PhD in Management



Francesco Zirpoli

Coordinator of the Faculty Board

Research fields: Organizational routines, network governance, organization boundary decisions, and the organization of innovation processes.

Two selected publications: 

Full list of prof. Zirpoli's publications

Teaching Committee

Giovanni Favero

Deputy coordinator of the Faculty Board

Research fields: Organizational history, historical methods for management research, ethnostatistics, accounting history.

Two selected publications

  • G. Favero, S. Stoycheva Research methodology for ethnostatistics in organization studies: towards a historical ethnostatistics in JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL ETHNOGRAPHY, vol. 9, pp. 327-342 (ISSN 2046-6749)
    DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3729762
  • Perchard, A., MacKenzie, N., Decker, S.,  Favero, G., Clio in the business school: Historical approaches in strategy, international business and entrepreneurship in BUSINESS HISTORY, vol. 59, pp. 904-927 (ISSN 0007-6791)
    DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3685597

 Full list of prof. Favero's publications

Francesco Rullani

Job market officer

Research fields: self-organized digital innovation, digital impact, social innovation and social entrepreneurship.

Two selected publications

  • Francesco Rullani, Karin Beukel and Matteo De Angelis (2021). Anti-counterfeiting strategy unfolded: A closer look to the case of a large multinational manufacturer, Strategic Management Journal, 42, 2084–2103
  • Luca Mongelli, Pietro Versari, Francesco Rullani, Antonino Vaccaro (2018) Made in Carcere: Integral Human Development in extreme conditions, Journal of Business Ethics, 152, 977–995

Full list of prof. Rullani's publications

Sara Bonesso

Research fields: Assessment and development of emotional and social competencies in higher education, project-based open innovation, absorptive capacity, behavioral competencies for innovation and entrepreneurship, social capital formation in emerging innovative start-ups.

Two selected publications

  • Bonesso Sara, Bruni Elena, Gerli Fabrizio, 2020, Behavioral competencies of digital professionals. Understanding the role of emotional intelligence , Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN 978-3-030-33577-9)
    DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3720978
  • Bonesso Sara; Gerli Fabrizio; Pizzi Claudio; Boyatzis Richard Eleftherios, 2020. The role of intangible human capital in innovation diversification: Linking behavioral competencies with different types of innovation in INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE, vol. 29, pp. 681-681 (ISSN 1464-3650)
    DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3720129

Full list of prof. Bonesso's publications

Anna Cabigiosu

Research fields: Modularity in design, collaborative innovation, network contract, knowledge intensive business services, dominant design, integration of external sources of innovation.

Two selected publications

  • Cabigiosu, Anna Sustainable development and incumbents' open innovation strategies for a greener competence‐destroying technology: The case of electric vehicles in BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, vol. 1 (ISSN 0964-4733)
  • Cabigiosu A.; Zirpoli F.; Camuffo A. Modularity, interfaces definition and the integration of external sources of innovation in the automotive industry in RESEARCH POLICY, vol. 42, pp. 662-675 (ISSN 0048-7333)

Full list of prof. Cabigiosu's publications

Anna Comacchio
Research fields: Organisation, innovation, crowdsourcing, innovative start-ups, human resource management and competencies.
Two selected publications

  • Bruni E., Comacchio A. , 2023, Configuring a new business model through conceptual combination- The rise of the Huffington Post, Long Range Planning, vol. 56, pp. 1-22 (ISSN 0024-6301),<wbr />2022.102249
  •  Biscaro C., Comacchio A., 2018, Knowledge creation across worldviews: how metaphors impact and orient group creativity, Organization Science, vol. 29, pp. 58-79 (ISSN 1047-7039)

Full list of prof. Comacchio's publications

Michela Cordazzo

Research fields: Financial reporting, international comparative accounting, and market-based accounting.

