Research support

Support to research activities

The Research Area of the University and the Research Unitsof the Departments support researchers in the application procedures and management of their projects, communicate funding opportunities through various channels and organise meetings and seminars on project planning and management.

Our researchers work within our Departments, Centres and in the University Library System.

Funding programmes

We present the main funding programmes we promote to support our researchers and their research activities. In addition, researchers have the opportunity of gaining experience abroad, which help them to create and consolidate useful networks and improve their CVs.

Research results

Ca' Foscari University promotes the research results of its professors and researchers, both nationally and internationally.

Training, information and supporting documents

The Research Area organises events and training courses addressed to different target groups (researchers, professors, administrative staff).

To foster the participation to competitive calls and smoothen the management procedures, we also organise infodays and provide supporting documents and access to research networks to create partnerships, draft successful proposals and manage funded project.

Contacts: International Research Office


The variety of our publications offers an insight into the intense activity of our Professors, Researchers, Research Fellows and PhD students and their collaboration with international organizations and businesses.

Knowledge Community

The Knowledge Community (Comunità di Conoscenza - CdC) initiative derives from the emerging need to improve the University's current organisational model; in particular, this will be achieved by reviewing the mechanisms underlying the coordination of some processes that have been distributed between the Head Offices and the Departments, with a view to minimising production costs while simultaneously coordinating and maximising the related benefits.
The Knowledge Communities activated by the University cover Research and Procurement.


Coordinator of the “Organisation” Thematic Committee: Dario Pellizzon
Research Coordinator:  Sara Zortea
Procurement Coordinator: Silvia Lovatti 

Knowledge Community - Research

The “Research” Knowledge Community was established to define a system-wide accumulation point aimed at managing research projects as well as organising and sharing knowledge, experience and practices in research topics. Such an approach will ensure an overall and balanced development of the skills the University needs to participate in research funding programmes and research project management.
The Research Knowledge Community coordinates macro-organisational analytical processes aimed at improving the performance and simplifying the institutional processes; moreover, it shares guidelines and useful materials and monitors the subsequent implementation processes of validated proposals.
Specifically, the Research Knowledge Community aims at:

  • presenting the whole process of research projects, from proposal drafting to reporting, in a multi-faceted logic;
  • mapping the relations among different activities, in order to facilitate the identification of the most appropriate coordination methods;
  • disseminating and maintaining specialist knowledge on the subject;
  • envisaging moments to collaborate on emerging and/or widespread issues (standard-setting).


Among the documents in the private area:

  • Procedures for the participation of the University in funding programmes as well as procedures for the management of research and innovation, teaching and international cooperation projects funded by Italian, European and International competitive calls.
  • Workflow on Consortium Agreements, Agreements between Beneficiaries and Third Parties as well as Partnership Agreements within the European programme framework
  • Handbook on Funded Projects Management.

Knowledge Community - Procurement

The “Procurement” Knowledge Community was established to improve the University’s organisational model, in particular by reviewing the procedures the Departments follow to purchase goods and services.
Systematising knowledge, experience and practices as well as defining and sharing an organisational accumulation point will enable the Knowledge Community to collect, analyse and share information, criticalities and data used for the overall and balanced development of the University’s Procurement System.
The Procurement Knowledge Community aims at:

  • Disseminating and maintaining expert knowledge on the subject
  • Envisaging moments to collaborate on emerging and/or widespread issues (standard-setting)
  • Identifying the most repetitive procedures in the departments
  • Identifying a set of consistent guided processes that can be used by the University Departments
  • Testing the proposed new modalities.


Among the documents available in the private area:

  • Handbook for the management of direct contracts up to € 139,000
  • Similar Measures for Procurements and Payments
  • Documentation to verify the existence of the general requirements pursuant to Art. 80 of Legislative Decree 50/2016, as amended and supplemented.

Last update: 08/10/2024