspension.

If I have a Master Course's degree, how many credits will be recognized? 

You can receive recognition for up to a maximum of 60 credits.

In calculating the graduation mark, how will exams that have been recognized be counted?

Study activities recognized as part of a completed Bachelor's or Master's Degree will not have an impact on the admission grade for the final degree examination, while study activities recognized for individual courses and an unfinished university career terminated as a result of withdrawal, revocation or transfer will have an impact.

If I request recognition for individual courses, do I have to refer to the University/Didactic Secretary to fill in the form?

No: in the case in which you request exclusive recognition for previous study activities at Ca 'Foscari with the same teaching code as in the study program of the course you will enrol in, you can fill in the credit identification form by yourself and attach it directly to the internal procedure for completing the online application form. In the event that some courses are not included among those indicated in the study program, but are then included among the free choice exams, you will be subject to the payment of the 300.00 Euro contribution.

When will the exams credited in the student’s record book be accounted for?

The exams are accounted for in your career from January onwards. 

Can I fill out the study program even if my credits have not yet been included in the student’s record book?

Yes, you must compile the study program by including the exams that have been recognized. If, during the compilation, you do not find exact correspondence between the exams chosen and for which you have recognition, and those that are proposed to you, insert any choice of courses: you can substitute them by recompiling the study program once you have received confirmation of the inclusion of the awarded credit recognition.


I'm having trouble making the payment for the first instalment, what should I do?

Read the faqs by following the path How to pay fees.

Can I request reductions on the amount of the first instalment in the registration phase? 

You must fill in the Request for Concessions in your Online Area, complete a valid ISEE for the right to study in your favour and, if you are a student with non-EU citizenship and you meet the requirements, include your tax details.

You have not found the answer to your question, or you need further information?
Submit a support request specifying the category of your problem and including a short description.

Last update: 07/02/2025