
San Sebastiano, Dorsoduro 1686, 30123 Venice
map - accessible route


BDA suspends its activities on the following days:

  • 1, 21, 22 November 2024
  • from 24 December 2024 to 6 January 2025


The following are BDA-specific activities:

  • management of digital information resources (contracting, acquisition process, budgeting, monitoring and usage statistics)
  • management of the Library System's technological infrastructure (configuration, maintenance and implementation of platforms and applications in use)
  • research support
  • communication and social media, updating of the Library System website
  • support for the digital conversion of paper-based products (digitisation projects for Phaidra)
  • support for other facilities:

    • integration of Interlibrary loan and Document Delivery services for BALI and BAUM
    • running the secretariat of the Ethics Committee
    • legal digital repository of ECF publications in Phaidra and cataloguing of ebooks for Edizioni Ca' Foscari.

Research support

  • ARCA Institutional Repository, Open Access and Open Science consultancy, publishing policies, Data Management Plan, tel. +39 041 234 7385 / 7390
  • APC (Article processing charges) workflow, tel. +39 041 234 7345 / 7385 / 7390

In collaboration with the other libraries and the Research office, BDA provides support to lecturers, researchers and PhD students in their activities to enhance the academic literature and research carried out at the University.

BDA offers consultancy services on open science and open access issues in the following areas:

  • providing consultancy for the deposit of research products in ARCA (institutional repository)
  • monitoring the consistency of ARCA's metadata, reclaiming and enriching the quality of the institutional repository
  • providing support on author benefits and APC (Article Processing Charge)
  • providing consultancy on open science and open access issues
  • providing advice on publishing policies and copyright
  • providing support on data management of DMP
  • providing training proposals for PhD students and researchers on Open Science, Open Access and publishing policies (webinars, Moodle courses, information pills)
  • organising events and training meetings on Open Science and Open Access

More information can be found in the research support section.

SBA technology infrastructure support

  • Help desk access, query, malfunctioning resources and platforms:, tel. +39 041 234 7351 / 7341

In collaboration with the Computer Services and Telecommunications Area (ASIT), BDA is in charge of managing the technological infrastructure of the Library System – configuration, maintenance and implementation of the platforms and applications that the SBA has adopted and that make it possible to use and access digital resources:

  • cerCa’
  • Venetian Consortium catalogue
  • databases
  • e-journals catalogue

Help Desk

Contact our help desk service if:

  • you have problems with one of the applications or platforms in use (cerCa', Venetian Consortium Catalogue...)
  • you cannot consult a database or an electronic journal
  • you have problems with remote access (VPN, proxy, IDEM GARR)
  • encounter other types of malfunctioning of electronic resources

The service is aimed at both Ca’ Foscari members (library staff, students, lecturers) and external users.

Help Desk [ITA]

Web communication and social media

  • Web and social media communication, SBA website update:, tel. +39 041 234 7385 / 7345

In collaboration with the other libraries and the Communication Office, BDA oversees institutional communication on behalf of the SBA through its web pages and social media.

Specific activities of BDA:

  • updating the web pages of the Library System website;
  • content processing for the social media of the Research Area.

General Contacts

General information
Electronic Resources Purchase
Director: Daniela Grandin
Tel. +39 041 234 7347 / +39 335 545 6840