Two selected publications

  • Michela Cordazzo; Laura Bini; Giuseppe Marzo Does the EU Directive on non-financial information influence the value relevance of ESG disclosure? Italian evidence in BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, vol. 29, pp. 3470-3483 (ISSN 1099-0836)
    DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3727614 
  • Michela, Cordazzo; Paola Rossi The influence of IFRS mandatory adoption on the value relevance of intangible assets in Italy in JOURNAL OF APPLIED ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, vol. 21, pp. 415-436 (ISSN 0967-5426)
    DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3692289 

Full list of prof. Cordazzo's publications

Caterina Cruciani

Research fields: behavioral finance, trust in financial institutions, lending models in banking, sustainable finance

Two selected publications

  • Cruciani C.; Gardenal G.; Rigoni U. Trust-formation processes in financial advisors: A structural equation model in THE QUARTERLY REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE: JOURNAL OF THE MIDWEST ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION, vol. 82, pp. 185-199 (ISSN 1062-9769)
  • Caterina, Cruciani Investor decision-making and the role of the financial advisor. A behavioural finance approach , Palgrave MacMillan (ISBN 978-3-319-68234-1)

Full list of prof. Cruciani's publications

Marco Fasan

Research fields: Accounting, Corporate Governance, Sustainability.

Two selected publication

  • Fasan M, Gotti G.; Roberts S.G.; Robertson C.B.J. Language in Economics and Accounting Research: The Role of Linguistic History in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING, vol. 56 (3) (ISSN 1094-4060)
  • Flores E.; Fasan Marco; Mendes-da-Silva W.; Sampaio J.O. Integrated reporting and capital markets in an international setting: The role of financial analysts in BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, vol. 28, pp. 1465-1480 (ISSN 0964-4733)

Full list of prof. Fasan's publications

Valentina Fava

Research fields: Business History, History of the Economic Cold War, Transport and Mobility History, History of Technology 

Two selected publications

  • Fava V. and Kulikov V. (2022 FORTHCOMING), Recent Trends in the Business History of Russia: The Blurry Borders of the Discipline in BUSINESS HISTORY REVIEW, VOL. 96 
  • Fava V. Between business interests and ideological marketing: The USSR and the cold war in Fiat corporate strategy, 1957–1972 in JOURNAL OF COLD WAR STUDIES, vol. 20, pp. 26-64

Full list of prof. Fava's publications

Vladi Finotto

Research fields: Entrepreneurship, evolution of higher education systems, manufacturing-innovation colocation, distributed innovation, strategy.

Two selected publications

Full list of prof. Finotto's publications

Pietro Lanzini

Research fields: Consumer behavior, sustainability, sustainable mobility, behavioral spillover, Corporate Social Responsibility.

Two selected publications

  • Lanzini, P. (2017). Responsible Citizens and Sustainable Consumer Behavior: New Interpretative Frameworks. Routledge.
  • Lanzini, P., & Khan, S. A. (2017). Shedding light on the psychological and behavioral determinants of travel mode choice: A meta-analysis. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 48, 13-27.

Full list of prof. Lanzini's publications

Maria Lusiani

Research fields: Management accounting, strategy-as-practice, accounting-as-practice,  qualitative research methods, public and non-profit management.

Christine Mauracher

Research fields: consumer behavior, agri-food marketing, wine business.

Two selected publications: 

Vladi Finotto; Christine Mauracher (2021), Digital marketing strategies in the Italian wine sector in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBALISATION AND SMALL BUSINESS, vol. 11, pp. 373-390 (ISSN 1479-3059)

Procidano I.; Mauracher C.; Valentini M. (2020), Consumers’ perception of Prosecco wine packaging: A pilot study in Padua and Milan in ECONOMIA AGRO-ALIMENTARE, vol. 23, pp. 1-23

Full list of Prof. Mauracher's publications

Maurizio Massaro

Research fields: Strategy innovation, business model innovation, intellectual capital, knowledge management.

Two selected publications: 

Full list of prof. Massaro's publications


Anna Moretti

Research fields:  Network governance, network failure, collaborative innovation, trust, inter-organizational relationships in the automotive industry, tourism destination management and governance.

Two selected publications

  • Moretti, Anna The Network Organization. A Governance perspective on structure, dynamics, and performance , Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN 978-3-319-52092-6; 978-3-319-52093-3)
    DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3686396 
  • Moretti, Anna; Zirpoli, Francesco A Dynamic Theory of Network Failure: The Case of the Venice Film Festival and the Local Hospitality System in ORGANIZATION STUDIES, vol. 37, pp. 607-633 (ISSN 0170-8406)
    DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3673293 

Full list of prof. Moretti's publications

Massimiliano Nuccio

Research fields: Digital innovation, business analytics, cultural and creative industries, urban and regional studies

Two selected publications

  • Guerzoni, M., Nava, C.R. and Nuccio, M., 2021. Start-ups survival through a crisis. Combining machine learning with econometrics to measure innovation. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 30(5), pp.468-493.
  • Nuccio, M. and Guerzoni, M., 2019. Big data: Hell or heaven? Digital platforms and market power in the data-driven economy. Competition & Change, 23(3), pp.312-328.

Full list of prof. Nuccio's publications

Fabrizio Panozzo

Research fields: Sociological and philosophical approaches to management, critical management studies, management of arts and culture, public and nonprofit management.

Full list of prof. Panozzo's publications

Gabriele Paolacci 

Research fields: Consumer behavior, judgment and decision-making, behavioral research methods.

Two selected publications

  • Leung, E., Paolacci, G., Puntoni, S. (2018). Man versus Machine: Resisting Automation in Identity-Based Consumer Behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 55(6), 818-831.
  • Rick, S., Paolacci, G., Burson, K. (2018). Income Tax and the Motivation to Work. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 31(5), 619-631.

Full list of prof. Paolacci's publications

Alessandra Perri

Research fields: Innovation strategies in multinational firms and their subsidiaries, knowledge spillover from foreign direct investment, international knowledge sourcing, emerging countries’ technological catch-up, international knowledge networks and connectivity.

Two selected publications

  • A Marino, R Mudambi, A Perri, VG Scalera Ties that bind: Ethnic inventors in multinational enterprises’ knowledge integration and exploitation Research Policy 49 (9), 103956 
  • VG Scalera, A Perri, TJ Hannigan Knowledge connectedness within and across home country borders: Spatial heterogeneity and the technological scope of firm innovations Journal of International Business Studies 49 (8), 990-1009

Raffaele Pesenti

Research fields: Logistics, transportation, optimization, mean field games, complex systems, efficiency assessment.

Two selected publications 

  • Franco Blanchini, Daniele Casagrande, Filippo Fabiani, Giulia Giordano, David Palma, Raffaele Pesenti A threshold mechanism ensures minimum‑path flow in lightning discharge in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol. 11, pp. 280 (ISSN 2045-2322)
    DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3733961 
  • Raffaele Pesenti; Paola Pellegrini; Joaquin Rodriguez Efficient train re-routing and rescheduling: valid inequalities and reformulation of RECIFE-MILP in TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL, vol. 120, pp. 33-48 (ISSN 0191-2615)
    DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3708789

Full list of prof. Pesenti's publications

Ugo Rigoni

Research fields: Bank management, behavioural finance, business sustainability, investment services and securities industry.

Two selected publications

  • 2020, Giorgia Simion, Elisa Cavezzali, Siva Nathan, Ugo Rigoni Market discipline on bank bond issues through the lens of a new forward‐looking measure of loan quality in EUROPEAN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, vol. 26, pp. 1350-1384 (ISSN 1468-036X)
    DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3726390
  • 2018, Hussain, Nazim; Rigoni, Ugo; Orij, René P. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Performance: Analysis of Triple Bottom Line Performance in JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, vol. 149, pp. 411-432 (ISSN 0167-4544)
    DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3668190

Full list of prof. Rigoni's publications

Chiara Saccon

Research fields: Financial reporting, international comparative accounting, group accounting, auditing, harmonization and convergence processes in accounting regulation, accounting theories.

Full list of prof. Saccon's publications

Marco Tolotti

Research fields: Contagion models with applications to credit risk, dynamics of conformism attitudes in random utility models with social interactions, price formation in market games with many interacting and boundedly rational agents.

Two selected publications

  • Tolotti, Marco; Yepez, Jorge Hotelling-Bertrand duopoly competition under firm-specific network effects in JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION, vol. 176, pp. 105-128 (ISSN 0167-2681) 
  • Marsiglio, Simone; Tolotti, Marco Motivation crowding-out and green-paradox-like outcomes in JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMIC THEORY, vol. 22, pp. 1559-1583 (ISSN 1097-3923)

Full list of prof. Tolotti's publications

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